No "sneak peek" on Halloween Event
Yea this was very surprising. Everyone asked it on the livestream chat, a zillion times.
Two developers were looking at – and responding to – that chat channel, then another two developers were looking at the same chat channel, as well.
And it was ignored completely.
Reminder: the following is in HUGE letters on the website:
Developer Livestream – October 14
Take a spooky sneak peek at the Blood and Madness release with ArenaNet devs during the preview livestream on our Twitch channel on Monday, October 14 at 12PM PDT.
(edited by Buttercup.5871)
Looks like it was just a change of plans to show off some of the class revisions, which is a semi-major thing happening tomorrow, even if it’s not as flashy as the holiday event. They’ve had to reschedule particular livestreams before, which is inconvenient if you want to watch a particular one, but it’s just something that happens. Maybe someone who was supposed to present got sick or something.
They use the sPVP area for easy access to weapons and training dummies.
I was gonna post the same thing. Kinda disappointed we didn’t get any preview of the Halloween stuff (but we’ll get to play it tomorrow I guess). The skill changes are part of the Blood and Madness, I guess.
Please give us a keyring…
I was more interested in the halloween stuff. The other stuff I could have easily read off the patch notes :/
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The
Yes, they are part of it, but not the part that was advertised to be shown. The live stream ad came before any description of the class changes, and yet was totally left out.
I understand why in the spvp area – that makes sense, what doesn’t make sense is how they seem to think that was an appropriate “sneak peek”.
I was more interested in the halloween stuff. The other stuff I could have easily read off the patch notes :/
Me too. The only thing that was something I think the livestream was useful for is displaying the condition floaters and showing how to turn them off (if desired).
Everything else was easily gathered from patch notes and they didn’t even cover everything to make that be their reasoning.
At least a little common courtesy to acknowledging the MANY people asking about that would have been nice. Seems once again the “lalala I cant see or hear you lalala” syndrome was very prevalent.
At least a little common courtesy to acknowledging the MANY people asking about that would have been nice. Seems once again the “lalala I cant see or hear you lalala” syndrome was very prevalent.
Unfortunately, and very sadly, this is true.
Was there anything on FB or twitter that said they changed the plan to show the Halloween content?
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The
Technically we DID get a sneak peek.
They showed us (some of) the balancing changes made, which are a rather major part of the release.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
No, that isn’t what was promised.
Nothing said about balancing or anything at the top of the advert and it said (quoted)
Take a spooky sneak peek at the Blood and Madness release with ArenaNet devs during the preview livestream on our Twitch channel on Monday, October 14 at 12PM PDT.
Then it went into rewards (still about Halloween stuff until the last one about WvW)
THEN (far separated from the details) it went into balance changes and quality of life fixes. These are merely part of the data patch, not the Blood and Madness event. While they are important, they are not effects of the release and could have been done any week.
So, they need better writers for content, or they need to own up and do the sneak peek that was promised (of which I know neither will happen – but doesn’t change the need)
It was technically a sneak peek, but most definitely not a peek of what they actually advertised.
Still, problems can arise on test servers, bugs, et cetera. Perhaps they had a last minute change due to unforeseen circumstances, that said community relations should have told us.
It does however not say anything at all about previewing the Blood and Madness EVENT, it says Blood and Madness RELEASE, which involve said balancing changes.
It is quite likely that they didn’t show anything from the actual event in order to avoid spoiling stuff for people. It wouldn’t be the first time.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
We knew earlier today that it would be about balance.
We knew earlier today that it would be about balance
I assume you mean the `royal we´.
I, and I am sure many others, do not use facebook as such the only information provided is taken from the official release page, which apparently was grossly misleading.
I assume you mean the `royal we´.
I, and I am sure many others do not use facebook as such I only have the info provided by the official release page.
Which would mean that you simply misunderstood what they actually wrote on the release page. There is nothing (nor have there been) anything that says that they would preview the new Halloween event.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I assume you mean the `royal we´.
I, and I am sure many others do not use facebook as such I only have the info provided by the official release page.
Which would mean that you simply misunderstood what they actually wrote on the release page
. There is nothing (nor have there been) anything that says that they would preview the new Halloween event.
“Spooky sneak peek” was pretty misleading when it was just a balance preview.
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant
There is nothing (nor have there been) anything that says that they would preview the new Halloween event.
Hence my post stating that it was misleading.
Take a spooky sneak peek at the Blood and Madness release with ArenaNet devs during the preview livestream on our Twitch channel on Monday, October 14 at 12PM PDT.”
