Mad King outfit
They haven’t said one way or the other yet. I don’t mind if they include the old ones again, because the Mad King outfit and the Witch outfit are both fantastically fun, especially the witch, since it enables costume brawl for everyone in an area. I’ve had a lot of fun with both of them, and I don’t mind if I see a lot more of them right after Halloween. It’ll slack off over time, just like last year, just like any other popular skin.
I do hope there are more, however, (and I expect there to be, whether or not the old ones return,) because Halloween has such enormous potential for cool and interesting outfits.
They always reveal gem store stuff later on
the old outfit will most likely be there along with a new outfit.
~ I taught cows how to Moo! ~
I need that mask of the night. Just sayin’, i need it.
cant wait for new outfits if there is any. id love to buy alt the old outfit too!
Too bad you can remove costume brawl combat status at any time now. Had fondest of memories fearing people off cliff or denying them entrance to cauldron.
…I may have used costume brawl fear to “accidentally” drive people into fish head mines on the Splintered Coast…
I hope we get the jester costume that was datamined. My whole guild needs those as a uniform.
I had sorta been hoping for a neat Halloween armor set but I doubt that’ll happpen.
I had sorta been hoping for a neat Halloween armor set but I doubt that’ll happpen.
that would be cool but if it doesnt happen this maybe next year if they see the sugestion