Account-wide boosts
Well you get more % boost each day if you meet the achievement point requirement.I’m pretty sure they will also release more chests beyond 2500 achievement points as we go on.
Also this account-wide boost wasn’t meant to be something significant,just a little boost to give you a bit more incentive to get achievement points.
its free and is just a little bonus that we can strive for?
also at 2500 points you get 1% Account wide Gold Find, Karma Gain
2% Account wide XP Gain
im sure they get better the higher we go
500 chest = +1% Magic Find
1000 chest = +1% Gold Find
1500 chest = +1% Karma Gain
2000 chest = +1% XP Gain
2500 chest = +1% Gold Find, +1% Karma Gain, +2% XP Gain.
So after the 2500 chest that looks like +1% Magic Find, +2% Gold Find, +2% Karma Gain, +3% XP Gain
They might be small numbers, but it looks like they are going to increase as you get more points (based on the 2500 chest), and it’s more than you had for free ‘per character’ yesterday.
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