Ah, patch day

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bunda.2691


Just some friendly advice to those confused about trading and those who are not fans of the TP. Patch/update days (such as today) are where the real money is. Look at the new achievements and available items, see what people will need to get these things, and trade accordingly. The TP is all about psychology (and part of the reason I enjoy it so much), and understanding average-player psychology is what seperates the lions from the lambs. So today, think about what achievements were added, how players will react, and what items they will buy. There is still gold to be made here even 12 hours post patch.

Anyway, once you start trying to look at how various markets are interwoven, you realize the awesome complexity of the system Anet has created, and why the TP mind games are fun for traders. And honestly, I want to see as many people playing the TP as possible, because it forces me to be more creative in how I position my gold.

In short, don’t hate on the TP; rather, come join in on the thinking man’s PvP.

(edited by Bunda.2691)

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


There is a real world stock market out there for you to play.

I rather just play it as an adventure game.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bunda.2691


There is a real world stock market out there for you to play.

I rather just play it as an adventure game.

And others might say that there are hunting licenses and animals for you to go kill out there as well. Or thta if you want a pure adventure game, play Zelda. But if you want to maximize the gold available in an MMO, at least respect the TP. There are plenty of people on this forum who are more than happy to help better utilize it.

(edited by Bunda.2691)

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I choose not to get into TPvP because I find the amount of research and time spent placing buy/sell orders to be tedious (an hour or 2 a night placing orders is basically my entire game time for a weeknight spent! I’d rather be playing content with that time), and because I have hoarder tendencies which makes me reluctant to sell my stash of shinies, but yes, I can appreciate and enjoy the “mind games” and the complex interplay of psychology and strategy that goes into it. I enjoy understanding how it works and why traders and consumers do the things they do, even if I don’t take steps to profit off it myself.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


There is a real world stock market out there for you to play.

I rather just play it as an adventure game.

But if you want to maximize the gold available in an MMO, at least respect the TP.

That’s the thing I hate, TP is the most rewarding aspect of this game.

That’s why people call diablo 3 (auction house tychoon), and people makes name such as wall street online 2 for GW2.

Like I said before, thousands of mmorpg out there, why is it only a problem in diablo 3 and gw2. It’s not like you can’t flip in other mmorpg but people dont’ compalin about flipping there.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Romek.4201


There is a real world stock market out there for you to play.

I rather just play it as an adventure game.

But if you want to maximize the gold available in an MMO, at least respect the TP.

That’s the thing I hate, TP is the most rewarding aspect of this game.

That’s why people call diablo 3 (auction house tychoon), and people makes name such as wall street online 2 for GW2.

Like I said before, thousands of mmorpg out there, why is it only a problem in diablo 3 and gw2. It’s not like you can’t flip in other mmorpg but people dont’ compalin about flipping there.

cause GW2 has a whiny playerbase – you can see this in all forums here – just check dungeon, balance , wvw, pvp , livingstory …..
all is bad than ey?

You dont find this MANY whiny threads in other games. Gw2 attract this kind of people with this casual strategie. Fokus on “how the character looks” and not on competive gameplay or how good a player is, attracts this kind of peoples. I would call it Facebook Generation^^

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

There is a real world stock market out there for you to play.

I rather just play it as an adventure game.

But if you want to maximize the gold available in an MMO, at least respect the TP.

That’s the thing I hate, TP is the most rewarding aspect of this game.

That’s why people call diablo 3 (auction house tychoon), and people makes name such as wall street online 2 for GW2.

Like I said before, thousands of mmorpg out there, why is it only a problem in diablo 3 and gw2. It’s not like you can’t flip in other mmorpg but people dont’ compalin about flipping there.

Other games have the foresight to limit the amount of transactions that can be made on their auction houses.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lelouch Sothoth.1982

Lelouch Sothoth.1982

Bunda, I’m sorry that your thread got derailed from the first response

Also, what he said. I’m not very experienced with the TP, but a lot of money can be done as soon as the patch launch (i.e. Iron conversion on the Attack on Lions Arch’ Patch)

English is not my main language, so please bear with me :)

Rafflesia Sothoth, Silvary Necromancer

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.7601


One thing to take advantage of this patch – time

Recognize that one of the highest in-demand items in game right now is the power cores.

These power cores can only be put into the economy every hour – specifically 5-15 minutes past the hour.

So if you are intent on buying low/selling high on power cores, make sure you get your buy orders in at the 5 minute mark, and then sell after 15 minutes.

