Anyone got a fusion wep ticket?
guildie got 2 from 5 keys e.e
you guys falling in anet trolling event, they are laughing of all of us now in the office. and to give you and example use this:
$200 dollars u could went for the lengendary, why would u spend $200 dollars trying to get a COF weapon with just some chains added to it, probly take Anet a day to make, Anet really know how to make dough
Guys its all RNG i got mine on my very fist chest. That being said now that i have 1, (maybe 2 dont hate me, i got very lucky!) the skins aren’t too amazing, to be more specific id sell it on the TP if i had the option in a heartbeat.
68 chests later, not a single kittening ticket.
850+ lvl80 rares later, not a single precursor/profit of any kind.
150+ lvl 30+ fractal runs later, not a single kittening fractal weapon.
What the kitten is the kittening point in trying when half the kitten in this game is all RNG and luck based?
If you’re lucky, you get it in first few tries. If you’re unlucky, well good luck spending a year and possibly never getting what you’re trying to get.
(edited by Kurow.6973)
68 chests later, not a single kittening ticket.
850+ lvl80 rares later, not a single precursor/profit of any kind.
150+ lvl 30+ fractal runs later, not a single kittening fractal weapon.
What the kitten is the kittening point in trying when half the kitten in this game is all RNG and luck based?
If you’re lucky, you get it in first few tries. If you’re unlucky, well good luck spending a year and possibly never getting what you’re trying to get.
Not sick enough, apparently.
68 chests later, not a single kittening ticket.
850+ lvl80 rares later, not a single precursor/profit of any kind.
150+ lvl 30+ fractal runs later, not a single kittening fractal weapon.
What the kitten is the kittening point in trying when half the kitten in this game is all RNG and luck based?
If you’re lucky, you get it in first few tries. If you’re unlucky, well good luck spending a year and possibly never getting what you’re trying to get.
Not sick enough, apparently.
Not yet…when it gets to that point, it’ll be sayonara GW2…and at the rate they’re going, it might be soon if they keep this up.
bought 85 keys for 180gold, got 14~ keys back. so 99 chests or 100…and got 1 ticket.
and bought another 250g worth of gems…made price go from 7550 gems for 180g to 7150 gems for 180g
I opened 85 chests and got 3 tokens and 2 name change contracts
I opened 85 chests and got 3 tokens and 2 name change contracts
Hehehehe……just came to rub it in. NICE!!!!
Gratz man!!!
Logic will never win an argument on the forums…..only a sense of entitlement will.
6 chests- 1 ticket.
WTF?!?! Here I thought the weapons could be bought via tokens received from effort in the game, instead another STUPID kitten lockbox scam! Everyone needs to stop buying the kitten keys already, you only screwing yourself and everyone else over.
Also, shame on you ANET and who ever thought of doing this. I was enjoying this patch until it came to this part. Enough with locking things behind a random chance lock box. Its a shady practice and one that should never been allowed in the first place that marks another wise fantastic game. If you just sell this stuff straight out instead of this gambling crap, then maybe ANET can be considered more respectable.
WTF?!?! Here I thought the weapons could be bought via tokens received from effort in the game, instead another STUPID kitten lockbox scam! Everyone needs to stop buying the kitten keys already, you only screwing yourself and everyone else over.
And you need to remember that this game has no monthly subscription fee, and instead its continuous maintenance and development is supported by this ‘scam’.
WTF?!?! Here I thought the weapons could be bought via tokens received from effort in the game, instead another STUPID kitten lockbox scam! Everyone needs to stop buying the kitten keys already, you only screwing yourself and everyone else over.
And you need to remember that this game has no monthly subscription fee, and instead its continuous maintenance and development is supported by this ‘scam’.
I have a feeling that they’d make a lot more money if these skins were straight up purchasable with gems like the wintersday skins were, especially considering these look better in the eyes of most people.
Everyone I play with have spent $0 on these skins because they had terrible luck with just gold (so they know spending $ would be a bigger waste), and have completely given up on BLCs.
