This may be my ignorance, but last night a friend tells me Ley Line skins are selling for 90 gold on the trading post. I think, “Great!” I need some money for a skin I’d much rather buy.
I go, buy the skin, and proceed to place it on the market. And then …anger. The price on the market for each skin is indeed 90 gold. The actual projected profit for myself is …30 something. That’s a 200% mark up from my projected value! Is this a bug?!
If it isn’t this is infuriating. Complete robbery. Let’s do some math, because I don’t think Anet realizes just how much of a snub this is to their players. If I want to get an Aetherized skin they are currently 300-500 gold. The ley line skins are selling for 90 gold, but my projected profit is 30?! So what exactly are you saying Anet? That my REAL LIFE time to you is only worth a day of dungeon raids? A day mind you. Are you saying that all of the effort and time it would take to get just 1 Black Lion ticket is somehow less time-played because I bought something with a ticket?
When we trade gold for items we are really trading time. This is real time out of our real lives that we as players put into the game. If I tried to get 90 gold through dungeon runs I would have to do 8 dungeons x 3 paths for 24 gold + that again in silver totaling around 28.8 gold. I have no idea how much fractals reward since I don’t do them or know how yet. What this ultimately means is that for a full day of dungeon runs (done once) I can make roughly 28 gold. This means 30 gold is worth roughly the same as a day of game play. A very, very dedicated player could maybe make more, but it is far beyond the means (time players have to be online) to do this.
The above tells me that 30 gold is = to one day of played time.
Now… how about the acquisition of ONE black lion ticket? Well, first it takes 10 scraps. The scraps only come from black lion chests. The chests only come from either YOUR Trading Post through REAL money or the not so frequently known repeatable first few personal story missions. Having recently tried both methods of acquisition here’s what I discovered. In 50 chests opened I received 3 black lion scraps and 1 black lion ticket. I don’t foresee myself EVER buying black lion keys again. Ever. There is absolutely no gain in doing so. It is a gambling system, plain and simple.
So… we come back to the second method… story missions. Well, doing the shortest one I could fine takes about 20 to 30 minutes depending on luck and strategy. That’s to receive 1 key at the end for a 1 in 50 chance to receive a full ticket and maybe a 1 in 15 chance of receiving a scrap (of which I need 10). Assuming that I am miraculously successful I could do this 10 times and at 20 minutes that’s 3 hours and 2 minutes. I’ve been doing this second method for a week for about 3 hours and 2 minutes. Want to know how many scraps I’ve found? Zero.
So… What’s the probability of ‘naturally’ finding black lion scraps? Absolutely way more time than any day of dungeon raiding.
I’m pretty sure gambling in video games is illegal anyway? So, what is this? Is this a bug? Is the market place some how influenced by some corrective mechanism for content consumption? Do you just randomly inject items into the market to produce artificial inflation? Are a few elite players or gold farmers jacking up the prices through some artificial means and this has slipped under the radar?
I don’t know what is going on here, but this is one giant scam. I thoroughly recommend to any new players to avoid buying black lion keys because there’s no chance you’re buying into anything remotely fair. If you intend to sell your skins for any profit be aware the Trading Post prices to do not accurately represent the price you will actually receive for the item you are selling. This may be a built in mechanic to the trading post since when I first started playing legendary weapons were selling for just around 1000 gold. Now they are upwards for 3,500. Someone is artificially inflating the whole trading post. And, there is no way to check projected profit against purchase prices.
This whole situation is really sketchy.