tons of tonics

tons of tonics

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Myst Dawnbringer.9138

Myst Dawnbringer.9138

Last year we could turn tonics into Mad King Chests. Why o Why can’t we do it this year. Now I like a tonic as well as the next guy but I happen to have a ton of them and all they really do is take up room in storage. And this was a good way to get rid of some of them since they are account bound and pretty much useless. So please put the Mad King Chests back or give us something to do with the tonics besides turn them into other tonics. The chests actually contained things you could use or want.

tons of tonics

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Tasida.4085


If they don’t repeat disposal like last year,you can unload all the mass amounts of tonics easily enough. Just deduct say 249 of 250 into a seperate stack and sell the 249. You’ll still be stuck with the 1 but you can trash it or use it. I had over 1.5k in halloween and xmas tonics. Tripped up on that lil trick and in the end made gold off them. See if that will help….GAME ON

Noble Dragons (NOBL) rocking GW’s since 2005 now rocking the Sorrow’s Furnace Server!

tons of tonics

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Myst Dawnbringer.9138

Myst Dawnbringer.9138

Seems many of the tonics I would like to get rid of are account bound. I would love to sell them on TP. Hell, I would give them away.