Now what? im so confused.
If you put the Prince back in the box, then you’re done. There’s no Reapers Rumble this year and no quest to stop the Mad King. You can play Mad King Says by the fountain in Lion’s Arch. That’s it and yes, it is short and disappointing. I started not long after Halloween last year, bought the game partially because my friends said how much fun Halloween was…well by now they’ve all quit and I wouldn’t recommend it to others based on this event…
Thank you scar, Thank you so much. Get ready to see more of this people.
In short Scar, there was a dungeon last year where you killed the mad king, unfortunately for some unknown stupid reason they removed it this year. So in a nutshell. This year halloween is the 10 min instance which then tells you to go into the labyrinth (enter one of the mad king or bloody prince doors). In there you don’t really have any story or anything. Just some events that give you some loot.
The game doesn’t tell you the stuff you can do for halloween and idk why but, if you want to try out all the content best to use dulfy. Google that and she has all the recent content coverage/guides. I know what your thinking, how stupid that we need to use a guide/outside source to not miss out on the content….
You made my day
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The
WOW!!! I was expecting some kind of a climax in the story line on Halloween. I guess what confused me the most is, if the whole thing is done, why do I still have that golem eating up my inventory space! Well, ty very much for helping me out, at least I know to stop looking it up online. Happy Halloween!!!!
Jeez, it wasn’t that bad. The bloody prince fight was surprisingly awful, but I felt the rest of Halloween was done well. I wasn’t around last year, however.
Jeez, it wasn’t that bad. The bloody prince fight was surprisingly awful, but I felt the rest of Halloween was done well. I wasn’t around last year, however.
I’m picturing the Prince and King standing in the Labyrinth trading the same canned quips for the next year…it’s a sad picture…
Jeez, it wasn’t that bad. The bloody prince fight was surprisingly awful, but I felt the rest of Halloween was done well. I wasn’t around last year, however.
If you were around for last year, you would know that basically everything was copied from last year, the labyrinth, the tower, the inquisition, mad king says… and the only thing they added was a huge grind for a mini and a bloody prince fight which you admit was terrible. Oh also RNG black lion chest skins. They get minimal credit this year for kitten they did last year, especially when the stuff they add is just dreadful. The entire event was such a non starter that people are confused when its over, left wondering, is that really all there is?
I think that A-Net should learn from this Halloween of what not to do for a holiday event. I hope they do because if this same thing happens for Winter’s Day, expect most of the fan-base to quit the game.
Was tempted to make a thread myself but I guess replying in here will have the same effect. I really do hope ANET read this post.
Ive been playing since launch and the one event I can always remember was Halloween 2012. The content was varied but not too much as to tie you down for long periods of time. After 4.5hrs I finally completed the Clocktower and I can honestly say it was the most worthwhile thing ive done in GW2.
Fast forward to two weeks ago and im all excited! The thought of new content gets my heart racing! Maybe a new Clocktower? Maybe a new/revamped dungeon? Maybe some more mini games to play and a whole new story? Well Halloween comes around and im thinking “okay….this is a little lackluster… but in a couple of weeks time maybe more Halloween content will be released!”. I was wrong.
Last Halloween was the best time ive had in GW2. This Halloween has been a shambles. Apart from the new story and 10 min instance (doesnt even classify as a boss fight IMO) there is half of the content of last year and even that is recycled! For so long ive defended the Living Story and said to countless people in my guild and in map chat that the Living Story was a very good way of making regular content. This Halloween is the first time ive been forced to swallow my words.
Its almost as if ANET didnt have a team working on Halloween just so they could get the Tower content out. In my opinion ANET should have given us a proper Halloween holiday of one month and waited with the Tower content until its officially over. Hell….you can easily tie the two stories together even! Mad King’s influence in the real world yada yada.
Im disappointed in ANET for not giving us a proper Halloween and hope that this isnt going to happen again with the other holidays.
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!
While I’m also somewhat disappointed with the Halloween release, my main complaint isn’t the fact that there’s recycled content. It’s actually that Halloween 2013 feels shallower compared to 2012. IMO they should have returned most of the 2012 content (Reaper’s Rumble, scavenger hunt, Ascent to Madness, last year’s weapons), introduced the Bloody Prince, have the conflict between the Prince and King played up a little more (e.g. link the events in the Labyrinth to the Prince attempting to launch a foray against Thorn’s forces, or vice versa), and toned down the crazy grind needed for the new Halloween items.
The fact that Halloween also got sandwiched between Twilight Assault and Tower of Nightmares also takes away from the appeal of Halloween, I feel. It splits up the player base more, forcing them to go to wherever the current interest (read: zerg) is. As a result, the Labyrinth is now all but abandoned, despite the fact that there’s still two more weeks of Halloween to go.
Happy halloween. The golem and most other stuff gives out I throw out after a day if it doesnt do anything. Yeah I think everyone was waiting for a dungeon to come out when the mad king came out on the 30th. Unfortunately we were all let down.
