Are Legendary Weapons Symbols of Achievment?
Yes they are:
They show how much gold you have spent and/or bought of the TP.
Or The luck achievement.
I think the particle effects should be gold coins splashing off the characters as they walk.They have no symbolic nature like skill,determination, tenacity,or even epic adventure- just you got lucky or spent rl money on it.
You forgot the other option, which is spending 8+ hours a day farming every farming spot you can find, from Orr, to Dungeons, to whatever else there is. Scraping together every bit of gold, gather t6 mats, ecto’s, mystic coins. Saving every little freaking penny for months and months to buy the overpriced precursor that is so uber rare.
Not forgetting wasting a lot of gold on attempts trying to get it yourself, but failed miserably.
I bet one of the most interesting parts of getting a legendary was going into the WVW maps and leading your server to take keeps for the world completion.
and also going and killing enough enemies to get 500 badges.
I bet one of the most interesting parts of getting a legendary was going into the WVW maps and leading your server to take keeps for the world completion.
it is also highly satisfying and rewarding for some to assist their server. no complaints here
I wonder if anyone has wasted their time and gold on a trident or spear or harpoon gun rofl.
I bet one of the most interesting parts of getting a legendary was going into the WVW maps and leading your server to take keeps for the world completion.
and also going and killing enough enemies to get 500 badges.
Most people jump their way to 500 badges. It’s kind of sad but the most efficient way to get 500 badges by far is once a day show up in the EB JP and get a mesmer port to the top. A level 80 gets 10-20 badges a day (level 60 is 10-12, a level 2 gets 1 badge). You can also do BL JPs for another 15 per day (5 per JP).
World completion is more a waiting/timing game for a lot of people. I imagine a lot of people also did what I did. I transferred to a server that was dominating (+680 or more points) and ran around on all my characters. I have level 5 characters with WvW maps complete and no hearts done. (Note: Not bragging or ‘proud’ of this I just saw a potential pain my back side coming and solved it before it was too late)
As for the “Are Legendary Weapons Symbols of Achievement”…. Yes, to a degree.
The trouble I have with legendaries is I know the person who has one achieved something, but I don’t really know what he/she achieved.
The biggest variable is the precursor. Maybe they threw 5 random rares in the forge and BAM, precursor. Maybe they played the Karka event and got lucky. Maybe they put in their credit card info and bought it. Or maybe they spent dozens of hours farming mats, crafting weapons and throwing them in the forge and after hundreds of failed combines finally got lucky and got their precursor. (Or maybe they abused one of the exploits and got it back near launch).
I know it sounds bad to say be the fact that some people all but had it handed to them does actually depreciate the work put in but others. No one will ever know if that guy with Eternity over there worked his butt off, abused an exploit, got it through pure dumb luck, or just spent a bunch of money on gems (or gold from a third party site… rage filled rant goes here…). That uncertainty taints the achievement for everybody.
(Still working on my own legendaries because I do it for me, as many do, and not bragging rights or kitten)
It’s a purely subjective matter whether legendaries are a symbol of achievement. I can easily see why someone who spent a great deal of time gathering everything to create a legendary would see it as a symbol of achievement, and I can also see how others think it is not since they are readily available for sale on the trading post. But I feel that in reality, they are more like symbols of wealth, as it takes a great deal of gold to buy one off the trading post or gather all the necessary materials to craft one for yourself.
Either way you go about it, it is a significant gold sink to any player and in this way they play a similar role that Obsidian armor had in GW1 as a status symbol. Not saying this is a bad thing, and in fact, I don’t really mind it at all because legendaries ultimately boil down to being a cosmetic item and nothing more.
A legendary weapon in GW2 is much different to obtain than Obby from GW1. On one hand you could flat out buy all the mats needed to craft Obby so it didn’t prove you were a master of UW and FoW. On the other hand, you could also farm all the mats needed yourself in a reasonable amount of time. The same can not be said for legendaries.