So, they managed to do nothing but make some money out of the gambling addicts, and kitten off the rest of the community who were interested in having some of these skins.
I have a feeling that they’d make a lot more money if these skins were straight up purchasable with gems like the wintersday skins were, especially considering these look better in the eyes of most people.
You think that? You really think that?
You think the people who have the real and complete data from previous skin releases, the people whose not theoretical livelyhood is on the line, the people who have undoubtedly spent dozens if not hundreds of man-hours considering alternative release schemes, the people who have to make the choice of how to proceed just… screwed up?
I don’t have the slightest doubt that doing it this way nets them more money, both this quarter and over the life of the game.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I have a feeling that they’d make a lot more money if these skins were straight up purchasable with gems like the wintersday skins were, especially considering these look better in the eyes of most people.
You think that? You really think that?
You think the people who have the real and complete data from previous skin releases, the people whose not theoretical livelyhood is on the line, the people who have undoubtedly spent dozens if not hundreds of man-hours considering alternative release schemes, the people who have to make the choice of how to proceed just… screwed up?
I don’t have the slightest doubt that doing it this way nets them more money, both this quarter and over the life of the game.
Yes, I really do.
The items that are available for sale differ much too vastly to net the same results…and you, or anyone else thinking otherwise is WRONG.
To sum up the complaints I see….
The Halloween way of RNG in the chests was bad.
The Wintersday way of RNG in the chests was ok because they offered the skins up in the Gem Store.
This latest way is bad because it’s more like Halloween and less like Wintersday.
Does anyone else see a pattern? It looks to me like Anet made MORE money around Halloween than they did during Wintersday……so this last time, they decided to go back to that method because it makes them more money.
Those people that are suggesting Anet would make more money if they offered the skins up for sale in the Gem Store look to be wrong….solely based on the method Anet chose for releasing these skins.
Just because you want something, that doesn’t mean your opinion is right.
Logic will never win an argument on the forums…..only a sense of entitlement will.
I’m not sure Halloween vs. Wintersday is a fair comparison. I actually thought the toy weapon skins were better than the ones in the gem store and none of them compared to the awesomeness of the chainsaw greatsword.
Regardless, even if the fused weapon skins were sold for 800 gems each then the question would become how many people would spend $10 for one vs. how many people have spent $200+ on BL keys.
I think 10$ would be way to much to spend on a skin, for me at least. I think I’d be more comfortable between 2-5.
I’m positive this RNG method nets them more money. There are many posts of people complaining that they spent hundreds of dollars on these boxes but didn’t get anything or only got one or whatever. You think these people will ever stop? I’m sure a few will but plenty will keep spending the money to get that little coupon. I’m thankful for them myself. Means I keep getting to experience the free content without spending my money. They pay for me.
Hey maybe theyll do another 3 boosters and 3 tonics into the MF for a fusion chest. 1 can hope!
guildie got 2 from 5 keys e.e
You are full of !@#$
I opened 85 chests and got 3 tokens and 2 name change contracts
You are full of !@#$ to.
1000 chests from several players and not one token. Here you claim you got 3 from 85? Get the !@#$ out of here Anet.
guildie got 2 from 5 keys e.e
You are full of !@#$
I believe it. I know a couple of people who got 1~2 out of 5 chests…and then…there was me. 129 chests, and none…therefore, I raged, and quit.
Hey maybe theyll do another 3 boosters and 3 tonics into the MF for a fusion chest.
1 can hope!
That’s like trying to put a bandaid on the issue.
It wouldn’t bypass the RNG factor of it. It’d only relieve the pain by a miniscule (almost unnoticeable) amount.
(edited by Kurow.6973)
for some reason i cant belive that several players even combinde have bought for 1125€ keys(if they bought 5 keys at a time) without getting a single token.
i bought 21 keys got 1 token a name change and alot of other stuff that i cant remember
so it is possible
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
I’m not full of kitten. I have now opened 160 and have got 8 tokens.