Currently I’m selling my power cores since I expect the price to drop off a bit, but I think long-term power cores will be a good investment. However I have other investments that I find are guaranteed to increase shortly and so I’m committing the majority of my gold towards that rather than these cores.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Flissy.4093


Like I said before, thousands of mmorpg out there, why is it only a problem in diablo 3 and gw2. It’s not like you can’t flip in other mmorpg but people dont’ compalin about flipping there.

Because “winning” in this game is expensive cosmetics, even if they look terrible, and these cosmetics can be bought. The most profitable way is the TP. That’s why people complain, but they are being ridiculous.

Light Up the Darkness
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Like I said before, thousands of mmorpg out there, why is it only a problem in diablo 3 and gw2. It’s not like you can’t flip in other mmorpg but people dont’ compalin about flipping there.

Because “winning” in this game is expensive cosmetics, even if they look terrible, and these cosmetics can be bought. The most profitable way is the TP. That’s why people complain, but they are being ridiculous.

The fastest way to obtain gold is gem to gold conversion, not the tp. If I would have worked an extra hours each day in my job and used my extra pay to buy gems to convert them to gold, i would have far more gold than playing the tp for an hour every day.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KOPPER.1458


I just avoid the TP. I don’t want to be taken advantage of any more than I am already in game.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.7601


I just avoid the TP. I don’t want to be taken advantage of any more than I am already in game.

What, are you the TP version of a pacifist? You gather all your materials?

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.7601


I just avoid the TP. I don’t want to be taken advantage of any more than I am already in game.

What, are you the TP version of a pacifist? You gather all your materials?

You should trie it, it can be fun. I play TP many hours per day so i have the gold but i have 1 Character i play selffound only and this Character is 80 in greens,yellow, 1 exo and i have most fun with him^^

Trie it , start new Character and play it without buying anything from TP, Gemshop or Karma

I’d rather quit than have a lvl 20 guardian end up with a lvl 7 cleric greatsword cause of RNG!

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zypher.7609


Like I said before, thousands of mmorpg out there, why is it only a problem in diablo 3 and gw2. It’s not like you can’t flip in other mmorpg but people dont’ compalin about flipping there.

Because “winning” in this game is expensive cosmetics, even if they look terrible, and these cosmetics can be bought. The most profitable way is the TP. That’s why people complain, but they are being ridiculous.

The fastest way to obtain gold is gem to gold conversion, not the tp. If I would have worked an extra hours each day in my job and used my extra pay to buy gems to convert them to gold, i would have far more gold than playing the tp for an hour every day.

And this is the reason I put in an extra hour of work each week, use it for an easy 100 gold. Then do not have to worry about farming or any of the high gold activities. I am able to just play the game and not have to worry about gold at all. As an added bonus to this my boss sees me working extra time during the week. It is like a win – win situation.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bunda.2691


I just avoid the TP. I don’t want to be taken advantage of any more than I am already in game.

This comment does a good job encapsulating the problem. From an economist’s perspective, you’re not being taken advantage of, because you’re selling your goods for immediate remuneration. From a trader’s perspective, your letting him take the risk and making a small percentage off his work. Yet from your perspective, you feel taken advantage of even though your selling at bid prices is still netting you 100% profit.

This problem exists, I think, because of the cooperative nature of the game (in general), and the distaste that others may be profiting from your “work.” But as this is a game, there is actually nothing wrong with this, as it lets different types of players play and profit in the ways they enjoy — you from PvE, someone else from the TP. Try to think of it less as being taken advantage of and more contributing to the sizeand diversity of the player base. Because both that size and diversity contribute to the game’s success and longevity.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obtena.7952


There is a real world stock market out there for you to play.

I rather just play it as an adventure game.

But if you want to maximize the gold available in an MMO, at least respect the TP.

That’s the thing I hate, TP is the most rewarding aspect of this game.

That’s only true if the ONLY reward you get from playing GW2 is gold. Of course, if that’s the case, I have to flip this back … why are you even playing GW2?

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


There is a real world stock market out there for you to play.

I rather just play it as an adventure game.

But if you want to maximize the gold available in an MMO, at least respect the TP.

That’s the thing I hate, TP is the most rewarding aspect of this game.

That’s only true if the ONLY reward you get from playing GW2 is gold. Of course, if that’s the case, I have to flip this back … why are you even playing GW2?

So tell me exactly what people are being rewarded for doing fractal or doing wvw.

1.5 gold per hour doing fractal 49, or making a few silver per hour in wvw? Those should be the most rewarding part of the game.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


why are you even playing GW2?

probably more than anything. It’s the best entertainment I can find for free. But even then, I felt the game is getting stale, so I don’t logon much nowadays. Waiting for new games/or new patch from this game right now.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obtena.7952


There is a real world stock market out there for you to play.

