Yet another failed Living 'Story'

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: TwoBit.5903


I like that they’re going for more realism in this update story, but the writing and presentation lacks the nuance and detail that makes realism engaging and interesting.

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

Right now the zone isn’t supposed to tell an epic tale. It’s simply supposed to introduce the Zephyrites and their culture.

The Commander of the Pact has been running dangerous errands nonstop ever since the defeat of Zhaitan. From Karka to Molten Alliance, back to Karkaland, and then for once when he thought he could have some fun at Dragon Bash and celebrate the festival, it was crashed by sky pirates!

Give the Commander a break! The Bazaar of the Four Winds has been fun and adventurous, while remaining mostly peaceful.

Quite frankly, I think this is the best living story update yet!

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: LumAnth.5124


It all started when….

Cue Halloween:
Now that Zhaitan was dead, the “Commander” was ready to have fun in Halloween.Halloween (re) introduced players to the Mad King Thorn. This ended with the destruction of the Lion’s Arch fountain.

Cue Lost Shores
The death of Zhaitan allowed the discovery of an unknown and dangerous island, now known as Southsun Cove. As Consortium begin to irritate the Karka, they retaliate. A lot of people don’t know this (because they ignored the Lost Shores update), but Lionguard Ellen Kiel was introduced at this update. She instructed you to solve the scavenger hunt, on the lore and story of the Karka. As the Karka become more irrate, they begin attacking Tyrian coasts, including Caledon Forest, and even the Wizard’s Tower town.

The Karka were pushed back and out of Lion’s Arch, and Southsun Cove was made available. This involved exploration of the new island, and thus lead players to what is known as the “Karka Hive.” This is where players defeated and killed the Ancient Karka.

Cue Wintersday:
With this finally slowing down, I guess the player character took a break for the Wintersday festival. (I will skip this) I think this was also when the Lion’s Arch fountain was finally restored, through player donations of Lionguard Lyns.

Cue F&F Series:
After a good time in Wintersday, settlers and refugees have been “kicked” from their homes. Players were assigned to assist the refugees on their way.

Soon after, portals and assaults of the now known “Molten Alliance” begin attacking Norn and Charr lands. Player characters help Rox and Braham through missions.

The F&F series melds with the Super Adventure Box, because the box was meant for children refugees to be entertained.

Finally, after a couple pushes and shoves to the Molten Alliance, we attack their base known as the “Molten Facility.” The Molten Alliance is broken, yet refugees still need places to go to.

Cue Secret of Southsun/Last Stand:
The Consortium decides to take advantage of some of the refugees and offers them a contract on the Island. Refugees are infuriated with said contract, as harsh conditions and rampaging monsters infest Southsun.

It is revealed that Canach, a sylvari who worked with the Consortium in the Lost Shores, used aggravating agents to make local fauna incredibly aggressive. We are also reintroduced to Lionguard Ellen Kiel. We stop Canach with the help of Kiel and an upcoming festival finally eases tension between the refugees and the Consortium.

Cue The Dragon Bash/Sky Pirates of Tyria:
With the festival, citizens of Lion’s Arch (including said refugees prior to the DB, specifically those from F&F and Southsun) have a great time. This gives players a little lore of the Canthan party known as the “Dragon Festival”

A new kind of technology is introduced. It is known as holograms. These holograms proved very intriguing and useful.

The Effigy ceremony finally signaled the near end of the Dragon Bash. During one of the ceremonies, a new type of Pirates known as the Aetherblades attack. Some of the council members of LA are seriously injured. With the help of Marjory, we track down the suspect, Mai Trin. Finally, we help Ellen Kiel in the Aetherblade retreat.

And now we’re here! The Bazaar of the Four Winds! Woohooo!!
Introduction of the Zephyr Sanctum and the Bazaar attract curious minds of Tyria and they visit the Marketplace.

Foreshadows of the sky pirates, the Aetherblades, seem to be attacking the Zephyr Sanctum.

And that is how this story is very deep and is very connected

P.S. Yes I typed ALL that out, but to be fair, I’m also waiting to flip my TP items

Sorry for the typos….
I’m usually typing on my phone

(edited by LumAnth.5124)

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Grumwulf.9602


I just want them to hire a writer or two from SWTOR. Just one or two. Might be expensive but I really think that the only place the game is falling behind the competition, where they are not excelling, is the writing.

