Halloween by far is my favorite event in the Guild Wars universe. The Mad King is brilliant and the new addition of his son this year is a very welcomed addition. Kudos to the writing team for putting together such a masterpiece. And this is only 2 days in!
That being said, there is a lot of negative response about this years event, particularly in comparison to last years. From the events, to the achievements, to the rewards, it’s certainly tiring and greatly discouraging reading thread upon thread of Halloween hate.
I was surprised by the methods of acquisition for the Halloween weapons this year. RNG and fairy tale grinds. It was baffling and honestly I wasn’t mad or upset or stressed out – just confused as to why this method was preferred over Last year’s. I had planned on spending this year’s event building The Crossing, but after seeing the recipe requirements I decided against it and dropped all my gold on the item outright.
I understand this is an option for few, and it is really something I shouldn’t even have done – I was saving that money for the Tailoring ascension. This brings me to my next point.
Lately there has been a pattern of content that forces the player to play one way or another. This current living story is the most prolific example. Many players are anxious for festive events because they bring some of the best skin rewards in the game to a wide variety of people. Many were looking forward this year to achieving one of last year’s skins. What we see now, are significantly less available skins, complete removal (as of yet) of particular popular skins, and other popular skins becoming locked behind an unrealistic materials grind.
As per usual, most feedback is coming from the rewards and the current grind for three particular weapon skins. This year, the recipes are locked behind a grind that essentially requires massive amounts of time and gold, as you are unlikely to farm all of the materials yourself. Last year these skins were quite available if you were willing to put in the effort. Recently, there was an interview (PAX) in which a developer stated that rewards should be acquired through playing the game, and that players should not have to deviate from their fun to acquire rewards – many feel that RNG boxes, especially those containing event-specific items, defeat the entire purpose of this paradigm.
Not only that, but the new skins are not even able to be acquired through playing the new content. They are locked in RNG boxes. A method of acquisition that players regularly speak against.