I rather just play it as an adventure game.

But if you want to maximize the gold available in an MMO, at least respect the TP.

That’s the thing I hate, TP is the most rewarding aspect of this game.

That’s only true if the ONLY reward you get from playing GW2 is gold. Of course, if that’s the case, I have to flip this back … why are you even playing GW2?

So tell me exactly what people are being rewarded for doing fractal or doing wvw.

Fun, satisfaction, sense of accomplishment, etc?? I mean, I could go on but you get the idea. Sitting and making gold on TP is the MOST rewarding aspect of the game? Yeah, maybe if you don’t want to actually PLAY it.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


There is a real world stock market out there for you to play.

I rather just play it as an adventure game.

But if you want to maximize the gold available in an MMO, at least respect the TP.

That’s the thing I hate, TP is the most rewarding aspect of this game.

That’s only true if the ONLY reward you get from playing GW2 is gold. Of course, if that’s the case, I have to flip this back … why are you even playing GW2?

So tell me exactly what people are being rewarded for doing fractal or doing wvw.

Fun, satisfaction, sense of accomplishment, etc?? I mean, I could go on but you get the idea. Sitting and making gold on TP is the MOST rewarding aspect of the game? Yeah, maybe if you don’t want to actually PLAY it.

I already know you are going to say that. Most pure WvW cant’ even afford to wear ascended gear. Fractal is somewhat gated by agony(gold) too. Not to mention there really isn’t much update in this game over the past 2 years.

Which is beside the point why can’t fun content reward gold. But only boring content can.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wanze.8410


There is a real world stock market out there for you to play.

I rather just play it as an adventure game.

But if you want to maximize the gold available in an MMO, at least respect the TP.

That’s the thing I hate, TP is the most rewarding aspect of this game.

That’s only true if the ONLY reward you get from playing GW2 is gold. Of course, if that’s the case, I have to flip this back … why are you even playing GW2?

So tell me exactly what people are being rewarded for doing fractal or doing wvw.

1.5 gold per hour doing fractal 49, or making a few silver per hour in wvw? Those should be the most rewarding part of the game.

Extra rewards for fractals and wvw that are not obtainable with gold include:
Karma, skillpoints, Dragonite Ore, Empyrial Fragments, Bloodstone Dust, Badges of Honor, Crafting Recipes, Ascended Gear…

And if you only get a few silver per hour in wvw, you are doing something wrong.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bunda.2691


I already know you are going to say that. Most pure WvW cant’ even afford to wear ascended gear. Fractal is somewhat gated by agony(gold) too. Not to mention there really isn’t much update in this game over the past 2 years.

This has been mentioned elsewhere, but this is part of Anet’s revenue model, not unlike farmville, candy crush, or other f2p games. They make the majority of their revenue from a minority of the most committed players. In GW2’s case, that tends to be the extreme WvW and fractals players, as well as others who are invested in other parts of the game that, as makes sense, don’t provide a ton of gold. So in order to buy the things they need/want, these dedicated players are incentivized to buy gems, which they do. And in this regard, (a little) inflation and high prices are not the worst things in the world, because they encourage purchasing gems as opposed to farming the gold.

If WvW or fractals or PvP awarded the same amount of gold as all other areas (TP included), then those players wouldn’t spend as much money.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Getting back on topic:

T6 mats took quite a dip across the board, thanks to the assault knights dropping 18 champ bags for 15 minutes work. I got 2 asc gear boxes from around100 boxes i farmed.

Personally, i dont see the rewards for defeating scarlet as rewarding for the time invested.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Getting back on topic:

T6 mats took quite a dip across the board, thanks to the assault knights dropping 18 champ bags for 15 minutes work. I got 2 asc gear boxes from around100 boxes i farmed.

Personally, i dont see the rewards for defeating scarlet as rewarding for the time invested.

Agree, the bulk of the rewards should be given for defeating the holo, not for 11111-ing the knights. I posted about this in the LS section and just got a lot of people who were upset that they didn’t get any loot at all from them (which I believe is because they don’t know how to properly tag).

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

(edited by Aberrant.6749)

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I got 2 asc gear boxes from around100 boxes i farmed.

… Right. That settles it. I’m farming those Knights non-stop this weekend. XD Even a couple of Ascended boxes would save me a lot of money from future crafting.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I already know you are going to say that. Most pure WvW cant’ even afford to wear ascended gear. Fractal is somewhat gated by agony(gold) too. Not to mention there really isn’t much update in this game over the past 2 years.