Good luck and Have fun
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The
Was tempted to make a thread myself but I guess replying in here will have the same effect. I really do hope ANET read this post.
Ive been playing since launch and the one event I can always remember was Halloween 2012. The content was varied but not too much as to tie you down for long periods of time. After 4.5hrs I finally completed the Clocktower and I can honestly say it was the most worthwhile thing ive done in GW2.
Fast forward to two weeks ago and im all excited! The thought of new content gets my heart racing! Maybe a new Clocktower? Maybe a new/revamped dungeon? Maybe some more mini games to play and a whole new story? Well Halloween comes around and im thinking “okay….this is a little lackluster… but in a couple of weeks time maybe more Halloween content will be released!”. I was wrong.
Last Halloween was the best time ive had in GW2. This Halloween has been a shambles. Apart from the new story and 10 min instance (doesnt even classify as a boss fight IMO) there is half of the content of last year and even that is recycled! For so long ive defended the Living Story and said to countless people in my guild and in map chat that the Living Story was a very good way of making regular content. This Halloween is the first time ive been forced to swallow my words.
Its almost as if ANET didnt have a team working on Halloween just so they could get the Tower content out. In my opinion ANET should have given us a proper Halloween holiday of one month and waited with the Tower content until its officially over. Hell….you can easily tie the two stories together even! Mad King’s influence in the real world yada yada.
Im disappointed in ANET for not giving us a proper Halloween and hope that this isnt going to happen again with the other holidays.
Well said. This was exactly what I went through. I have been enjoying and defending the living story events and very much looking forward to new Halloween stuff after last year. I kept waiting for them to bring out the rest of the new stuff… and nothing. I’m disappointed with a major event for the first time in this game since launch.
I like that my hand is not held from one quest to the next.
The release notes have more information, but your out of luck for Mad King Says, that ended at 9 am today. This was my first Halloween event, I liked it and and was happy for the Candy Corn Mini and Candy Corn Node. I did need help from a guild member to finish off the bloody prince.
Im very lost in this Halloween festival, I just started gw2 six weeks ago, so it is still fairly new to me, and I was extremely psyched when I found out about the Halloween festival. But, now what.
I got my candy corn, I put him in the box, Why is it so hard to find out what to do next, I have had to search the forums, and wiki, and elsewhere on the internet to figure out where to go.
So, I pull out my golem, and he still is saying the same thing. Should I have been able to do " mad king says", and since its Halloween, shouldn’t we be able to kill the mad king?
When I am doing a quest, shouldn’t the next step be in the quest tracker, I spent to much time trying to figure out where everything is, I still haven’t figured out where the “reapers rumble” is, and when and where is this “mad king says”, and where do I need to go to do the mad king instance where you get to defeat him?
Can anyone help me by telling me where I am supposed to go to do the last of the “Blood and Madness” quest line?
Dear Scar,
Your confusion is quite understandable. I have been playing this game since release and to be honest the quality of this years Halloween event is nothing compared to last years taking into account that it had many recycled elements from last years. 2012 Halloween had 4 acts. The first 2 act was about racing around Tyria taking part in a scavanger hunt to get the Mad Memoires. It was a lot of fun and the story was great. And then came the 3rd part, man it was awesome!! I ll remember this scene my whole life I am sure of it. Entering the Mad Kings realm (dungeon) was awesome. It was creative and fun, with a chance to get some good loot. The last act was the Mad King says part just like this year. Last time we had another mini game so called Reapers Rumble, will not know why did they have taken it out this year.
Basicly what they’ve chaged from last year is that they’ve updated Mad Kings tower for the better I must say, there were quite a lot of problems with it back then. Updated Mad Kings Labirynth I liked the dialoges between Eddrick and his father, but thats it. Brought us some new Halloween skins. And the 2 new insatnces with the Bloody Prince.
To be honest I had expected much more from them. Some more storytelling would ve been nice. IE:
Phase 1: Bloody prince getting out of the box doing nasty things all across Tyria, you have to stop him however you can!
Phase 2: You go on a scavanger hunt to find out how to put him back in his box.
Phase 3: You put him back, but you know it wont last for long.
Phase 4: He breaks out again, and you have to enter the Bloody Prince’s realm and defeat him there! (new dungeon)
Just some ideas and it did not take me 4 mins to come up with them. It would ve required Anet to do some work with it, but it seems they dont take Halloween as serious as other Living Story events. And why would they? Not like people have holidays and tons of freetime this time around to play some MMO.
I must admit, they are doing a great job turning away great numbers of players from the game at once. If they keep on doing things like this I might not have anybody left to play with. I ve been waiting for this years Halloween , and Wintersday with excitement, now I just afraid of Wintersday taking a downfall as well.
In the collaboration thread, the lead writer admitted that guidance through living story elements is very lacking, so its something they’re trying to fix.