Lunatic Inquisition "Mad King Commands"
It’s a double edged sword.
As a ghost you can use up to 4 (if I remember correctly) different Mad King says commands. There are different cooldowns on one another, so you can spam it 4 times in succession. If you fail to comply, then you are stunned and damaged.
However if you successfully complete one, you get extra score for it.
The most notable effect of the skill however is that it forces the players to drop the bundles from their hands.
Btw, I love being the ghost from the beginning, it’s so much fun.
The commands refresh villagers’ stealth as well.
The command are overpowered, plain and simple.
It makes it far too easy to counter any sort of defense a villager has, whether that be running away, using items, or stealthing.
Maybe if you could comply while still moving, (and maybe do not block other skills, since villagers already has a lot of free skill slots open), it would be more balanced imo. I think ghosts already has some powerful tools other than ‘mad king says’. But I guess there’s the technical problem of not being able to emote while moving.
How about rooting ghosts in place when you cast it instead, so it’s fair for both sides. …Unless you are being chased by two or more ghosts that is.