(edited by SeanBeasy.8305)
Adnul Irongut. The Gate Keeper
I am stuck on him as well… tried countless times, almost one twice..
With this guy more then the others i feel the goal is to survive more then to punish because he is a norn and you can’t really beat a norn at drinking. His signature move is what makes it really hard.
Regen booster and food = win?
Cheat to win a bugged NPC? Dakenster you are a lifesaver!
Regen booster and food = win?
I rather beat him legit instead of cheat but that’s just me.
Regen booster and food = win?
I rather beat him legit instead of cheat but that’s just me.
I actually agree, not sure why nourishment or boosters are allowed, given what happened in dragon ball. But, science!
Edit: I need to test water fields and whether this works against other players as well, then will submit a bug report.
Edit Edit: Regen works against player opponents with a belcher table.
(edited by DaKenster.5801)
I, too, have hit this problem.
Almost had him dead and then he just spams his signature until I die.
Using boast also for when I am at low HP…doesn’t work out to well when he spams his signature.
Tried him for 3 hrs…finally gave up. Pointless achievement that will eventually be fixed.
I tried every single combo you can unlock…none helped.
It’s basically flat-out luck because he can spam his special, block your heals(he cheats), block your bluffs, etc. Plus, the AI have unlimited specials while we only get ONE use. Totally unfair for this guy.
It took a while, but I beat him legit. Only real advice I can give is to watch his patterns. I found that by leading with water (which he immediately interrupts) and saving the Sylvari master ability until late in the match is the best way to go.
Between 10 and 20 tries and i won the match with less than 700 hp. Most intense “fight” in this game no doubt. You must be ready to drink a lot so you have your interupt ready for his heal. That extra healing from the asura, i think, helped a lot.
P.S I don’t think it’s possible to beat the final one
He will use his water pretty much every time it’s up and he will also use his belch pretty much every time it’s up. When he’s really low, he’ll also bluff, so you need to be wary.
Yeah, he’d be hard, but beatable, if he wasn’t allowed to spam his special. With his special, he’s unstopable.
Adnul Irongut should be the final boss of KoF 14 at this rate.
Beat him legit after 8 tries or so, basically what you want is the following start from his side:
Your response to that should be:
after that just keep tabs on his water and make sure you can interupt every 2nd one(every 6th-7th turn), good luck.
I managed to beat him twice and posted a video if it helps
Adnul Irongut cannot be beat. The math simply doesn’t add up. If he’s constantly spamming his special ability the math says you will run out of health before his. Please fix this Anet.
The closest I got his health down was 25%
(edited by Korval.3751)
I enjoyed this mini-game till I met Andul. His signature move is ALWAYS on and I can’t even beat him to 50% hp.
(edited by Venirto.4208)
I’m with Korval; if anyone beat him, it was blind luck.
Him non-stop spamming the most powerful signature, coupled with him taking less damage per drink then you and having a near-psychic ability to interrupt your water makes this practically impossible.
I swear I’ve seen him drink water more frequently than should be possible, also.
Figured out the solution. Basically you need to consume health regen food. I found Mango Pies to be the best! I was able to do this in one pass
Mango Pie lets you gain 85 health every second PLUS +70 Vitality (extra HP)
(edited by Korval.3751)
Im 100% sure he is cheating.
I was keeping track of him belching, but he was able to interrupt my water after drinking only once (i.e. he did Belch-Drink-Belch).
Just my luck that i had to randomly pick him to start my attempt at the achievement. Soured me on the whole mini-game until i found this thread.
Figured out the solution. Basically you need to consume health regen food. I found Mango Pies to be the best! I was able to do this in one pass
Mango Pie lets you gain 85 health every second PLUS +70 Vitality (extra HP)
The 70 vitality doesn’t help in the minigame. Your health gets defaulted to 10000 AFTER bonuses.
Adnul Irongut cannot be beat. The math simply doesn’t add up. If he’s constantly spamming his special ability the math says you will run out of health before his. Please fix this Anet.
The closest I got his health down was 25%
Your math is wrong, he is beatable as several of us here have already said, you even got a video showing it to be beatable so your math is horribly horribly wrong.
Figured out the solution. Basically you need to consume health regen food. I found Mango Pies to be the best! I was able to do this in one pass
Mango Pie lets you gain 85 health every second PLUS +70 Vitality (extra HP)
The 70 vitality doesn’t help in the minigame. Your health gets defaulted to 10000 AFTER bonuses.
You gain 85 health every tick.
I used regen booster + mango pie. Sorry, ArenaNet, but If you make it so that the NPC is so incredibly hard that you can only win if you’re incredibly lucky then I’m not going to feel bad about cheating on it.
I used regen booster + mango pie. Sorry, ArenaNet, but If you make it so that the NPC is so incredibly hard that you can only win if you’re incredibly lucky then I’m not going to feel bad about cheating on it.
It’s not cheating if the npc is cheating as well. Call it your special move :p
I tried the mango food and it didn’t gave anything. I had 21hp every tick like always.
Adnul is aggressive, meaning he rarely bluffs. I beat him by carefully counting to track when his abilities are up. I didn’t play him enough to notice if he prioritizes water over belch, but he will pretty much use them as soon as they are off cooldown.
I used boast to get me through a rough patch late in the game. It is true that there is a little luck involved for him, but here’s my basic strategy:
The start of the game is a bit of a toss up, he won’t use the buff until he’s lost some health. I basically try to bluff the first two or three rounds, if he catches me I drink water. He still has high health so his belch doesn’t do much damage and with it on cooldown I can drink safely to recoup the health. He will drink water after a few normal drinks, so try to get a belch in after he drinks two or three times to negate it.
Once he has used belch and water, you now have to pay close attention to drink and round counts to know when he can use them again. Avoid drinking water when his belch is not on cooldown and don’t belch unless his water is off cooldown. Get comfortable playing with low health and remember that drinking gets your belch off cooldown. The key to winning is stopping his heal.
Oh, I also didn’t actually beat him. We both ran out of health on the same round, but apparently that counts as a win. Keep that in mind.
It took a while, but I was able to beat him.
It helps to always target your opponent, to be able to see what skills he has up. When he makes his little comment upon launching his signature move, you ideally want to have just done your Bluff, with Belch and Water available.
Once his Critique is up, I’d go with with a Belch/Drink/Water combo, to wait the Critique out, then blast Bluff as often as possible, until he Critiques again.
Adnul is a test of endurance, your best bet is to stay as high in your health as possible; your Belches will admittedly do less damage, but you’ll have the HP to last another Critique cycle.
The ‘Woo’ skill seems to be most effective against him but only if you drop it right. I think I only beat him because he was around 55%, threw the Woo as he threw Critique, and I was able to change the pattern to Water/Belch/Drink/FAKE/FAKE/FAKE, and finally just just wore him down.
It helps to always target your opponent, to be able to see what skills he has up.
Huh, what happened to “play the game, not the UI”…
I gave up and used regen food. Playing to the best of my ability, i still lost twice using the food before winning.
If he has the buff when you lose, when you retry, you will still be unable to bluff for awhile even though his buff is gone.
The final boss, and the charr were actually fun though. They have obvious tactics that you can counter against if you have the right skills. The Norn is all luck with a cheating ai that is lots worse than the other cheating ais.
It took a while, but I was able to beat him.
It helps to always target your opponent, to be able to see what skills he has up. When he makes his little comment upon launching his signature move, you ideally want to have just done your Bluff, with Belch and Water available.
Once his Critique is up, I’d go with with a Belch/Drink/Water combo, to wait the Critique out, then blast Bluff as often as possible, until he Critiques again.
Adnul is a test of endurance, your best bet is to stay as high in your health as possible; your Belches will admittedly do less damage, but you’ll have the HP to last another Critique cycle.
The ‘Woo’ skill seems to be most effective against him but only if you drop it right. I think I only beat him because he was around 55%, threw the Woo as he threw Critique, and I was able to change the pattern to Water/Belch/Drink/FAKE/FAKE/FAKE, and finally just just wore him down.
It is a test of endurance, but no amount of skill will work when he uses his skill non-stop. I tried for an hour and he after a certain point, he will simply recast critique everytime as soon as it wears off. I can survive 2 critiques with enough hp, using boast, and then water/belch. You can’t survive a third recast in a row. That’s nine rounds without being able to fake.
Had to mango pie+regen booster for him. The others weren’t too hard because they were easier to predict and woo-ing when they are low health beats them.
Beat him legit after 8 tries or so, basically what you want is the following start from his side:
WaterYour response to that should be:
Burpafter that just keep tabs on his water and make sure you can interupt every 2nd one(every 6th-7th turn), good luck.
Great catch on the pattern. This helped me the second time through (getting achievements for my wife on her account). +1 from me