An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ShawnBuzu.8045


I am sitting at lv45 with 1.5g. Now before the usual “play the market” and “craft and sell” comments come along, I just wanted to say that it is not fair to people who have only 3 hours chance to play everyday to spend a big chunk of time on the trading post. Currently, I get 2 silvers for completing a renown heart. Does that mean I should use all of it on a small totem or scale? It’s insane. But the problem isn’t the price of the material because considering MMO in general, we all know how meaningless 2s are. It’s the poor rate at which money is being given to the players. I mean first of all – ALL HUMANOIDS SHOULD DROP SILVERS. Not coppers, silvers. In another MMO which I’m not sure if i’m allowed to mention, a player gets ~20s for completing a quest at level 45. If a casual player earns 8 silvers in one hour, and then has to go spend it on a Journeyman’s Salvage Kit, then something is clearly wrong. While that same player wants to get his Tier 2 cultural armour and knows that he won’t. Or by the time he has enough money to buy it, he is 20 levels above it. So by then he would want the Tier 3 armour. But guess what? It’s insanely overpriced.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wazabi.1439


A: no, its different.

If money drop increases, say from 10s/hr to 100s/hr it increases for everyone. If you can’t afford to compete a crafting mat selling at say 1s per piece right now when you’re earning 10s/hr, what makes you think you can compete when everyone else when everyone is also earning at 100s/hr? Your purchasing power remains the same.
Crafting has never been easy in most MMO…this one is actually one of the easier ones.
If you want to increase your purchasing power, you’ll have to do something different that the average player is doing, increase your income/hr proportionately higher than the average player.

Comparing money from different MMO is like comparing apples to oranges.

(edited by Wazabi.1439)

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ShawnBuzu.8045


Yeah, 10s/hr. By which most of it gets depleted with waypoint travelling, salvage kit buying and mat buying.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: illgot.1056


Why are you salvaging anything? The only things worth salvaging are starter cloth armor because Jute Cloth still sells for more than the armor, everything else you can salvage is worth less than vendering the armor.

Why are you using waypoints if you are broke. I have over 15 gold on my characters and probably around 8 or 9 gold worth in investments and on the broker being sold. I very rarely use waypoints and actually make more money by gathering and killing random mobs.

Play the market. Sorry guy, but I play the game and spend maybe 5 minutes every hour or so posting items for sale and buying up more items, it doesn’t take “all day” to play the market, it takes a few minutes when ever you have the chance.

The economy is not bad, I find it easier to make more money in GW2 than ny other game when it first came out.

(edited by illgot.1056)

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: arji.7192


And yes my money were low until i started to salvage only the leather to level up leatherworking, i sell all the rest. Try that and believeme, you ll feel terrible that you salvaged everything!

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wazabi.1439


Now what illgot is doing is increasing his wealth relative to other players, improving his purchasing power through a combination of investments, and reducing the cost of operating/running his toons, and more effective use of trash gear…which is simple but yet many fail to grasp or accept.

@Shawn: 10s/hr is a hypothetical number made up by me to illustrate an example. If you’re level 80 like me, yes, that’s not enough to cover wp expanses….but then….for each 3 hour session, I only use wp twice, and I’ve never bought any gears or mats from TP except for the 2.5g spent to lv my artificer from 325-400 since I don’t have any high tier mats. Also, I saw the direction the market is heading, and made a conscious decision to push my crafting skill beyond where the crowd is at to avoid competing with them for mats. In sum, you find ways to adapt…

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Boogna.5019


yea what was said above, if you get more base money a hour everyone does, it changes nothing. all the salvage kits and gathering tools are free, theres a renown heart in each area that sells to lv tools. so stop buying them. the drop rate on rare items in this game is already insainly high.
i can get around 15 claws a every 5min killing monsters. (and i too am lv 45). so i never have to buy them on teh TP, which is what your doing. infact if you want and you dont even need em,… sell em you make money.

yes i play the market as well but i only have 10g because i only sell on the market. if i need crafting reasorces i just play the game, and i have all i need to lv. i dont even use the tele’s in the game. if you walk you get stuff from killing mobs and resourse nodes.

honastly the games fine, all i’m hearing is:
“i’m a lazy person who wants to tele everywhere and buy all my mats on the TP for free. aNet, fix this problem of me being to lazy and spoon feed me all i need and want”

i will admit, the race gears to much to buy at that lv. but its not ment to be everywhere. and i think its ment just for its looks. then you put it on a item with the stats you want later on. if you notice theres only one set, and theres not differnt sets with differt stats. clearly just for looks.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Yeah, 10s/hr. By which most of it gets depleted with waypoint travelling, salvage kit buying and mat buying.

I honestly have no idea why you are doing only renown hearts and never killing enemies.

If I go through a zone, say, for one hour, I complete 3-4 renown hearts, 10+ events most likely, that’s ~30s at your level already.

But, I also get items. Items I vendor, everything White+. I end up with ~50-70 silver for the time spent, quite a lot of money at lvl45. And this is after repairs / teleports.

Your proposed solution also wouldn’t change something. You’re not argueing mobs drop too little cash, you’re essentially argueing that you find repairs / teleports / vendor costs too pricey. Because if you just increase drops for every by 100%, AH prices will go up by 100%, too. Actually more than that, but that’s more complex business stuff to get into.

Point is, you seem to be alone with this problem. :P

Really, the economy in GW2 seems intentionally kept tight, but considering you can freely exchange Gold <→ Euros, isn’t this a good thing? Would you really want gold to inflate so much? We need this strong bleed on our money via teleporting, repairing, siege engines, kits, crafting mats and gems, or exactly what you currently bemoan would happen: The economy would be terrible.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vaerah.4907


Both on EvE and GW2 the basic rule is the same: “play smarter, not harder”.

Stop grinding and start making profits with the market. They make grinding bad so that baddies and gold farmers have it though. Don’t be a baddie.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wazabi.1439


glad to see majority of the player gets the point.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DarkAnvil.2513


honastly the games fine, all i’m hearing is:
“i’m a lazy person who wants to tele everywhere and buy all my mats on the TP for free. aNet, fix this problem of me being to lazy and spoon feed me all i need and want”

LOL I’m hearing the same thing.

@ShawnBuzu: Maybe try asking for money-making/saving tips instead of making a whine post about how you want an armor set but can’t get it right here, right now so the economy must be terrible.
The economy is not terrible. It just hasn’t matured yet.

Asking to increase gold drop from mobs is effectively inflating the economy for no good reason. And no, just because you can’t afford your armor set when you want it, is not a good reason.

Like it or not, life is not fair and if you refuse to “play the market” or “craft and sell” then the best advice is to avoid the many gold-sinks built into this game like increasingly expensive waypoints (plan your travels and use your swiftness skills to run around), repairs (dodge and stop dying so much), salvage kits (at the current materials prices, it’s better to vendor or sell on TP most drops).

And if you absolutely must have the armor sets, then level up and amass wealth on your first character so that your second character can enjoy the armor sets at the appropriate levels. Problem solved.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wazabi.1439


wow….I don’t see you post often dark…but when you do….wow.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zhukov.7854


What I don’t understand is how you managed to get to level 45 and only have 1.5g.. currently I am level 22 and have just about 9g. It’s really not that hard, I haven’t even been working the trading post.(haven’t figured it out enough yet,hence why I’m here)

I have made 9 gold just by selling all the mats I gather while level and saving the mats I will need for cooking. It’s really not that hard if you don’t go around buying on every whim.
And once again the left shall rise!

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: EyeSeeSound.1348


I’m always skintight and levels 52 and 3 around 20. But I’m skins because I love abusing the waypoints, will buy stuff when I can’t be bothered to farm it and buy level suitable gear before trying a new dungeon.

Thing is a) I don’t whine about it, I knowim blowing my cash and don’t care and b) after blowing a load of cash selling drops and doing hearts sees it come back in fit enough.

I do agree though with other posts elsewhere that 100% in an area warrants free waypoints or discounted a great deal at least, like with cities which are free. If w complete 100% we have at least traversed the content and if we are returning it may be to help friends/others, farm some mats, do a story quest or dungeon run or something. I don’t see the problem with those things being made easier to do because at some point they are the things that will be left to do once we’ve progressed to 80 or got 100% world map.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hyde.6189


honastly the games fine, all i’m hearing is:
“i’m a lazy person who wants to tele everywhere and buy all my mats on the TP for free. aNet, fix this problem of me being to lazy and spoon feed me all i need and want”

Yep, all I see here is QQ from someone who thinks the game owes him something. I don’t have much cash, I’m level 77 and only have 1.5g after buying my 2g trait book, but I’m not complaining. I prefer to gather my own crafting materials rather than buying them. Yeah, that means my crafting skills are going up pretty slowly, but if you want to be able to buy enough materials to burn through your crafting skills right up to 400 then you’re going to have to put in a bit of effort, it should be expensive to do so.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: whiran.1473


I’m assuming the question was: Is the Economy terrible?

The answer to that is: No.

This is one of the few games out there where inflation is not running rampant yet. There are enough money sinks built into the game that they are balancing the income faucets. This means that having a single gold is actually worthwhile.

If the income faucets were increased then instead of things costing silver (or, at the extreme multiple gold) they would all cost gold and, at the extreme thousands of gold.

Your totem or scale which, apparently, cost 2 silver would increase in price to 2 gold or 20 gold or 200 gold.

Effectively, it would still be the same ratio of time in (to gain the gold) to the relative cost of the item.

The only way to break out and become ‘wealthy’ in the game through a legal manner is to learn how the game’s trading house works (buy low, sell high, corner specific markets, learn what highly desirable goods exist and spend a little time farming them and selling them with sell orders not to buy orders) or you need to collapse your expenses (stop using way points for example) and build your wealth slowly.

If you get a rare item selling it within your zone is a worthwhile endeavor. Even if another player offers you a mere 50 copper more than the vendor price you’ve come out ahead.

Good luck with figuring out how the economy works.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ShawnBuzu.8045


I don’t think materials would increase in price if the income becomes higher. Because people would be happy with the income. If it was me, I’d increase material prices BECAUSE I’m not getting enough from drops not the contrary.

Also, I believe I was asked why I salvage. To gather materials, right? If I had a fine (blue) chest piece that no one would buy for the price I ask for, why would I not salvage it to provide materials to my alts? I have 1.5g because of the trait books.

Another thing is I’m not complaining because eventually, by playing the market, I will get to ~20g or whatever. But if I wanted a certain armour set at level 60, I’d get it at 80 even with that “play the market” rate. It takes forever, that is the problem!

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wazabi.1439


You have no idea how economics work and the idea of perfect competition and price taker. You can increase mat price but competition would mean yours won’t sell unless demand is sufficiently high. You will eventually be forced to sell at the price where people are willing to pay…you can set the price, but you don’t decide if someone will buy at that price.

People usually don’t salvage blue items because the mats that they get is less valuable than selling it to vendor. If you haven’t figure that out by now, and from how stubborn your attitude is on a subject that you obviously not very good at, and your qq, i’m sorry…I don’t think you have what it takes to make big money in the market.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: whiran.1473


I don’t think materials would increase in price if the income becomes higher. Because people would be happy with the income. If it was me, I’d increase material prices BECAUSE I’m not getting enough from drops not the contrary.

Okay, let me see if I can try to illustrate why inflation happens when more money is entered into an economy.

You are looking the price of materials from a seller’s perspective without thinking about the buyer. To complete a transaction you need to actually do a transaction.

If I list an item for 100g and no one buys it then what do I do? Well, I’ll relist the item at 90g. If it does not sell again I’ll drop the price. Eventually, I’ll reach a price point where other people are willing to buy the item.

If the majority of players have under 5g banked then they are going to think about each purchase and decide if it is -really- worth it. A purchase of 50 silver is significant.

Now, if the majority of players have over 1000g banked then they are not going to think about a purchase of 50 silver. 50 silver out of 1000g is insignificant. So, they’d shell out 50 silver in a heartbeat. The sellers of item will react to this by listing new sell orders at a higher price. Well, 1 gold is still insignificant out of 1000g so people will still be willing to buy at that price. Sellers will increase the price again to 10g.

For some people, 10g may be the limit of what they are willing to pay so they’ll drop out of buying. But, for many others, 10g will still be within the ’that’s kinda steep but I’ll suck it up and pay it’ realm. So they’ll buy at that price. Sellers will continue to raise the price until the market reaches the points of what the market is willing to pay.

Perceived value is a significant factor in determining actual pricing.

What are people willing to pay for something?

Or, put another way, if people are willing to spend 10% of their current savings on an item then they will continue to be willing to spend 10% of their future savings on an item.

At level 10, someone may be willing to spend 10% of their banked amount on a awesome weapon for their level. If the player has 1 silver, that’d be 10 copper.

At level 20, someone may be willing to spend 10% of their banked amount on a awesome weapon for their level. If the player has 10 silver, that’d be 1 silver.

At level 80, someone may be willing to spend 10% of their banked amount on an awesome weapon for their level. If the player has 10 gold, that’d be 1 gold.

The ratio remains the same for the perceived value of what it is they are purchasing.

This is why when you increase the amount of gold into the system the price of everything would go up to reflect the value proposition of each item.

People have a ‘comfort’ level in which they will buy something based on what they think the item should be worth. What they think an item is worth is broadly determined by comparable offerings, what the item will do for them, rarity, and marketing.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wazabi.1439


Kinda makes you wish people actually pays attention at econ101 huh?

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Raf.1078


I play less that 3 hrs per day due to work and RL and I rarely use the market at all. If I run out of mats for any of my 4 crafters, I just go out and harvest. Its slow, but who cares? Its not a race.

The only time I even approach the marketplace is when a crafter is about to hit the next level and I’ve run out of crucial mat. Then I’ll buy some…other than that…everything you need in terms of coin, mats out in the world waiting on you.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ShawnBuzu.8045


This isn’t about the fundamentals of marketing. This is about the disadvantages of spending time on the market while your current aspiring armour set or weaponry pass you by as you become over levelled. Player income and the prices set on gear are not proportional as they should. Even karma, but I need not write a book for that subject.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xylidya.4318


Or you’re just rushing levels and spending too much.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: John Smith.4610

John Smith.4610

I feel like I’m reiterating a lot of what others have already stated here, but…

The game is designed to be a bit tight in the beginning. It is not our intent to amass wealth on players quickly or easily. We don’t want people to feel poor, but a sustainable economy is much better than an overly-inflationary economy.

The value of wealth is relative how much wealth there is.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: frOst.2198


I think the economy is in a good place. Due to the nature of the game (not being a progressive treadmill), its important to keep inflation down, and you CAN do that without affecting someones game play experience. This is unlike any other game out there.

The requirements for all goods can be exceedingly high because you are not required to get the items. Thus, where one game might require 10 of an item, this game requires 250.

Its interesting.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: EyeSeeSound.1348


This is about the disadvantages of spending time on the market while your current aspiring armour set or weaponry pass you by as you become over levelled.

well….. in that case you just saved yourself the cost of that set of gear which is now irrelevant because you’ve out levelled it. Sweet

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


The trading post is failing because people using it a dimwits. Seriously people need to stop listing stuff for one copper more than vendor price if the listing price is two bloody copper. Seriously it only takes basic math to realize you’re loosing money. The player base is making a whole swath of items useless to do anything with but vendor after you make them which is a loss of money.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Reinholder.3460


I am sitting at lv45 with 1.5g. Now before the usual “play the market” and “craft and sell” comments come along, I just wanted to say that it is not fair to people who have only 3 hours chance to play everyday to spend a big chunk of time on the trading post. Currently, I get 2 silvers for completing a renown heart. Does that mean I should use all of it on a small totem or scale? It’s insane. But the problem isn’t the price of the material because considering MMO in general, we all know how meaningless 2s are. It’s the poor rate at which money is being given to the players. I mean first of all – ALL HUMANOIDS SHOULD DROP SILVERS. Not coppers, silvers. In another MMO which I’m not sure if i’m allowed to mention, a player gets ~20s for completing a quest at level 45. If a casual player earns 8 silvers in one hour, and then has to go spend it on a Journeyman’s Salvage Kit, then something is clearly wrong. While that same player wants to get his Tier 2 cultural armour and knows that he won’t. Or by the time he has enough money to buy it, he is 20 levels above it. So by then he would want the Tier 3 armour. But guess what? It’s insanely overpriced.

So you’re saying that because other said MMO that may or may not feature pandas makes it easy for you, Arena should too? Tell me, have you also noticed that the idea of quest lines are obsolete and obscures the idea of grind as well, or are you going to suggest that they should be more linear too?

I think you’re overlooking the fact that as you level, the drops become exponentially more valuable and useful; combined with gathering, crafting and trading on the market, I can easily make more than a couple of gold inside of an our, which more than offsets the drops that I’d get from a mob.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ryo Hazuki.8503

Ryo Hazuki.8503

Yeah, 10s/hr. By which most of it gets depleted with waypoint travelling, salvage kit buying and mat buying.

A) Stop using waypoints, as much as possible, use the asura portals if you can, explore the world, it’s worth saving all that waypoint money. I dread to think how much I spent on the WP’s in the first few days before I realised.

B) You shouldn’t be salvaging everything

I’ve made about 30s in the past half an hour from drops and knowing what sells well on the TP. This is whilst progressing in the game and not purposely farming.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Boogna.5019


The trading post is failing because people using it a dimwits. Seriously people need to stop listing stuff for one copper more than vendor price if the listing price is two bloody copper. Seriously it only takes basic math to realize you’re loosing money. The player base is making a whole swath of items useless to do anything with but vendor after you make them which is a loss of money.

up to 6c you will make a profit selling 1c above vender, and i wrote a thread with teh math to prove it. so clearly your basic math is flawed and you need to go back to school.

and to the guy that started this. no,… just no. the sets of armor are ment to be rare, meaning you have to work for them. if you put more money in the game everything goes up in price. called inflation. plz go look up post world war 1 germany, inflation was so bad they would burn the money cuz it last longer then the wood they could buy with it. you also dont have to buy/sell on the market to make good cash, just sell all ur useless mats. and stop buying everything that shinny. (like the 5g armor thats litteraly just for looks)

so again all i hear is “aNet i’m lazy gimme gimme gimme i payed for this game”

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wazabi.1439


how are you losing money? Did you pay to buy the trash loot at vendor price in the first place?

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wazabi.1439


This isn’t about the fundamentals of marketing. This is about the disadvantages of spending time on the market while your current aspiring armour set or weaponry pass you by as you become over levelled. Player income and the prices set on gear are not proportional as they should. Even karma, but I need not write a book for that subject.

Do you mean fundamentals of market of marketing? It’s 2 very different thing. The price of gear on market depends on the supply of gears from various source (crafting, karma gear, drop) and the income level. It is very naive if you think price of gear will remain static if you increase world wide income (just look at Australia in the past 20 years).

In any MMO, you have to spend time and effort to get stuffs…I’ll bet even in hello kitty island adventure. In the context of cultural set, just think of it as an endgame thing. It is meant to be hard to get… just so hardcore players can get it and make you jump up and down in jealousy. Don’t set too high a goal and blame others for you not being able to achieve it.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: stayBlind.7849


I have 5 gold at level 53 and I haven’t used the trading post once…

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RedDream.3501


It’s no meaning to increase money drop. This is demand/supply on GW2 economy.

If money drop 10x then everything price gone up 10x too, so you still poor compare to items price.

You just need to “spend less” and “work more” like a real life.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I have 5 gold at level 53 and I haven’t used the trading post once…

If you used the TP logically you should have 50 gold by level 50.

All you have done with this post is prove that you do need to use the TP. Wisely and correctly. ie. don’t under price items nor over price them either.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Crowley.8761


So this is a thread about wanting gold to be easier to get… Please no, just… no!

Finally we get a game where money actually matters, where you don’t get 50 000 gold by mining some random ore patch for 1 hour. You have to work for it here, be happy and consider it a challenge.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lazrial.1083


you cannot compare money drops between different MMO’s, if every humanoid dropped silver then prices would be even higher and your money would be worth less, the fact that you play for 3 hours and others play for 10+ means you will always have less than them in the game. you will always be poorer by around the same ratio as you are now regardless of how things drop as people who invest more time get more gold.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cyvil.1605


If you are buying those mats from the TP (when it makes sense) at the “listed” price, you should probably look into how the TP works, in a little more detail. There are bargains, on crafting materials, available. You do have to wait, sometimes, for a seller to match your price, but I was amazed at how quickly things came through at MY preferred price. At times, my orders were filled before I left the TP area/city/zone.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Crowley.8761


you cannot compare money drops between different MMO’s, if every humanoid dropped silver then prices would be even higher and your money would be worth less, the fact that you play for 3 hours and others play for 10+ means you will always have less than them in the game. you will always be poorer by around the same ratio as you are now regardless of how things drop as people who invest more time get more gold.

Not true, by just being clever instead of grinding something you are completely able to make several gold per hour.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wazabi.1439


I think lazrial is just trying to state it in a simple way. Yes, relative wealth is all that matters for comparison. If you’re more efficient, you can spend less time to increase your relative wealth

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Coffee.7058


If you do not have adequate time to spend playing a game, your main focus should be on other things and not trying to mold its mechanics to fit your lifestyle.

Team Peenk

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Everything on trade post is also dirt cheap! At 41 I completely upgraded my armor for ~8-9silver. I then sold all of my butter, YES BUTTER, for 13s. Open up your collectibles tab and sell the crap you don’t use. If you’re seriously wanting to level up 4 different crafts then you will be poorer than people focusing on two, one, or even none.

Stop salvaging things, sometimes they sell better at vendor.

For all we know you’re an MMO hoarder who’s bank is filled with things you PLAN on using at some point but we all know you never will. Clean house!