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


I just want them to hire a writer or two from SWTOR. Just one or two. Might be expensive but I really think that the only place the game is falling behind the competition, where they are not excelling, is the writing.

I don’t. I was highly unimpressed with the story in SWTOR. Lots of it just felt comparatively flat and uninteresting in comparison to GW2.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: TwoBit.5903


It all started when….

Cue Halloween:
Now that Zhaitan was dead, the “Commander” was ready to have fun in Halloween.Halloween (re) introduced players to the Mad King Thorn. This ended with the destruction of the Lion’s Arch fountain.

Cue Lost Shores
The death of Zhaitan allowed the discovery of an unknown and dangerous island, now known as Southsun Cove. As Consortium begin to irritate the Karka, they retaliate. A lot of people don’t know this (because they ignored the Lost Shores update), but Lionguard Ellen Kiel was introduced at this update. She instructed you to solve the scavenger hunt, on the lore and story of the Karka. As the Karka become more irrate, they begin attacking Tyrian coasts, including Caledon Forest, and even the Wizard’s Tower town.

The Karka were pushed back and out of Lion’s Arch, and Southsun Cove was made available. This involved exploration of the new island, and thus lead players to what is known as the “Karka Hive.” This is where players defeated and killed the Ancient Karka.

Cue Wintersday:
With this finally slowing down, I guess the player character took a break for the Wintersday festival. (I will skip this) I think this was also when the Lion’s Arch fountain was finally restored, through player donations of Lionguard Lyns.

Cue F&F Series:
After a good time in Wintersday, settlers and refugees have been “kicked” from their homes. Players were assigned to assist the refugees on their way.

Soon after, portals and assaults of the now known “Molten Alliance” begin attacking Norn and Charr lands. Player characters help Rox and Braham through missions.

The F&F series melds with the Super Adventure Box, because the box was meant for children refugees to be entertained.

Finally, after a couple pushes and shoves to the Molten Alliance, we attack their base known as the “Molten Facility.” The Molten Alliance is broken, yet refugees still need places to go to.

Cue Secret of Southsun/Last Stand:
The Consortium decides to take advantage of some of the refugees and offers them a contract on the Island. Refugees are infuriated with said contract, as harsh conditions and rampaging monsters infest Southsun.

It is revealed that Canach, a sylvari who worked with the Consortium in the Lost Shores, used aggravating agents to make local fauna incredibly aggressive. We are also reintroduced to Lionguard Ellen Kiel. We stop Canach with the help of Kiel and an upcoming festival finally eases tension between the refugees and the Consortium.

Cue The Dragon Bash/Sky Pirates of Tyria:
With the festival, citizens of Lion’s Arch (including said refugees prior to the DB, specifically those from F&F and Southsun) have a great time. This gives players a little lore of the Canthan party known as the “Dragon Festival”

A new kind of technology is introduced. It is known as holograms. These holograms proved very intriguing and useful.

The Effigy ceremony finally signaled the near end of the Dragon Bash. During one of the ceremonies, a new type of Pirates known as the Aetherblades attack. Some of the council members of LA are seriously injured. With the help of Marjory, we track down the suspect, Mai Trin. Finally, we help Ellen Kiel in the Aetherblade retreat.

And now we’re here! The Bazaar of the Four Winds! Woohooo!!
Introduction of the Zephyr Sanctum and the Bazaar attract curious minds of Tyria and they visit the Marketplace.

Foreshadows of the sky pirates, the Aetherblades, seem to be attacking the Zephyr Sanctum.

And that is how this story is very deep and is very connected

P.S. Yes I typed ALL that out, but to be fair, I’m also waiting to flip my TP items

Connected (barely at that) but by no means deep.

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Chopps.5047


This is the setup for what is coming next. There are already hints as to what that is. Be patient and wait for the story to progress.

What story? There is a story? I am getting no immersion of story what so ever. The only time I ever understand what is going on with the story is by reading reddit posts (or watch WoodenPotatoes) about it. The “living story” to me doesn’t make me care enough (Even with the characters we meet in Personal story [except Tybalt] and Living Story) to delve into it. To me all this is “Ooooo limited timed items!” Honestly, who reads the mail they receive at the beginning of every new content update? I just click the “show me” and then go look up Dulfy for a guide.