As long as legendaries are being the subject of so many “awe and hate” filled threads, yes they are a symbol of achievement. And they will continue to be until they are commonplace, which will likely not happen anytime soon.
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
If the player purchased every component that is purchasable, or the entire legendary outright, he/she has raised hundreds to thousands of gold – an achievement certainly equal in effort if not in variety to having acquired the materials personally.
AN being the operative word. If the player purchased every component, then the accumulation of gold (or buying the gold with RL cash) is ONE achievement, not the broad range of achievements that the Isaiah Cartwright video implies that it symbolises.
Things not purchasable with gold:
World Completion
Dungeon tokens
Badges of Honor
Skill PointsThough I actually kinda wish they’d include Personal Story completion and Dungeon Master completion as requirements for the legendary. Ah well.
I think the OP’s main point on the topic of “buying one’s way to a legendary” is that the final, assembled weapon can be purchased outright.
Again, I for one don’t see a problem with that. If a player goes to the effort of crafting a legendary and decides he/she would rather have hundreds to thousands of gold than the weapon itself, it’s nice that the option is there.
I certainly do not see them as marks or proof of any kind of achievement. I think it has been completely devalued.
I personally believe its a symbol of luck and grind.
Things not purchasable with gold:
World Completion
Dungeon tokens
Badges of Honor
Skill Points
Ok. You’re right, those are not purchasable with gold. Let’s look at what is:
Precursor weapon
Icy runestones
Both 400 crafting skills
The recipes for the crafting gifts
The crafting gift (metal/wood)
Crafted lodestone gift
Ectos and Mystic Coins for clovers (still need karma and SPs)
250 ectos for Gift of Fortune
All components of Gift of Magic
All components of Gift of Might
Imagine all those parts were removed. They are for some people, such as TP flippers or those rich enough IRL to punch in their CC and buy a thousand gold. Going down the list of legendary components, about 66-75% of the process is simply, flat-out buyable. Of course, the end product is also buyable, which I also have a problem with.
It’s a purely subjective matter whether legendaries are a symbol of achievement. I can easily see why someone who spent a great deal of time gathering everything to create a legendary would see it as a symbol of achievement, and I can also see how others think it is not since they are readily available for sale on the trading post. But I feel that in reality, they are more like symbols of wealth, as it takes a great deal of gold to buy one off the trading post or gather all the necessary materials to craft one for yourself.
Either way you go about it, it is a significant gold sink to any player and in this way they play a similar role that Obsidian armor had in GW1 as a status symbol. Not saying this is a bad thing, and in fact, I don’t really mind it at all because legendaries ultimately boil down to being a cosmetic item and nothing more.
A legendary weapon in GW2 is much different to obtain than Obby from GW1. On one hand you could flat out buy all the mats needed to craft Obby so it didn’t prove you were a master of UW and FoW. On the other hand, you could also farm all the mats needed yourself in a reasonable amount of time. The same can not be said for legendaries.
I only said they played a similar role since they are both prestige items that are purely cosmetic and both can be acquired if you are wealthy enough.
One legendary? No. Everyone and their mother seems to be roaming Lion’s Arch with one. TWO legendaries? I’d say that’s impressive.
One legendary? No. Everyone and their mother seems to be roaming Lion’s Arch with one. TWO legendaries? I’d say that’s impressive.
I think many folks find that less impressive – because now there is absolutely no questions that at least one of them was in large part bought.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I don’t know whether someone posted this aspect of it, but maybe some people (which I could really understand) see the way of crafting a legendary a higher goal than actually using it. By that I mean that some of those people selling legendaries on the TP actually wanted to make the item just for the sake of it, but then they sold it rather than using it, maybe because they didn’t enjoy the higher stats…
I don’t get why people get hyped about legendaries.. Apart from the visual effect why would anyone spend so much money and time for a weapon with same stats as an exotic ?
