About the gamers and a staff member

About the gamers and a staff member

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lucas of the Desert.2165

Lucas of the Desert.2165

Well i hope you excuse me but this thread will be a shoutout to the gamers who are concerned about the economy and to john smith. I read the code of conduct that you are not allowed to quote the name of one of arenanet’s staff and or arenanet itself in the title but i just want to thank you, John Smith, for making such a nice and good functioning game .

All those people complaining about the current state of the game are those that wouldn’t be pleased if those changes came eitherway. Please just continue to do what you are doing right now and don’t bother too much with all the hate posts.

I additionally want to thank you for replying so frequently on those forums! It must be a pain to hear the playerbase (that posts on forums) complaining that they don’t get heard but you on the other handside get flamed for every little thing that could get misunderstood.

I hope you still enjoy giving us advice and or notifications because there is still a minority of players that welcome every post of you. I myself am very glad that you bear with us through all those, excuse me, childish idiots that scream in excitement every new word they learn (RNG, Strawman, Market manipulators, (and any oher conspiracy theory)….) without thinking about the consequences their changes and “suggestions” (flames) would bring.

Thank you very much, you have my deepest apology as one of the playerbase, for us beeing so narrowminded and hasty

(I am a casual – hardcore player i play around 1-4h per day, am close to getting my meteorlogicus but it will probably take me another 3-4 months to complete it^^ Pardon my english and Greetings from Austria)