This has been mentioned elsewhere, but this is part of Anet’s revenue model, not unlike farmville, candy crush, or other f2p games. They make the majority of their revenue from a minority of the most committed players. In GW2’s case, that tends to be the extreme WvW and fractals players, as well as others who are invested in other parts of the game that, as makes sense, don’t provide a ton of gold. So in order to buy the things they need/want, these dedicated players are incentivized to buy gems, which they do. And in this regard, (a little) inflation and high prices are not the worst things in the world, because they encourage purchasing gems as opposed to farming the gold.

If WvW or fractals or PvP awarded the same amount of gold as all other areas (TP included), then those players wouldn’t spend as much money.

That’s basically what I’m saying. Anet could just reward ascended armor as reward for wvw or fractal. But apparently this is basically a cash shop game, where the gem
store is how Anet make money.

But still even in many of those f2p games. The item price is usually stable. Which is very unlike GW2 trading post.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


There is a real world stock market out there for you to play.

I rather just play it as an adventure game.

But if you want to maximize the gold available in an MMO, at least respect the TP.

That’s the thing I hate, TP is the most rewarding aspect of this game.

That’s only true if the ONLY reward you get from playing GW2 is gold. Of course, if that’s the case, I have to flip this back … why are you even playing GW2?

So tell me exactly what people are being rewarded for doing fractal or doing wvw.

1.5 gold per hour doing fractal 49, or making a few silver per hour in wvw? Those should be the most rewarding part of the game.

Extra rewards for fractals and wvw that are not obtainable with gold include:
Karma, skillpoints, Dragonite Ore, Empyrial Fragments, Bloodstone Dust, Badges of Honor, Crafting Recipes, Ascended Gear…

And if you only get a few silver per hour in wvw, you are doing something wrong.

I really just look as a blah. Except Karma, you can get everything faster else where. And for people who do wvw exlucsively, they have more problem with gold than other things.

Kind of like your comment on saying defeating scarlet isn’t as rewarding. It’s not that you dont’ get any reward. You are better doing other things if you are into the reward.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wanze.8410


There is a real world stock market out there for you to play.

I rather just play it as an adventure game.

But if you want to maximize the gold available in an MMO, at least respect the TP.

That’s the thing I hate, TP is the most rewarding aspect of this game.

That’s only true if the ONLY reward you get from playing GW2 is gold. Of course, if that’s the case, I have to flip this back … why are you even playing GW2?

So tell me exactly what people are being rewarded for doing fractal or doing wvw.

1.5 gold per hour doing fractal 49, or making a few silver per hour in wvw? Those should be the most rewarding part of the game.

Extra rewards for fractals and wvw that are not obtainable with gold include:
Karma, skillpoints, Dragonite Ore, Empyrial Fragments, Bloodstone Dust, Badges of Honor, Crafting Recipes, Ascended Gear…

And if you only get a few silver per hour in wvw, you are doing something wrong.

I really just look as a blah. Except Karma, you can get everything faster else where. And for people who do wvw exlucsively, they have more problem with gold than other things.

Kind of like your comment on saying defeating scarlet isn’t as rewarding. It’s not that you dont’ get any reward. You are better doing other things if you are into the reward.

Fractal backpieces and the account bound recipes (which have a good profit margin if you craft the items) are only attainable via fractals, just like globs which you need for the forged backpieces. Ascended rings are exclusive to wvw and fractals. With a good commander in EOTM, you make alot of gold, karma, champ bags and dragonite per hour.

I also make at least 3-5g per hour during guild raids when we get alot of kills. With a guilded infusion those silver drops from enemies add up.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KOPPER.1458


What, are you the TP version of a pacifist? You gather all your materials?

Pretty much collect everything I need. Once in a while I will use it to trade but I do my best to avoid it, and certainly never use it the week of a patch.

This comment does a good job encapsulating the problem. From an economist’s perspective, you’re not being taken advantage of, because you’re selling your goods for immediate remuneration. From a trader’s perspective, your letting him take the risk and making a small percentage off his work. Yet from your perspective, you feel taken advantage of even though your selling at bid prices is still netting you 100% profit.

This problem exists, I think, because of the cooperative nature of the game (in general), and the distaste that others may be profiting from your “work.” But as this is a game, there is actually nothing wrong with this, as it lets different types of players play and profit in the ways they enjoy — you from PvE, someone else from the TP. Try to think of it less as being taken advantage of and more contributing to the sizeand diversity of the player base. Because both that size and diversity contribute to the game’s success and longevity.

This sounds great for those who play the TP. I am not interested in selling my good to those who want to sit in “X” City all day and make profit off of my ignorance. Which is what it is. I don’t have the time or inclination to study up on it. I am happy that some do, and love it. I am happy they have found a way to play the game their way. But I am not happy with the feeling I often get from the TP.