I can post pictures of my weapons to prove it.
guildie got 2 from 5 keys e.e
You are full of !@#$
I’ll gladly provide you with pictures of my 2 tickers from 10 chests to help calm your rage if you’d like.
for some reason i cant belive that several players even combinde have bought for 1125€ keys(if they bought 5 keys at a time) without getting a single token.
i bought 21 keys got 1 token a name change and alot of other stuff that i cant rememberso it is possible
It does not matter if you believe the truth or not.
Just because you refuse to believe the truth, doesn’t make the truth false…in fact, it makes you delusional, and ignorant.
some guy from my server got in the first try with only ONE key in his bag
I got 3 tickets out of 40 chests
for some reason i cant belive that several players even combinde have bought for 1125€ keys(if they bought 5 keys at a time) without getting a single token.
i bought 21 keys got 1 token a name change and alot of other stuff that i cant rememberso it is possible
It does not matter if you believe the truth or not.
Just because you refuse to believe the truth, doesn’t make the truth false…in fact, it makes you delusional, and ignorant.
This goes both ways. Refusing to believe someone elses version of truth doesn’t make someone ignorant, it makes them skeptical. I only know this because I am a PHD, a skydiver, and long time movie star in hit films like “The walking kind of slow dead”, “Once upon a dream that one time”, and more well known cult classic “Screams kind of hurt my ears”. Ignorance is bliss, but finger waiving is a serious sport, and I’d like you to take it more seriously.
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music
some guy from my server got in the first try with only ONE key in his bag
I got a ticket without opening any chests. I just logged in this morning and had a ticket in my inventory.
I was happier then and I had nothin’. We used to live in this tiny old house with great big holes in the roof.
House! You were lucky to live in a house! We used to live in one room, all twenty-six of us, no furniture, ’alf the floor was missing, and we were all ’uddled together in one corner for fear of falling.
Eh, you were lucky to have a room! We used to have to live in t’ corridor!
Oh, we used to dream of livin’ in a corridor! Would ha’ been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woke up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! House? Huh.
Well, when I say ‘house’ it was only a hole in the ground covered by a sheet of tarpaulin, but it was a house to us.
We were evicted from our ’ole in the ground; we ’ad to go and live in a lake.
You were lucky to have a lake! There were a hundred and fifty of us living in t’ shoebox in t’ middle o’ road.
Cardboard box?
You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t’ mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep wi’ his belt.
Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at six o’clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of ’ot gravel, work twenty hour day at mill for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would thrash us to sleep with a broken bottle, if we were lucky!
Well, of course, we had it tough. We used to ‘ave to get up out of shoebox at twelve o’clock at night and lick road clean wit’ tongue. We had two bits of cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at mill for sixpence every four years, and when we got home our Dad would slice us in two wit’ bread knife.
Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o’clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah.
And you try and tell the young people of today that ….. they won’t believe you.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
68 chests later, not a single kittening ticket.
850+ lvl80 rares later, not a single precursor/profit of any kind.
150+ lvl 30+ fractal runs later, not a single kittening fractal weapon.
What the kitten is the kittening point in trying when half the kitten in this game is all RNG and luck based?
If you’re lucky, you get it in first few tries. If you’re unlucky, well good luck spending a year and possibly never getting what you’re trying to get.
Blame the wow junkies who thought this game didn’t have endgame.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
71 chests in , no ticket . Im done gambling. Rewarding luck over skill/time is one thing but making us empty our wallets in hopes of a token is just like playing the irl lottery. Add them on the gemstore market or as a reward for the final event. Stop doing this to us.
19 chests so far, all from doing key runs. No tickets yet.
1 ticket in 131 chests.
I hope they give more tickets at the end of F&F.
2 sets of 5 keys yielded 2 fused wep tickets. 4 single sets of keys yielded nothing.
(I have to know! In WvW, do Legendary NPCs drop Legendary loot?)
Bought 5 keys, now my warrior had the fused greatsword and my ranger had the longbow.