Honestly, if your not going to take the time to look at the information they give you, listen into the conversations and read the dialog then your going to make it very hard to give you a story you will find immersing. Your kind of your own worse enemy with this.

Go to craigsted. Poor Braham

Yeah, poor guy. His love life doesnt seem to be panning out quite how he was hoping.

Ottlia’s lucky her title was green and not neutral. I am a ferocious and spiteful hero, what can I say?

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: MadDemon.7548


Lets be honest: collecting the sky crystals, an elaborate jumping puzzle; Belcher’s Bluff and Sanctum Sprint, mini games; collecting parachutes, mini dungeons and jumping puzzles; while many may find these fun and interesting activities, one can’t help but to wonder where is the story in it all? Breathtaking scenery, check; cliche plot devices(a bazaar of dangerous and mysterious traders), check; they even establish the antagonist and conflict, but then what? Its great to experience and take part in the festival, but if the plot is based on garnering favor for the campaign trail, then shouldn’t we see and take part in their efforts? Why can’t the designers implement the mini-games into the story and kill two birds with one stone; an interesting activity for players that also furthers the plot.

-Maybe Evon could set hire a mysterious bazaar trader to scam the Zephyrite’s leader into an unfair trade, then swing in and save the day, thus acquiring the man’s favor.
-Keil could notice this and inform the leader, but indebted as he is (and buttered up on onnyberry, as he and Evon are playing a friendly game of Belcher’s bluff), he would refuse to believe her.
-Keil would hear of a trial where one collects sky crystals to prove they embody the Zephyrites spirit and abilities.
-Impressed at her prowess the Zephyrites leader feels the need to rethink his decision, and would propose that Keil and Evon take part in the upcoming sanctum sprint tournament, the winner of which, acquiring his trading rights.
-After Evon loses, the Aetherblades could rush in, revealing him as their backer.

There’s so many ways they could have kept this content, yet implement a story, but once again, we are left wanting.

I think that’s the point of this update: introduce something that isn’t big to set up for something big. This is after all a “living story”, and as in real life, nothing big happens immediately. There are always little things that serve as signs of whats to come, but nothing big ever spontaneously happens

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Harbard.5738


To me Flame and Frost was the best living story implementation so far. I wish the Molten Alliance comes back at some time for a long period under a decent overarching story that doesn’t get taken away. I missed the molten facilities, and that’s when I started to hate the temp content. But now they are keeping things in the game it’s all good.

Just wish they’d stop the minigame/checklist nonsense and get back to story, solo story instances and open world dynamic events for Hodor sakes. And step up that writing, but frankly that’s even optional if the open world DEs and story instances are good.

Give me game. Not grind, not gating, not RNG, not +stat junk, not checklists.

(edited by Harbard.5738)

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: RileyTheRad.8542


I think alot of people have missed alot of the developing story.

Lets start with Flame and Frost. In it we see the very unlikely dredge and Flame Legion allaince, the Molten Alliance. Their goal does seem conquest oriented but much of their focus was on developing an amalgum of magic and engineering. When attacking their facilities we find they are using slaves to mine a substance called Azurite that seems to have the properties of being able to conduct magical energy and seems to be part of how their technology works.

In the wake of this we find out another fact. It was a third party that arranged the allaince and though we know what the dredge and Flame Legion were after this third group remains out of sight including what it got out of the deal.

Secrets of Southsun was a break in the story used to introduct Keil and Kasmeer.

With the Dragon bash festival we are introduced to said festival. At the height of the festival, an act of sabotage kills one of the leader of LA and introduces a new enemy, the Aetherblades who we all know are sky pirates. Unmasking Mai as the murderer we discover that the Aetherblades saught to secure a place on the Captian’s Council.

Now the interesting part. In attacking their base of operations we discover three facts. One is that the Inquest is supporting them. Second is that the Aetherblades themselves lack the skills to mantain their gear by themselves (Keil states this). Third, we discover Mai, leader of the Aetherblades, has a boss, Scarlet.

Now we have two groups with someone manipulating them from the shadows.