You are correct though, I do have a strong distaste for other profiting from my work. And while I might make 100% from selling to the highest bidder (who does that?), when I go to buy something I am probably paying a premium even when I put a bid in. To clarify: I do and have used the TP heavily in the past. For some time now though I do my best to avoid it, especially near patch day and most of that week. If I can trade items nearly equally, then I will, but using the TP leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.7601


After trying out LA, gold rate is pathetic. I thought the Scarlet rifles were super rare drops, but they are down to 70g or so.

Guess I’ll be going back to my normal farms.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


People get angry because TP is best way to make money and “Easiest”. I think it is very time consuming, and most people who play the TP pretty much just do that. Maybe you jump in a quick pvp (where gold dont matter) or focus on getting cool gear but it does not really matter. You get gold to have gold. It is a game within its self. So I do not understand why people who PVE a lot get angry at TPers, they may have 100mil+ gold but it changes nothing for you.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Again, getting back in topic:

Rugged leather (tier4) has become the most expensive common mat, surpassing linen and orichalcum. Seems like more and more elonian leather is being crafted and people level their leatherworkers in order to craft it. Too bad thatthe other leather doesnt follow suit as the rugged leather seems to be the bottleneck.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bunda.2691


Again, getting back in topic:

Rugged leather (tier4) has become the most expensive common mat, surpassing linen and orichalcum. Seems like more and more elonian leather is being crafted and people level their leatherworkers in order to craft it. Too bad thatthe other leather doesnt follow suit as the rugged leather seems to be the bottleneck.

Leather is actually my favorite market, not because there is a lot of gold to be made in it, but because it always seems so remarkably balanced and in equilibrium (both re: trading and promoting).

I am wondering why Anet has chosen to increase the iron sinks but not mithril ones. Thoughts?

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.7601


Again, getting back in topic:

Rugged leather (tier4) has become the most expensive common mat, surpassing linen and orichalcum. Seems like more and more elonian leather is being crafted and people level their leatherworkers in order to craft it. Too bad thatthe other leather doesnt follow suit as the rugged leather seems to be the bottleneck.

Leather is actually my favorite market, not because there is a lot of gold to be made in it, but because it always seems so remarkably balanced and in equilibrium (both re: trading and promoting).

I am wondering why Anet has chosen to increase the iron sinks but not mithril ones. Thoughts?

Probably to give a reason for players to visit low-level zones and populate them, rather than have everyone bottlenecked in lvl 80 zones which are populated enough.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Again, getting back in topic:

Rugged leather (tier4) has become the most expensive common mat, surpassing linen and orichalcum. Seems like more and more elonian leather is being crafted and people level their leatherworkers in order to craft it. Too bad thatthe other leather doesnt follow suit as the rugged leather seems to be the bottleneck.

Leather is actually my favorite market, not because there is a lot of gold to be made in it, but because it always seems so remarkably balanced and in equilibrium (both re: trading and promoting).

I am wondering why Anet has chosen to increase the iron sinks but not mithril ones. Thoughts?

Iron spiked more because it is used in two promotions of the backpack (steel and iron) and there was less supply to begin with.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obtena.7952


There is a real world stock market out there for you to play.

I rather just play it as an adventure game.

But if you want to maximize the gold available in an MMO, at least respect the TP.

That’s the thing I hate, TP is the most rewarding aspect of this game.

That’s only true if the ONLY reward you get from playing GW2 is gold. Of course, if that’s the case, I have to flip this back … why are you even playing GW2?

So tell me exactly what people are being rewarded for doing fractal or doing wvw.

Fun, satisfaction, sense of accomplishment, etc?? I mean, I could go on but you get the idea. Sitting and making gold on TP is the MOST rewarding aspect of the game? Yeah, maybe if you don’t want to actually PLAY it.

I already know you are going to say that. Most pure WvW cant’ even afford to wear ascended gear. Fractal is somewhat gated by agony(gold) too. Not to mention there really isn’t much update in this game over the past 2 years.

Which is beside the point why can’t fun content reward gold. But only boring content can.

That’s sensationalism at it’s best. fun content does reward gold. What is ‘fun’ is subjective anyways.

Ah, patch day

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Are there really that many people levelling Leatherworker just for the backpieces? O.o (That would seem to be the logical reason as to why demand has suddenly spiked. I find it more unlikely that people have up and created a ton more Adventurer-class characters.)

In any case, I guess that makes my explorations in my current maps even more profitable, since Linen and Rugged Leather both drop there.