Add the preview function to the trading post.
I agree, it’s crazy that you can’t preview items on the trading post. I hope something is done about this soon.
+1 on this.
foot note on the forums.. they need a Suggestions forum. Place to consolidate all those good ideas like this one.
agreed, its pretty pointless without preview when you’re selling dyes or when looking for cosmetics
Well at least with dyes you can see the color, as opposed to many weapon sets that all share the default sword icon despite being completely different, but yes being able to see the color on your armor would be nice before a purchase. For example, Midnight Fire dye looks like a dark black, and on cloth it looks dark black, but on metallic armor, it looks like a dark brownish hue.
This should be a priority just after bug fixes.
Considering that it’s a feature already implemented in the game, I would assume it wouldn’t be that hard of a fix to make. But seeing as I’m not a dev, I may be way off
Yes we NEED a PREVIEW function on the TP please asap. That would be soo great!
I don’t wanna buy armor without taking a look at the skin.
Yeah! Would be great when shopping for specific skins. Got this awesome short bow skin after a story quest but accidently reskined the bow :P Want to browse the trading post for new skins, but don’t feel like buying every short bow there until i find the right skin :P
Content Marketing Lead
Thanks for the suggestion, everyone. Our team is working on this feature. Thanks.
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In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra