2 Million Silk Scraps Vanished from TP
Thick leather, elder wood and mithril are used in the creation of T7 mats, eventually ascended armor will be introduced and silk will be needed. It looks like someone is speculating that the scraps they buy at min price today will be worth something tomorrow.
Thick leather, elder wood and mithril are used in the creation of T7 mats, eventually ascended armor will be introduced and silk will be needed. It looks like someone is speculating that the scraps they buy at min price today will be worth something tomorrow.
^ this
I’ve been hoarding gossamer scraps. Got about 300g worth. Hoping it’ll rise to +7-10s
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
Thick leather, elder wood and mithril are used in the creation of T7 mats, eventually ascended armor will be introduced and silk will be needed. It looks like someone is speculating that the scraps they buy at min price today will be worth something tomorrow.
^ this
I’ve been hoarding gossamer scraps. Got about 300g worth. Hoping it’ll rise to +7-10s
Same. not to that extent though. I am saving everything I get from salvaging all these blues/green though.
Best case is that buying it at vendor price means you can’t lose money on it, ever.. you can only sell for whatever profit you can
My fun laughs at your server pride.
Thick leather, elder wood and mithril are used in the creation of T7 mats, eventually ascended armor will be introduced and silk will be needed. It looks like someone is speculating that the scraps they buy at min price today will be worth something tomorrow.
^ this
I’ve been hoarding gossamer scraps. Got about 300g worth. Hoping it’ll rise to +7-10s
That seems like a pessimistic estimate to me. You need far more gossamer for crafting light armor then you need logs and ori for making weapons. I’m hoping for 15s at least. I also wouldn’t be surprised if silk went up to 20c-30c.
I should have stocked up on gossamer last week, the price has already doubled once.
I am guessing its mostly due to the crafting exploit used to gain fast skill points very cheaply and then monetized by upgrading the scraps to gossamer.
Or few weeks back Zudet, when it was 62c.
Outsource rng → profit.
I am guessing its mostly due to the crafting exploit used to gain fast skill points very cheaply and then monetized by upgrading the scraps to gossamer.
What exploit is that?
Probably the one they fixed in the patch. Here’s hoping to the sound of the ban hammer woots.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Couldn’t be T5 to T6 promotion, that’s perfectly legit, just not profitable until just after the original Tuesday patch.
Edit: made clear which patch I’m talking about.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
Couldn’t be T5 to T6 promotion, that’s perfectly legit, just not profitable until just after the patch.
Not profitable……. yet
I really hope they do add a demand for these. I was worried. They are already endgame mats that sell for dirt and then they add a very huge new source in all sorts of people salvaging for luck. If they dont add a new demand its judt going to bury items that arent even worth swinging a pickaxe at as is.
Couldn’t be T5 to T6 promotion, that’s perfectly legit, just not profitable until just after the patch.
Not profitable……. yet
It was not profitable because they wrongly doubled the vendor price for elonian wine which was fixed yesterday with the crafting exploit.
You could have, however, eploited the crafting bug for 4 days to gain lots of skillpoints and after yesterdays patch, buy wine at regular price again and use up all those skillpoints.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Best case is that buying it at vendor price means you can’t lose money on it, ever.. you can only sell for whatever profit you can
It’s not possible to buy at vendor price, only 1 copper above vendor price.
And when you sell, you are losing 15% (posting fee/sales tax).
so this is incorrect.
S/he meant selling them to vendor/merchant NPCs
S/he meant selling them to vendor/merchant NPCs
ah, but you are still losing 1 copper per item vendored, a small margin I know but you are still losing money on it, contrary to the statement.
One stack of 8 copper items would buy for 20silver, but vendor for 17.50 silver.
(edited by Vashoom.8512)
People made such a big deal about the crafting exploit… oh no skill points… does anyone NOT have 1k+ skill points since the champ patch? I mean if you are in the business of turning SP’s into money then you should be out farming champs, not crafting.
Though in reality you shouldn’t be spending them at all. Once horizontal progression hits in a few months you will probably need 500+ SP’s.
The idea of hording gossamer i had 2 months ago, when the price was <1s. I really dont know why I didnt do it…
And now all the wannabe speculators buy it when the price has already trippled, I really laughed when I saw this.
IMO they’ll do something to prep the market/players before they introduce ascended armors like they did with weapons and t5/t6.
Wood and metal can be farmed far easier than goss, leather isn’t needed a lot for huntsman (other than strings) so I can see why they didn’t prep us for those mats as much… but gos… you’ll need it for all 3. It will go up in price, but there should be some opportunity given to us by a living story/event to stock up on it. Make sure you look out for that.
There will also be more t6 cloth/leather/metal from people salvaging for MF. It will probably drop in price from where it is right now (since we won’t be getting 500 armor crafting anytime soon with an increase in supply) but it’ll spike back up above this price later on when it is introduced.
This is all my personal logic/speculation and I reserve the right to be wrong.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
Haha I love this…. never attribute to Arbitrage, what can be explained as Exploits.