500 gems for the new Mask
No buyer’s remorse for me this week, because I’m not spending one gem on this.
I’m a very active supporter of the Gem Shop, but I can’t justify purchasing this lazy art.
More power to those that bought it. I’m sure you’ll be very happy with it.
Edit – Why, oh why couldn’t this mask have been like the graphic that they use when you click on the item tab? (the gold mask with the red scar). THAT I would pay 500 gems for.
(edited by NoxInfernus.2361)
I like it, just as I liked the toxic skin pieces. But for a single piece of armor….too much and not going to buy it.
Thanks NCSoft for messing with how ANET originally priced armor sets.
Here is my justification for the price.
This is one of the very few skins in game where you can actually wear your helmpiece while showing the rest of your head features. Hair, stubble, ears, e.t.c. The other two AFAIK are the Masks and the Monocle.
So if you are the type of player who likes to prance around in LA with full armor except for an exposed head, this is something for you.
Just wanted to note this in case some people don’t know, and even if you know, Vol, there’s always someone else who doesn’t!
On the Hero screen, there’s little checkmark boxes next to your Helmet, Shoulders, Gloves and Backpiece equipment slots. By clicking those boxes you can toggle the appearance of those armour pieces on or off. As a result, you can have a character wearing full armour but with their head exposed and visible without needing to buy a mask or tattoo on the gem store.
Ding-ding-ding! We have a winner. While I balk at paying 500 gems for a single item skin, I will never buy one that almost replicates what a little tick-box does for free.
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
It’s novelty. Don’t buy it if you don’t need it.
lol of course i didn’t buy it XD
I just wanna state the reason behind why i don’t feel like buying it, and how it will be more reasonable to put better art for 500 (which is quite a price)You may not like it, but what of the person who bought two of them? If they felt it was worth paying 500 Gems each, then it’s reasonable.
Just because rich people can afford something doesn’t make it reasonable.
Anet has a monopoly on their items so they can charge absurd prices and people are forced to either pay them or go without. This is of course illegal in the real world.
If I owned every chicken in the world I could charge $100 for a box of eggs and rich people would surely buy it because it is a “luxury” item and since I own them all they have no choice but to buy it from me. It doesn’t make it reasonable or right though.
500 Gems for a little face paint. Dont know if i should laugh or cry now.
As suggested by someone, 100 Gems seems a better price.
Whoever is pricing the stuff in the gem store recently, I really hope they’ve done their maths. I’m getting more and more concerned that the income from having a handful of people buying expensive stuff is going to be MASSIVELY outweighed by the amount lost on:
1) Multiple sales of the same item at lower price.
2) Income from people who buy gems purely to support the game and have lost loyalty.
3) Income from players who have left the game out of frustration and lack of feeling appreciated as a customer.
4) Income from new players encouraged by positive word of mouth.
(2), (3) and (4) are most worrying because even players who don’t leave are going to become less and less positive about the game
Its a real shame because the rest of the game is awesome, and apart from the temporary nature the regular free updates are really cool.
I’ve wanted this mask skin ever since I first saw it appear in the PvP skins locker. I assumed it would be a gemstore item, since there haven’t been any new skins added to the game aside from ascended and holiday in quite some time—which is disappointing, but understandable. I was fully prepared to buy it.
However, considering it’s a single skin that isn’t terribly extravagant, I feel like 500 gems is ridiculously overpriced. I would have bought it in a heartbeat for 200 or 300 gems, but 500? I could get a full set of armor skins for less than the price of 2 masks, and that statement sounds like a sad joke.
By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!
Overpriced, IMO. 500 for some face art…? 200 gems max. I’d rather roll a norn if i was that desperate for some face art. Oh well, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure as they say.
Agreed, very overpriced like the toxic skins and grenth hood. Will be passing on these also=/ Should be like 150 gems or so for that awful squiggly face thing.
Agreed, very overpriced like the toxic skins and grenth hood.
Overpriced, and a no-go for me. I’d disagree on the Grenth Hood though. I thought it was worth it, but sadly I never looked at the back of it in preview :P It pretty much gives you a hunch back, so I turned off head gear on my ranger right away. Still fine with my purchase though.
yeah, 500 gems for a face scratch ? i’ll pass on that….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
500 Gems for a little face paint. Dont know if i should laugh or cry now.
As suggested by someone, 100 Gems seems a better price.
it should have been a holiday freebie.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
I don’t know about a holiday freebie Swagger, but 500 gems is FAR too much. As I posted earlier, it should be cheaper than that simply on the basis of how much a full set costs.
bu bu bu it’s only cosmetics ! 111
The funky helm with the horns, 500 gems is pricey but okay. Braveheart face, no.
RIP City of Heroes
It would be nice if Arenanet made gems more easily available in-game, but I honestly don’t mind the high prices for cosmetic gear. I bought two of the masks. It cost about 80g total, which I earned through selling my mats and farming wvw loot bags. Saving up your gold to transfer into gems is like saving up for any rare or special item—it just takes some time.
With a little dye experimentation, depending on your character’s species and color, you can get the mask to look like a real scar as opposed to red paint.