(edited by Ashadow.6874)
Player A spends 300$ gets 0 tickets.
Player B spends 40g gets 5 tickets.
(edited by Ashadow.6874)
Player A spends 300$ gets 0 tickets.
Player B spends 40g gets 5 tickets.
Player C spends nothing gets 1 ticket.
Discussions about money and RNG supporting and “real life success”notwithstanding, I just want to say thank you to Geotherma, because having someone who is willing to sink that much real money into the process gives us a unique perspective into how much it would take to get what you want with real money in GW2.
I really appreciate your efforts from a data collection point of view.
At least someone gets it ^^
Just wanted to say that it is a little pricey, and I can’t think of many things outside of game that cost $300 for a ticket :P
I don’t mind supporting the game, and I have supported the idea of prestigious items being rare/unique. But when I spend $300 for 1 single ticket (I have 11 characters), and I have to choose 1 item, it kinda hurts the wallet and brain. Please just make them 4000 gems and people will buy them, they would much rather do so than spend hundreds on a “chance” to get one. They would still be rare, but at least obtainable through your RNG and the 4000 buyout option.
people would much rather spend 4000 gems on them than spending 100’s but people are willing to spend hundreds on them, so why would anet change it?
Veterans who have played the game for a long time will be more and more discouraged from participating in these RNG boxes if they aren’t balanced properly. I bought mine to try for a few tickets as well as show people who are reluctant on spending the amount it can cost to get there. I’ve done the same before, but as far as encouraging Arenanet to continue these, I highly doubt my funds alone will be a determining factor.
So many people put in so much time and effort trying to come up with better solutions to RNG, and along come people like this that undermine it all.
It’s great that some people have globs of disposable income to spend on a game, but man, what a short sighted choice.
I just hope that people that spend this kind of money are a very, very small minority. To think that there are people out there giving ANet the evidence it needs to do more RNG really disheartens me.
A few people spending a lot doesn’t necessitate a reason to continue RNG boxes, those people simply want the items before they are gone. When those people spend that much and show it on forums it allows others to comment on how much they dislike how difficult and costly it is to obtain them. That is called feedback.
I still think 4000 gems is enough to keep them rare, if they need more difficulty added to obtaining them, then make it 4000 gems and only able to purchase 1 ticket per account that way. Then the rest you get will have to be from chests/gem store etc.
I got my ticket in my 3rd gem chest.
I got my ticket in my 3rd gem chest.
Which is about the same odds I had with 75-85 normal coffers.
Edit-I am ok with RNG chests, but this felt misleading because it was made to sound like a better chance, when clearly the chance is still very very very low. Slightly better would have been a better phrase.
You jumped to a conclusion and blame Anet for your mistake.
compare a 1 in 1000 chance to a 2 in 1000 chance. The latter is a “better” chance even if it doesn’t really matter much when you make 10 attempts. They are under no obligation to consult you for permission to use a specific term when advertising their products. Buyer beware.
I’ve gotten three jade tickets without spending a dime of real money. Kill lots of mobs and sell the stuff you get, use the gold to buy coffers from the TP and in no time you’ll have opened a few thousand and found some tickets.
Has nobody thought to mention the fact that the drop rate is easily found if you take 5 seconds to look it up?
Also, the gem store coffers have 13x the drop rate of regular coffers on tickets.
Some people will be unlucky. I’ve sold most of my coffers instead of opening them since i got the mini. I haven’t got a weapon skin but it’s not the end of the world.
Edit-I am ok with RNG chests, but this felt misleading because it was made to sound like a better chance, when clearly the chance is still very very very low. Slightly better would have been a better phrase.
You jumped to a conclusion and blame Anet for your mistake.
compare a 1 in 1000 chance to a 2 in 1000 chance. The latter is a “better” chance even if it doesn’t really matter much when you make 10 attempts. They are under no obligation to consult you for permission to use a specific term when advertising their products. Buyer beware.
I’ve gotten three jade tickets without spending a dime of real money. Kill lots of mobs and sell the stuff you get, use the gold to buy coffers from the TP and in no time you’ll have opened a few thousand and found some tickets.
I didn’t blame Anet for anything, I said that they could have done this better/differently. And this style of reward is very annoying for many players. I knew the risks when I spent the money, otherwise i wouldn’t have done so. Sitting on 5 tickets, I still feel it could have/should be done in a more fair way that doesn’t require casual players and hardcore players alike to invest huge sums of money or gold for limited time available items.
Geo. Seems you outspend me on this game. I’m not one to lose a good challenge, so let’s see if I can top your amounts. May the best man win!