The festival ends with Mai telling us that the Aetherblades arent done yet.

Now we have the Bazaar of the Four Winds. Theres alot to the story and lore of the Zephyrites. Infact the Zephyrites may have something of increadable value.

He has some points wrong but the general gist is there.

So now we have a group working from the shadows. connected to the Inquest, and who have recently formed a force of Sky Pirates, and a sky ship potentially holding artifacts and knowledge of great power…..

And thats ignoring Mr E., Marjory and Kasmeer’s connection to the corruption in the Ministary in DR, the politics of LA and the personal stories of Braham and Roxx.

And people say theres no story in the Living World story…..

I think the issue is more that people are missing the threads of the story for whatever reason.

A lot people seem to skip all the dialogue, cutscenes, don’t talk to NPCs and then start screaming that they don’t get it. That’s like falling asleep in a movie, waking up halfway through, and getting angry with the filmmakers for not explaining the story well enough.

Hoopa doopa.

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Enia.6547


I’ve liked the living story for the most part. As a pve player that is also an achievement hog, stop putting crap in o. sanctum. It’s so awful to try and to the puzzle and get ganked by 5 dudes sitting at a random spot.

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Arcalas.9368


The bazaar of the four winds is the main theme of the month the story part of the month is coming on the 29 of this month since they do updates every two weeks.

Norn “cows” go moot.

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


The Molten Alliance was awful if you don’t want do dungeons. It should have been it’s own zone with a “Open Dungeon” in it. The whole zone could of been underground. Then parts of it could be adapted for FOTM.

This current living story feels like it’s going to be epic. As we learn more about the merchants and sky pirates in the next few months.

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Who even said Evon was a villain? He doesn’t seem like a villain just a money hungry charr…. Also, be patient, the story clearly isn’t finished here, it’s just giving us small bits of background through ambient talk and events.

PS: Aetherblades and Zephyrites don’t like each other, but the Aetherblades very much want what the Zephyrites have.

Yeah, Evon is just a capitalist, it’s that Ellen Keil that’s the real villain!

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


Bazaar of the Four Winds, as many others have stated, is like the groundwork for a much bigger plot, i.e. the introduction of another Elder Dragon next month. I mean, a GW anniversary won’t be much of an anniversary without a new big big awesome dragon fight, would it?

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Bazaar of the Four Winds, as many others have stated, is like the groundwork for a much bigger plot, i.e. the introduction of another Elder Dragon next month. I mean, a GW anniversary won’t be much of an anniversary without a new big big awesome dragon fight, would it?

Too bad the rest of the year was wasted on crabs, moles, CSI: LA, pirates and merchants. I’m not sure a new dragon can make up for this past year of lackluster content and incomprehensible, uninspired story-telling.

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Bazaar of the Four Winds, as many others have stated, is like the groundwork for a much bigger plot, i.e. the introduction of another Elder Dragon next month. I mean, a GW anniversary won’t be much of an anniversary without a new big big awesome dragon fight, would it?

Too bad the rest of the year was wasted on crabs, moles, CSI: LA, pirates and merchants. I’m not sure a new dragon can make up for this past year of lackluster content and incomprehensible, uninspired story-telling.

Phrased that way it sounds like there is nothing they could possibly do to get your interest.

I, personally, look forward to what is coming. Seems the most interesting Living Story start as of yet.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Razor.9872


It’s deeper than you think.

NSPride <3

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I think alot of people have missed alot of the developing story.

This is the problem, if there is a story it’s not very well delivered. “You missed the story” ok, where was I supposed to look for it, obviously its not that important or doesn’t affect my character if I have missed it. The cutscene in the bar was probably the best storytelling so far, good dialogue, I was involved, amazing visuals…

Flame and frost was also done well, not the first part… sign post repair duty went on for way too long. But the conclusion was good. Actually there wasn’t a conclusion because you never found out who the dredge was talking about. I’ll be disappointed if it was the pirate girl (can’t even remember her name because she was boring as a character)

GW2 as much as I like it (which is a lot) the stories so far have been so underwhelming and I’m getting sick of people saying “just wait, something exciting will happen soon”

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Thobek.1730


It’s deeper than you think.