I don’t get why people get hyped about legendaries.. Apart from the visual effect why would anyone spend so much money and time for a weapon with same stats as an exotic ?
They will have top stats forever, starting with the release of ascended weapons
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
I don’t get why people get hyped about legendaries.. Apart from the visual effect why would anyone spend so much money and time for a weapon with same stats as an exotic ?
They will have top stats forever, starting with the release of ascended weapons
Sorry but what top stats ?
I look now at the trading post and i compare my ranger’s Molten shortbow with “The Dreamer”
> strength: 905 – 1000 on both
> +179 power on both
The difference is that the dreamer offers vitality + toughness where my molten gives precision + critical damage. But if i was to compare it with an exotic that gives vitality and toughness as well, the values would be the same.
To me it looks the same appart from the visual effects on “The Dreamer”.
What am i missing here ?
when ascended weapons are released(and any further tiers) legendaries will automatically be bumped up to match the highest tier
As long as legendaries can be bought, either straight out or by buying most of the components, they will never be symbols of achievements.
Playing the kitten game while being out in the world contributing to the community and accomplishing team oriented goals should net players a legendary after a long process of events not tied to gold.
Market manipulators and brokers can still make all the money they want trading items needed for the large amounts of craftable skins available in game while staying away from legendaries.
The entire economy revolving around legendaries is bad for the players in the long run.
You all must understand something -
Take away any sort of prestige from the community, and people start feeling too homogenized, the same, replicas of each other.
Legendaries are the last line of of defense in remaining unique.
Take this goal away from players, and what are we left with?
We got our exotics, we got our favorite skins.
The legendaries are vital part of the game’s life.
legendaries are vital to extending the end game. whether it feels artificial or natural is a different topic altogether since people have different goals(that may not even include legendaries) and different reasons/pacing to achieve them.
for many players, the allure of the legendary is the end game
I just finished Juggernaut today and let me tell you – it feels like an achievement to me.
And that’s what counts.
What you’ve felt is not an achievement, it’s relief.
You’re glad its finally over.
Oh, tell me how I feel next!
I’m not “glad it’s over”, I’m enjoying the natural progression of effort to reward. I enjoyed the process and the level of sustained motivation and effort and now I’m enjoying the fruits of my effort – what could be more natural than that?
Its sad then. It really is.
Theres nothing difficult or challenging in aquiring a Legendary. It’s a long and tedius process where I would rather poke my eyes out with a spoon. I find playing tetris or pac mac for a high score to be more challenging and entertaining. At least with tetris and pac mac I practice skills like hand and eye coordination, problem solving and reaction time.
Thats why I don’t think its an achievement. It’s also why I think no one would consider this an achievement. Something that is easy and takes a long time to do is testing your ability to do what? Your patience to not go completely insane?
I can tell you that I know how big an achievement it will be when I’ll get my Sunrise.
100% map completion, 1M karma and 350+ skill points took me hundreds of hours.
500 badges took me 50+ hours of WvW.
500 dungeon tokens made me learn a dungeon inside out.
Getting various 400 crafting disciplines took me many hours (to get the mats).
I had to play dailies as much as I can to get enough Mystic Coins.
I had to go in the whole world to grind the gold and components, and play the TP at least a little bit to optimize my gains.
I had to have the heart of gambling in the Mystic Forge to get my Clovers.
And you know, every part of this felt like an achievement. You do the big events, you do some WvW, you do dungeons, you grind mats, you do dailies and monthlies and during all that you make money to help you get what you’re missing. You play the game inside out to get this, there’s no other way.
People saying that you just buy a legendary from the TP are lazy and angry people. People that are just mad about how hopeless they are themselves, but instead of getting mad on themselves and try to get better, it’s much easier to denigrate the others.
