A few minor things I'd like to see changed about the TP client-thing itself

A few minor things I'd like to see changed about the TP client-thing itself

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jono M.8519

Jono M.8519

Hey guys, I’ve been using the TP a fair bit the past month/month and a half, and there’s a few things that really bug me about it that could really improve the user experience if changed. They mainly relate the the “My Transactions” page.

1. The drop down menu on “My Transactions” is just annoying. Could it be possible to change it to a tabbed setup, or just a “Items I’m Selling/buying/sold/bought” buttons at the top instead? Much more convenient to just click whichever you want to view, instead of having to use a drop down menu every time. There’s the space there to do it too I’m sure.

2. When on the “My Transactions” page and I click an item, lets say an axe, I’m taken a list similar to regular TP searching but it is only occupied by that axe. And then I have to click the axe to actually get onto its page. Couldn’t it just go straight to the item in question, instead of going to a list solely occupied by the item first?

3. Running directly on from #2, After reaching the item page after coming from the “My Transactions” page you cannot get directly back to the “My Transactions” page. Clicking “return to search results” only takes you as far back as the list that was occupied solely by the axe. Instead you have to head to another TP tab, e.g. “Sell On Trading Post” and then click on the “My Transactions Page” again. Could this be changed? As in, either allow us to press back util we return to “My Transactions” or just add an extra button to return to “My Transactions” after using it to view an item.

4. This is a minor one – could we get a little jingle when collecting gold from the TP?

Thanks for reading and I welcome any feedback.

A few minor things I'd like to see changed about the TP client-thing itself

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: nci.1928


5. Please please please add a preview function to the Trading Post!

Btw I agree with everything Jono said (especially number 3).

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Travellers Of Tyria [ToT]
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A few minor things I'd like to see changed about the TP client-thing itself

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NoOneShotU.3479


And change the order of “Items I’ve Sold” to default to their Sell time not their listing time.

A few minor things I'd like to see changed about the TP client-thing itself

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

I definitely concur with #4, this is the biggest issue facing the TP today! =P

When I withdraw money, I want to hear some cash jingling!

A few minor things I'd like to see changed about the TP client-thing itself

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mika.9815


OP’s issue #3 is very annoying. Forcing you to navigate to a separate tab just to be able to refresh and reset the My Transactions page, so that you can navigate to view a second item. Rinse and repeat for example for all the items you’re buying and wanted to update their buy offer. After making an updated buy offer, if you then want to cancel the original offer you need to do this refreshing again.

This is a gigantic usability flaw.