If it wasn’t for this guy (woodenpotatoes) I would of lost interest in the lore long ago. Anet should of hired this guy to whip the story writers into shape.

also he talks about the short stories on the website. Can’t they somehow incorporate it into the game instead?

Do we have to play GW1 to understand GW2?

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Even if this is the beginning, where exactly is the story? The most interesting part of this update is by far the Zephyr Sanctum. Exploring the map and talking to the NPCs there is a lot that could have been done with this. Instead we get some boring election between one of the most bland characters in GW2 (Keil) and a new and completely undeveloped character. Why is the “story” focused around these two NPCs and completely ignoring all the potential of this new content.

They could have had an NPC character that fell from the bazaar somehow, maybe a child, and we could have had some story steps escorting them back. Maybe someone from the bazaar had a trial or quest to obtain certain kinds of items from different races in Tyria and we have to help them out before helping them return to the bazaar, leading us into the bazaar for the first time (instead of “Hey guys, jump on this ship, bam, new map, btw Keil is here with some other dude”). The time spent helping the NPC can help flesh out the lore and expose the players to the lifestyle and culture of this new group of people, making it more meaningful once we get there.

They should replace “Living” with “Temporary” and replace “Story” with “Content with a wedged in plot”. So far the Living Story has been no different from the Personal Story in its scope to change Tyria (there are actually more permanent consequences in the world from the Personal Story than what you see in the Living Story).

As far as the Living Stories go so far:

Flame & Frost had a dynamite premise and mid-story, but the ending was weak. An alliance between two existing factions would put the fear into their mutual adversaries. The sense that the alliance was making progress, bolstered by the refugees’ plight, was well done. However, that the alliance fell apart when their weapons’ workshop(s) were destroyed was a mediocre to poor ending. They should have been set back, but we should still see Flame Legion in Dredge areas and Dredge in Flame Legion areas.

Secret of Southsun was weak all throughout. Why am I helping the Consortium? If I’m helping the settlers, why am I fighting them? So, this Sylvari is the bad guy because he incensed the wildlife because he was angry with the Consortium’s exploitation of the refugees? I don’t blame him. Someone took him down (not me, I wish I could have fought beside him), but the zone is now a wasteland.

Dragon Bash began strong, but got bogged down in playing errand boy/girl. The murder mystery was well begun, but playing detective by clicking on suspects was meh game-play. Thus the revelation of the culprit was not exciting.

Sky Pirates was mediocre also. The presumption is that there is more to them than just a group out to disrupt Dragon Bash, but there is little to point to their real motive. The story’s resolution was through the hardest dungeon fights (for me) in the game.

Bazaar has a good premise. Competition for a lucrative trade arrangement is a staple of fiction. I’m waiting to see if anything I do has any outcome on the trade war between the Lionguard/Kiel and private enterprise/Evon, and who else might get involved.

I have to agree with most of this except for the Bazaar. They’ve created an interesting map and an interesting group of people. Forcing the trade agreement plot in there just to give Keil a role to play and lead into the election story only takes the focus way from the most interesting part of this update, the Bazaar itself. They introduced a whole new map and a new faction of people, why does the story ignore all that and make it about Keil? I really wish ArenaNet would stop burying the lead because I think their story and lore is suffering because of that.

I’m also sick of ArenaNet rewarding the NPC. Kormir becomes a god, Trahearne is the big hero, Keil gets the promotions. The player is just here to do all the leg work.

(edited by Shiren.9532)

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Antara.3189


I just recently read about the next update. More mini games, and hey, let’s throw some more micro content into the game. Not too happy about it. I play Guild Wars 2 for Guild Wars 2. I can deal with the occasional mini game for laughs, or a break. But actually revolving content update after content update to mini games and lore breaking quests/achievments (i.e., getting kites, collecting crystals), is really not fun and a grind to get the points for the meta reward.

If this is what the general fanbase wants then so be it, but I don’t find sporadic micro-content exciting.

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Antara.3189


Live Story should include more than one or two cut scenes and mini games. The one thing that I think lacks is the actual story line itself. I like quests that directly relate to lore such as fighting off the Aetherblades in LA, fighting off the Karka, Helping Rox, Braham, the dungeons, etc.