You know this is Colin’s second account right
If you really spent 300 on rich coffers, you’re the type of person making things miserable for everyone else
I would say he’s the type of person that keeps ANET pushing the game forward and keeping it alive. If I feel like supporting ANET I buy 800 gems, which happened about 3 or 4 times since release of the game…
However, buying gems puts money in NCSofts coffer, not ANET. Ofcourse some money will trickle over for some new content but most seems to go to funding NCSofts other projects.
However, buying gems puts money in NCSofts coffer, not ANET. Ofcourse some money will trickle over for some new content but most seems to go to funding NCSofts other projects.
And from where are you gleaning that bit of information from? And don’t say Dontain’s video because that guy is foiling the inside of his flat to keep out the mind control rays.
And from where are you gleaning that bit of information from? And don’t say Dontain’s video because that guy is foiling the inside of his flat to keep out the mind control rays.
It makes sense. It’s what normal companies do. Revenue from one product line almost never all go directly back to said product line.
However, it’s stupid to infer that this practice is something of a negative to said product line. NCSoft is well aware of the profitability of GW2, and will continue to support this product and expand Anet while helping manage the financial aspect of the company (Which is also very important and time-consuming.) And lets not forget how NCSoft funded the development (5+ years?) of GW2 in the first place. Where did those funds come from, if not NCSoft’s coffers, which other games such as Lineage contributed to?
TL;DR: People make too much fuss about an incredibly routine industry practice.
As someone who works at a wholly owned subsidiary of another company, our sales and expenses are tracked by our accounting department with our aggregate profits and losses appearing on our parent company’s quarterly and yearly statements.
Yes, in the end it’s all their money but the money first goes through our hands, pays our expenses before any left over goes on the way to theirs.
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
As someone who works at a whole own subsidiary of another company, our sales and expenses are tracked by our accounting department with our aggregate profits and losses appearing on our parent company’s quarterly and yearly statements.
Yes, in the end it’s all their money but the money first goes through our hands on the way to theirs.
Exactly. It’s a very common industry practice. I don’t get why people make such a huge deal about it and imply that it’s a “bad” thing.
Hi, just to throw my two pennies in. I have so far found 2 tickets and 12 mini holographic knights from the boxes I have got from mob drops only.
I am only a casual player (couple of hours a few times a week) and find I’m getting plenty of boxes to keep me happy.
I shall keep wvwing as normal and opening the boxes when they drop.
No wings yet but you never know!
I have bought gems and feel it is a viable way of supporting the game producers and keeping them producing new content but can’t bring myself to buy RNG products as there’s no certainty of getting what I was after in the first place!
Those who are willing will, Those who aren’t won’t.
Thx for supporting RNG chests so we will be sure to get more in the future…………………………
Enjoyed every drop I got lol And since I have the money for the “optional” content it produces, I have no regrets
My 4 fused tickets outfit my Charr and Asura well, 10 characters left to outfit with cool skins not from TP.
Hmm odd how things change………
As long as whales keep spending $800 per promotion, this is gonna happen.
& saying you thought the chances were better & saying you are ok with RNG is an oxymoron. The chances could be 50/50 & you could still never get one. that’s how it works.
(edited by DarksunG.9537)
Thx for supporting RNG chests so we will be sure to get more in the future…………………………
Enjoyed every drop I got lol And since I have the money for the “optional” content it produces, I have no regrets
My 4 fused tickets outfit my Charr and Asura well, 10 characters left to outfit with cool skins not from TP.
Hmm odd how things change………
As long as whales keep spending $300 per promotion, this is gonna happen.
Lol just lol. Not sure if I mentioned I have 5 tickets now, and that the NEW content is in a DIFFERENT box. So this discussion is not the same. I truly feel sorry for the school systems that degraded the thought process of people like this and others who truly cannot understand context or read comprehensively. It is a sad world we live in when so many just turn to insults or “winning” in forums. If this is the kind of thing you enjoy, perhaps Arenanet should charge $49 for forum access just so people can play here as they do, badly, without purpose, or intelligence. What a sad world. Owned away, it bothers me not.
Better chances are better chances, but the off rewards aren’t worth the risk anymore. Not from separate chests with not really any decent drops that most can use.
I’ll spell out what I was getting at since people seem to be more apt to “jumping on the anti geo train” rather than using their own minds.
They were inside regular BL chests which allowed you to at least get items for your tries, valuable ones at times.
BL chests are dirt cheap on TP.
They were not available as drops in game, making them gem store only items.
They were very rare, and RNG held back tickets from many people who paid much money in gold as well as cash to receive.Southsun
Available on gem store and in game from drops.
Gave some useful items at times which could be used for the exotic karka shell or sold.
Very low chance of drop again, also boxes seemed to be affected by DR for some people and were not dropping steadily.Dragon Bash
Available on gem store as well as drops from in game.