It is impossible to read that text without coming away thinking that you would get a preview of the Haloween content.
I am not actually upset about not getting a Halloween preview I am quite capable of waiting a day, I am only slightly irked from being mislead. If the text stated PvP balance preview I would not have an issue at all.
The advertisment for the coming Blood and Madness event said there was going to be a sneak peek on the live feed that just happened.
There was no sneak peek! What is up with that?
All you did was run to “buy” more weapons and show 1 area (spvp) area.
Did you forget? Or was it an empty promise?
Agreed. I went to the twitch and there was no sneak peak for halloween stuff at all.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
There’s really no sense in trying to justify the sneak peak we got with the one advertised on the Halloween event page. There’s no need to. Obviously, one thing was planned when the event page was written, something came up, and they had to change the plan, which is why we got something else. The Facebook announcement reflected the change (even if they didn’t acknowledge that there was a change,) and the Halloween release page was just plain outdated…which isn’t shocking, if the change was at all a last minute thing. Should that have been acknowledged a little more? Possibly, yeah, but a last minute change to the release page isn’t going to inform that many people. That’s what social media is good at and traditional web is not, quick changes.
What really baffles me are the people who make a big point about how they were lied to, like there is any possible motive for luring people in with a preview of Halloween content, then switching them with a balance patch preview. It’s perfectly reasonable to be disappointed or frustrated, but the idea that anyone was being intentionally mislead is absurd.
the idea that anyone was being intentionally mislead is absurd.
Indeed, it was undoubtedly accidental and to suggest that they willfully hoodwinked people is quite ludicrous.
That said they did not do all they could to clarify the situation, a simple post of the forum a tweet on top of the facebook post, would have gone a long way to help.
There’s really no sense in trying to justify the sneak peak we got with the one advertised on the Halloween event page. There’s no need to. Obviously, one thing was planned when the event page was written, something came up, and they had to change the plan, which is why we got something else. The Facebook announcement reflected the change (even if they didn’t acknowledge that there was a change,) and the Halloween release page was just plain outdated…which isn’t shocking, if the change was at all a last minute thing. Should that have been acknowledged a little more? Possibly, yeah, but a last minute change to the release page isn’t going to inform that many people. That’s what social media is good at and traditional web is not, quick changes.
What really baffles me are the people who make a big point about how they were lied to, like there is any possible motive for luring people in with a preview of Halloween content, then switching them with a balance patch preview. It’s perfectly reasonable to be disappointed or frustrated, but the idea that anyone was being intentionally mislead is absurd.
well the sneak peak was for blood and madness (that’s exactly what it said) but all it showed was some class changes. People wanted to see the halloween stuff. I myself was under the impression that it was for a sneak peak regarding halloween stuff.
I don’t think anyone is saying that this was done intentionally, but you can see how easily anyone could have been mislead about it.
I don’t understand why they didn’t just say it was a look at some class changes, because it had nothing to do with blood and madness lol..
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
“Spooky sneak peek” was pretty misleading when it was just a balance preview.
To be fair, with the amount of inconsistent buffs and consistent nerfs, balance patches are always scary for, us, necromancers.
They’ve done a pretty disappointing job of hyping halloween and pumping people up this time around.
I assume you mean the `royal we´.
I, and I am sure many others do not use facebook as such I only have the info provided by the official release page.
Which would mean that you simply misunderstood what they actually wrote on the release page
. There is nothing (nor have there been) anything that says that they would preview the new Halloween event.
“Spooky sneak peek” was pretty misleading when it was just a balance preview.
This! AMEN! As I said, need better content writers to not mislead the constituency.
There is nothing (nor have there been) anything that says that they would preview the new Halloween event.
Hence my post stating that it was misleading.
Take a spooky sneak peek at the Blood and Madness release with ArenaNet devs during the preview livestream on our Twitch channel on Monday, October 14 at 12PM PDT.”It is impossible to read that text without coming away thinking that you would get a preview of the Haloween content.
I am not actually upset about not getting a Halloween preview I am quite capable of waiting a day, I am only slightly irked from being mislead. If the text stated PvP balance preview I would not have an issue at all.
I agree completely. I scheduled a break for work to be able to see it to adjust for the timezone, and honestly I could have used my break more enjoyable because honestly class *in*balancing and skill nerfs are nothing I can affect and not something I was anxious to spend my time watching. Some people would have liked to watch, but those same people would have watched if it said “get a sneak peek at our pvp balancing” or something similar.