15% Tax
No discussion. 10% tax on sale, 5% non-refundable to post. Unless that gold sink destroys more gold than is entering the game I don’t see it changing anytime soon.
RIP City of Heroes
That 15% is why armor is still 2-5g and not 4g this week, 5g next week, 6g the next…
Out of curiosity, has there been any discussion or word about lowering this below 15%? It just seems a bit high to me.
It’s high to you?
Where do you live, the Cayman Islands??
You didn’t elect Evon, expect no sympathy from him.
oh man, if he was offering lowering the TP tax instead of key price, things would of been so much different.
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You didn’t elect Evon, expect no sympathy from him.
Quote of the year.
I still think that Evon should be generous to his supporters. That way, people who voted against him will think twice about who the better charr is…
You didn’t elect Evon, expect no sympathy from him.
Give me a minute… still laughing… gasp…
That made my day.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I bet it would have been a landslide victory for him if he offered to remove the listing fee for a month.
You didn’t elect Evon, expect no sympathy from him.
We weren’t in charge of elections (not sure who was exactly) but I certainly voted for Evon. I have 240-some election buttons to prove it!
I would have had more if the elections wouldn’t have ended before the event was over, even though the items were still dropping. I must say, this was the most bloodless “cut throat” election I’ve ever been a part of. No treachery, no dirty dealings, no accusations. Not even name calling or general mud slinging. These folks should be ashamed to call themselves (former) pirates!
Perhaps Evon could give us a break on the taxes if we show him proof of our support by wearing our buttons.
Edited to add: There is NOT ONE single vote by me for the other candidate. I did not double dip. Evon had my full support.
Re-Edited to add: I would have gladly gone on clandestine missions to deface competing campaign posters, heckle supporters and other disreputable deeds in support of my chosen candidate had he asked it of me. Or post fresh Evon posters and clean up any mess the other side may have caused.
Support your local environmentally friendly farmers.
Asuran Mesmer Mind Tricks: “These aren’t the golems you’re looking for.”
(edited by GamerOnline.3650)
Personally I hope Evon raises it to 20, maybe 25 for the Kiel Voters Piracy at – its finest HA!
If he offered the end of lottery boxes and silly RNG in them maybe people would have voted for him.
Gem sales go high only with new armour or weapons skins, not on silly boxes full of disappointment.
Personally I hope Evon raises it to 20, maybe 25 for the Kiel Voters
Piracy akittens finest HA!
+1 to this idea!
oh man, if he was offering lowering the TP tax instead of key price, things would of been so much different.
No they wouldn’t have. The writing team made it impossible for Evon to win. Anyone who did Candidate Trials saw how much an unlikable cartoon villain he was portrayed as. They tried really hard to make people dislike him.
We were voting on a new member of a PIRATE COUNCIL.
Goody two-shoes need not apply.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I voted my butt off for that guy. True, I cared more about the Abbadon fractal, but he should at least be a little grateful.
Colin Johanson on how arenanet measures success.
(Please no gear treadmills, Colin!)
Hope it get raised another 10%.
I supported you Evon….you wanted something for us GW1 players.
I only gave Ellen as much as was needed for achievements ;_;7
We salute you Evon! O7
You didn’t elect Evon, expect no sympathy from him.
But i did show 100% of my support for him not ever once touching the keil box or her achievements. Spent tons of time in LA voicing my support and showed people his short story so they would know that deep down he loves LA and wants what best for it(plus you know he was more qualified). Yet he still doesn’t want to show me some charr love Why Evon WHY?!?!?!??!?! Makes me a sad charr although crying is not a option for the charr so I’m gonna go beat the tears out of some aetherblade to compensate.
Ellen is Scarlet.
Evon is the mysterious E that sends you mail that wants to help people.
You didn’t elect Evon, expect no sympathy from him.
Serves some people right for voting for Ellen. All my support went to Gnash. I hope he raises it even higher, I can certainly afford it.
awe man after learning all the speculations and such i regret voting for ellen but i am very interested to see how everything unfolds. But then again even seems a little shady too especially after reading the short story.
Hmm. 500 tokens spent on Evon, for nothing. He can expect no sympathy from me, either.
Hmm. 500 tokens spent on Evon, for nothing. He can expect no sympathy from me, either.
Don’t get mad at him. Get mad at Kiel.
Some people actually didn’t get that it was a joke post apparently.
Skritt Happens
Shun the non-believers!
Just be glad he didn’t increase them – to remake the funds he spent on the campaign.
plots to “remove” Kiel.
And He can just keep taking that 15% out … I’m making back 5% everytime I use a WP.
Thanks Kiel!!
As amusing as the public outcry would be if Evon decided to increase the tax further I really don’t think that’d be wise from an actual gameplay design standpoint. Kicking your players in the balls is not a good long-term design solution.
It might be “in-character” but you try using that as an excuse. People hate tax increases in real life so I think that the reaction to it in-game would be twice as bad.
And this is without taking into account the number of people who did support Evon.
I would never vote for a Charr!
I was split vote. I like Ellen, but.. heck.. getting on the Pirate Council was only part of the deal. The other half was a trade agreement with the Zephyrites, which, hands down, Evon had more experience handling. Mind you, the goal of the BLTC does seem a little.. seperatist from the story of how he came to be in charge.
I don’t think false sympathy is better than no sympathy at all.
Give me a frown instead a false smile any day. It helps you know who you can trust.
Well. I supported both. To get the mini Ellen and Evon. o.O