Drops much candy for jorbreakers from Gem version.
Gem store ones are costly and had stated better chance, but that chance seemed poorly planned into pricing as some people spent anywhere from $10-$400+ without a ticket.
Coffers in game are still somewhat expensive and cost in game gold.
These (IMO) skins are some of the best I have seen design wise, sadly they are very very difficult to obtain for such an interesting and nice event.If anyone has info on the holiday/event RNG chests before these feel free to share.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Lol just lol. Not sure if I mentioned I have 5 tickets now, and that the NEW content is in a DIFFERENT box. So this discussion is not the same. I truly feel sorry for the school systems that degraded the thought process of people like this and others who truly cannot understand context or read comprehensively. It is a sad world we live in when so many just turn to insults or “winning” in forums. If this is the kind of thing you enjoy, perhaps Arenanet should charge $49 for forum access just so people can play here as they do, badly, without purpose, or intelligence. What a sad world. Owned away, it bothers me not.
Better chances are better chances, but the off rewards aren’t worth the risk anymore. Not from separate chests with not really any decent drops that most can use.
I’ll spell out what I was getting at since people seem to be more apt to “jumping on the anti geo train” rather than using their own minds.
The only thing that displays a lack of education is your actions. You ARE a whale if you spend anywhere even close to that much money in a week. And those actions perpetuate this poor system. That’s just how it is.
better chances are better chances, so deal with your bad luck. Don’t come to the forums & moan that it was too much, but then say you are ok with the system.
Yes, you were “owned” because Essence Snow pointed out your two-faced reaction to this situation. You defended a not-fun system out of some strange loyalty then complained when you had to deal with the stupidity of the system.
You are being dishonest. If you were really as mature as you make out, you’d just say “hey, I was wrong. I realize now this system is not fun & I don’t want it. I’m sorry I supported it by spending huge amounts of money.” But no, you tried to blame the advertizement by saying it’s “deceptive”. give me a break, they could increase it by a factor of 10 & still have it be .1% That would be a massive increase & still a bad purchase.
(edited by DarksunG.9537)
Lol just lol. Not sure if I mentioned I have 5 tickets now, and that the NEW content is in a DIFFERENT box. So this discussion is not the same. I truly feel sorry for the school systems that degraded the thought process of people like this and others who truly cannot understand context or read comprehensively. It is a sad world we live in when so many just turn to insults or “winning” in forums. If this is the kind of thing you enjoy, perhaps Arenanet should charge $49 for forum access just so people can play here as they do, badly, without purpose, or intelligence. What a sad world. Owned away, it bothers me not.
Better chances are better chances, but the off rewards aren’t worth the risk anymore. Not from separate chests with not really any decent drops that most can use.
I’ll spell out what I was getting at since people seem to be more apt to “jumping on the anti geo train” rather than using their own minds.
The only thing that displays a lack of education is your actions. You ARE a whale if you spend anywhere even close to that much money in a week. And those actions perpetuate this poor system. That’s just how it is.
better chances are better chances, so deal with your bad luck. Don’t come to the forums & moan that it was too much, but then say you are ok with the system.
Yes, you were “owned” because Essence Snow pointed out your two-faced reaction to this situation. You defended a not-fun system out of some strange loyalty then complained when you had to deal with the stupidity of the system.
You are being dishonest. If you were really as mature as you make out, you’d just say “hey, I was wrong. I realize now this system is not fun & I don’t want it. I’m sorry I supported it by spending huge amounts of money.” But no, you tried to blame the advertizement by saying it’s “deceptive”. give me a break, they could increase it by a factor of 10 & still have it be .1% That would be a massive increase & still a bad purchase.
They pointed out nothing, despite your lack of intelligence in reading that I said “THIS IS NOT THE SAME DISCUSSION” as this is not available in the BLTC chests. Hence the new discussion, hence the reason your entire posts are invalid. I was not wrong, and have since posted the pros and cons for you to misread as much as you like. Rng is not the best method of delivery, this chest is not the same as the others, and I was more fine with the BL chests over this type. But hey, read how you want, it is your game..er forum game. Here’s an idea, why not toss some feedback or experience into a post rather than trying attacks. Just makes everyone look childesh. Again, different boxes, different view, different discussion. If you can’t get or understand that I can’t help you.
And the problem wasn’t with the “better chance” it was the fact that the better chance still equates to possibly hundreds of dollars. That and the original rng is the problem. Different methods offer different results, and my opinion still stands on the two different styles that were discussed in these two different posts. I have plenty of money that i will spend as I please, I did my part in voicing my concerns on that money spent, and the differences in RNG box designs. And thus is my privilege since I have spent money to buy/support the game.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
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