We had dragon bash for a whole month (festival). I feel the BotFW is also festival material. I’m ready for immersive story line that ends in a strong finish. Enticing, rewarding, fun.

Granted, the Labyrinthe Cliffs are beautiful and the setting is great. Just lacking the immersive story line imo.

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Shiren.9532


The idea that the Zephyrites might be working with Glint’s offspring is interesting (especially seeing as people have recently found a way to get into desert environments via the new sPvP map which appears to be above the Crystal Desert) but it goes back to the same point that why are we bothering with all this Keil/Lion’s Arch nonsense? It’s taking the focus away from the most interesting parts of the world.

Even if we do see the story does move in the direction of the Crystal Desert and aiding the Zephyrites in a war against Kralkatorrik (making a lot of assumptions there), why are we treading water with Keil and her latest distraction?

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Antara.3189


The idea that the Zephyrites might be working with Glint’s offspring is interesting (especially seeing as people have recently found a way to get into desert environments via the new sPvP map which appears to be above the Crystal Desert) but it goes back to the same point that why are we bothering with all this Keil/Lion’s Arch nonsense? It’s taking the focus away from the most interesting parts of the world.

Even if we do see the story does move in the direction of the Crystal Desert and aiding the Zephyrites in a war against Kralkatorrik (making a lot of assumptions there), why are we treading water with Keil and her latest distraction?

I’m pretty optimistic (though some of my criticism posts don’t seem like it), so I can get into this whole “election” thing with kiel and evon, but you are exactly right, I’m now trying to wrap my mind around the fact that we have canthan themed npcs, houses, etc, and also the fact that the zephyrites are connected to glint. I would much prefer getting into that than messing around with politics in LA.. lol

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: SmoothHussler.6387


Some people complain about everything. New zone, new swag, new jumping adventures. No charge.

While I do wish anet fleshed out their backstories abit better, I personally appreciate new content being added for free.

Maguuma: Thug Life: [DERP][ME][PYRO] and other assorted dead guilds.

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Antara.3189


Some people complain about everything. New zone, new swag, new jumping adventures. No charge.

While I do wish anet fleshed out their backstories abit better, I personally appreciate new content being added for free.

The point of the forums is to discuss subjects in GW2? Whether good or bad?

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Bonefield.9813


I’m also sick of ArenaNet rewarding the NPC. Kormir becomes a god, Trahearne is the big hero, Keil gets the promotions. The player is just here to do all the leg work.

Kormir sacrificed her mortal life to contain Abaddon’s power. Trahearne had to take on a role he didn’t want. Kiel is being given responsibilities she obviously never had the ambition for. All of them acknowledge the player character as an important figure in their lives, and the story makes it clear that they’re grateful for our help.

I’ll honestly never understand people’s resentment toward these characters for obtaining completely intangible, story-based “rewards.” It’s character development, or the conclusion of their story, and it furthers the plot. They’re not being given things we could have had; all of these roles they’re “rewarded” with are written specifically for them, to complement their characters and what the story needs them to accomplish.

The alternative is NPCs that exist primarily to prop up the player character, make sure we’re sufficiently reminded of how awesome we are, and aid us in achieving greatness. I would rather see stories about people who are at least my character’s equal. It’s hard enough to suspend disbelief when the story is telling me that I’m Trahearne’s bestest best friend and the person he chooses to confide in and trust with his life (just like everyone else), but I lose interest completely when a story is dead set on making my character the sole important figure in the plot (just like everyone else).

Yet another failed Living 'Story'

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DeShadowWolf.6854


I’m also sick of ArenaNet rewarding the NPC. Kormir becomes a god, Trahearne is the big hero, Keil gets the promotions. The player is just here to do all the leg work.

Kormir sacrificed her mortal life to contain Abaddon’s power. Trahearne had to take on a role he didn’t want. Kiel is being given responsibilities she obviously never had the ambition for. All of them acknowledge the player character as an important figure in their lives, and the story makes it clear that they’re grateful for our help.

Also, it it might get complicated if the storyline made YOU a god and then you walk out of town and get killed. Trahearne didn’t want to lead, but the Pale Tree tells him otherwise. Kiel may get a promo, but we were never in the Lionguard to RECIEVE a promo. Just my 2c.