I also play LESS than 3 hours a day, I have a full time job and hit the gym every day. I have two characters a 41 guardian and a 36 necro. Each has 2g+. And that’s after buying gems to expand inventory on both characters, and I just bought the level 40 trait skill manual. Yesterday I also made 15 10slot bags to distribute to guildies, at 5s each for the rune of holding, of which I covered since I’m awesome.

Whatever you’re doing, you aren’t doing it efficiently.

At least for now I think you need to look at 1g in GW2 equaling 300g in Pandaland.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Idgarad.6105


I am sitting at lv45 with 1.5g. Now before the usual “play the market” and “craft and sell” comments come along, I just wanted to say that it is not fair to people who have only 3 hours chance to play everyday to spend a big chunk of time on the trading post. Currently, I get 2 silvers for completing a renown heart. Does that mean I should use all of it on a small totem or scale? It’s insane. But the problem isn’t the price of the material because considering MMO in general, we all know how meaningless 2s are. It’s the poor rate at which money is being given to the players. I mean first of all – ALL HUMANOIDS SHOULD DROP SILVERS. Not coppers, silvers. In another MMO which I’m not sure if i’m allowed to mention, a player gets ~20s for completing a quest at level 45. If a casual player earns 8 silvers in one hour, and then has to go spend it on a Journeyman’s Salvage Kit, then something is clearly wrong. While that same player wants to get his Tier 2 cultural armour and knows that he won’t. Or by the time he has enough money to buy it, he is 20 levels above it. So by then he would want the Tier 3 armour. But guess what? It’s insanely overpriced.

I see the American education system still lacks basic curriculum in economics. At least I can offer this:

Work on that first before posting again.

“No Mercy for the Panda Kids. We don’t want you. We don’t need you.”

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


I’m for a slight slight inflation of the currency. I prefer seeing big numbers, I dont mind if im paying out big numbers as well. As long as its equal.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: skaaz.4281


The trading post is failing because people using it a dimwits. Seriously people need to stop listing stuff for one copper more than vendor price if the listing price is two bloody copper. Seriously it only takes basic math to realize you’re loosing money. The player base is making a whole swath of items useless to do anything with but vendor after you make them which is a loss of money.

Yes they are only hurting themselves.

You still have the choice to sell to a vendor for profit. Which I might add is more than what your competition is getting.

Member of Cradle Guard

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hedyn.5917


My highest character of the 8 I have is 22, and holds my one gold piece. I expect to double it today by just selling what I have on the characters. I spent the other gold I made from the TP on the 3 extra character slots. I’ve also given up crafting, due to the excessive undercutting enabling me to get nice gear so cheap (if I don’t stumble upon something even nicer as loot – loot is fine at the low levels). I harvest, mine and chop down every resource I come across, and sell them for some reasonable profit. I get rid of everything I can’t use on any character now or within 3 levels.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: skaaz.4281


I’m doing pretty much same as hedyn.

Buying cheap armor and weapons on the TP. Selling all the crafting goods and drops I have no use for at 20% above vendor value or the sell it now option which ever is higher.

I am making a ton of gold. Then dump it all back onto cooking:)

Member of Cradle Guard

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hedyn.5917


You’d be ten times as rich if you didn’t pick cooking :P

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ziggy.7319



the amount of ingame gold floating around is fine. it’s a new game, the amount of gold you have on you is supposed to be a low budget right now. if it wasn’t, and everything was super cheap, then buying stuff would be worthless and mind as well be free for you, definitely not Anet’s intent. just wait till months from now and you start making alts, you’ll see the difference when you’re able to feed your alts with your main’s accumulated wealth.

the only thing i dont like is there’s no point in me selling on the TP since i’m better off vending it for the same price without a listing and tax fee.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RaZaC.1963


The economy state is terrible.

1. So many gold sellers, they absorb allot of gold and sell it ofcourse this is a big problem in the GW ecnomomy

2. To many moneysinks, traveling to waypoints costs WAY to much. I need to spend about two silvers on my level 42 character to go to a friend in the asura area, then when i want to go play with some kittens in the black citadel i’ll have to pay that again.
This one is propably the biggest problem for me

3. The Trading Post, i dont kon what it is about that horrible thing but it looks crap, and works crap. The interface is terrible and bugged something that can be fixed ofcourse.
Because of the way the Trading Post works there are very big price differences. In a game where you can only put something on sale and just buy it you wont have allot of fluctuation on the price. But when you can put on offers That are far below selling price and people actually sell it, it destroy’s the marked.