He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams
I’ve been enjoying a couple of the longer threads in this forum, and they’ve started to branch off into several interesting tangents. There was a suggestion in the “Economy is borked” thread that I thought got overlooked. Maybe it was discussed in another thread and I missed it.
Try this on for size.
If the lowest sale price is vendor price +1… have the TP auctioneer enable an option to just vendor it on the spot for vendor price. This will enable oversupply glut to get eaten, prevent newbies from getting taken advantage of, stop the complaints of the folks who are upset of all the vendor +1 listing etc. etc. Just have the Trade Post also “actually” buy stuff at vendor price. Makes everything streamlined and easy.
Basically there would always be an open bid for stuff at vendor price (or rather 1C over), so if there wasn’t a vendor convenient, you could pay a 15% tax to sell your junk at vendor price + 1C. I’m guessing there might still be supply at vendor +2C, but I don’t think worthless junk on the TP will completely go away unless there is a limit on the number of active auctions an account can have (but not too restrictive please!) or a similar restriction.
I think it’s an elegant way of cleaning up the glut of worthless items on the AH (i.e. items with no demand) and maybe Anet could clean up the impossibly low bids while they have the hood open.
The down side the first springs to mind is the advantage to the botters. Right now they could stuff items on the TP and they don’t necessarily sell. If they could get an instant sale it would certainly make things easier on them :/ I’m not sure if they are actually doing that much listing or not though. I suspect they are because of the white items I’ve seen on the TP that anyone who’s ever looked on the TP knows will never sell. Maybe some folks are using the TP as extra storage, but for an axe that salvages into materials that are cheaper to buy outright? I don’t know.
Makes vendoring too too toooo convenient.
Players will find less need to travel around, look for vendors, and sell stuff.
True that the pick-up system will hinder it a bit… but ANet doesn’t want to spoonfeed us too much since we’ve been already received quite a bit in terms of convenience.
The point is that people are using it now as excuse to put up stuff at the BLTP for 1 copper over vendor price. If this would help counter it, im all for it. People still need to travel around anyways for other things.
I think the big problem is that most people took a long time to realize that every heart point is also a vendor after you complete it. That doesn’t help in the highest level zones, admittedly.
However, it’s pretty obvious that using the trading post as temporary storage space is a habit that people get into at the very beginning of the game and then continue with as they level.
I think the best way to deal with it would be to remove the floor pricing on the trading post. Then the prices of these items could meet the demand price, and people might just realize that it’s usually better to find a vendor (or use a waypoint to reach one) than it is to post this stuff to the trading post.
I’d really rather not see everyone get a 85% vendor anywhere in the game – though that might drive more people to buy the Black Lion portable items on the gem store.
I think the best way to deal with it would be to remove the floor pricing on the trading post. Then the prices of these items could meet the demand price, and people might just realize that it’s usually better to find a vendor (or use a waypoint to reach one) than it is to post this stuff to the trading post.
There are some items that are worthless – no one will buy them at any price. Allowing them to go up on the market at an even lower price isn’t likely to change anything. It just lowers the listing cost to make it even more attractive to use the TP as an extension of your inventory. Toss everything up there, pull it off when you get back into town and vendor it for full price – 1C listing fee.
Thinking about it, I wonder now if all those worthless items on the TP are really an issue as long as the databases can handle the volume. I’m not talking about crafting materials as much as items that are less than rare quality. Maybe I’m trying to solve a problem that isn’t really a problem.
In the real world there’s a certain point where stocks get delisted from an exchange, although I’m not sure what happens in the commodity markets. Do they just make bigger contracts when a commodity loses much of it’s value?
If the vendor+1 prices are merely folks dumping inventory as they quest/explore/etc., then just stop letting us use the trading post anywhere and require us to talk to a trading post NPC. We already have to in order to claim our winnings/money.
I vendor at vendors. I only sell things that might make me a profit on the TP, and I easily carry those few items with me back to a city or outpost. I keep reading that these listings are because the TP is a free, anywhere-you-want vendor, so it seems worthwhile to just dump that feature.
(edited by synk.6907)
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