That said, the only part that did not feel as an achievement is the precursor. They are just too rare, the prices are kitten I played 600 hours with my character, did the karka event, finished all big events with chests in Orr 10+ times, killed all big bosses in the world, finished all dungeon story modes and grinded many explorable paths many times and no, still not a single precursor.
People saying that you just buy a legendary from the TP are lazy and angry people. People that are just mad about how hopeless they are themselves, but instead of getting mad on themselves and try to get better, it’s much easier to denigrate the others.
Legendary = Remarkable enough to be famous; very well known. Celebrated or described in legend: a legendary hero.
What is Legendary about the steps that is required to obtain this item exactly? Do you think that people will be amazed at these accomplishments? I personally don’t think Arenanet understands the meaning of the word Legendary.
I believe they ran out of time. They didn’t have enough time to do what they initially wanted with Legendaries and just threw a couple of ingrediants together and voila. Theres your Legendary. Took them 6 minutes.
(edited by Calae.1738)
People saying that you just buy a legendary from the TP are lazy and angry people. People that are just mad about how hopeless they are themselves, but instead of getting mad on themselves and try to get better, it’s much easier to denigrate the others.
Legendary = Remarkable enough to be famous; very well known. Celebrated or described in legend: a legendary hero.
What is Legendary about the steps that is required to obtain this item exactly? Do you think that people will be amazed at these accomplishments? I personally don’t think Arenanet understands the meaning of the word Legendary.
I believe they ran out of time. They didn’t have enough time to do what they initially wanted with Legendaries and just threw a couple of ingrediants together and voila. Theres your Legendary. Took them 6 minutes.
I think you just proved the poster you quoted’s point quite nicely.
Legendary weapons are certainly symbols, but as time passes I think their meaning is changing. Prior to being purchasable on the TP, having one meant at the very least that you had “achieved” some things related to game content – you had completely explored the world, played the dungeons, spent some time in WvW, etc. Even if you purchased every component that could be purchased off the TP, there was still a lot that you had to get by DOING rather than buying.
Yet now, as the final product sells on the TP for thousands of gold, and the cost of components continues to rise faster than many players can make money, my reaction when seeing a legendary weapon has changed. Whereas before it was, “that person clearly has a lot of experience with this game,” now it’s “I wonder what the odds are that they did something distasteful to get that? Did they buy money from gold sellers? Did they monopolize a part of the TP to generate profits for themselves while raising prices for everyone else? Or are they so desperate for attention that they paid obscene amounts of cash to legitimately buy gems to turn into gold?”
In a nutshell, the knowledge and experience a legendary used to symbolize was a positive thing. Now, seeing a legendary just says to me, “Warning: this might not be the sort of person you want to be around.”
Legendary = Remarkable enough to be famous; very well known. Celebrated or described in legend: a legendary hero.
What is Legendary about the steps that is required to obtain this item exactly? Do you think that people will be amazed at these accomplishments? I personally don’t think Arenanet understands the meaning of the word Legendary.
In spite of your citation of the definition, it’s apparent that it is you, not ANet, with confusion over the meaning of the word.
Legendary weapons are “remarkable enough to be famous; very well known” (from an in-universe perspective), regardless of your or anyone else’s scorn towards them. They are widely recognizable and, to most players, need no identification.
Legends don’t have to be positively regarded. Mordred (of Arthurian legend) is a legendary villain.
Legendary = Remarkable enough to be famous; very well known. Celebrated or described in legend: a legendary hero.
What is Legendary about the steps that is required to obtain this item exactly? Do you think that people will be amazed at these accomplishments? I personally don’t think Arenanet understands the meaning of the word Legendary.
In spite of your citation of the definition, it’s apparent that it is you, not ANet, with confusion over the meaning of the word.
Legendary weapons are “remarkable enough to be famous; very well known” (from an in-universe perspective), regardless of your or anyone else’s scorn towards them. They are widely recognizable and, to most players, need no identification.
Legends don’t have to be positively regarded. Mordred (of Arthurian legend) is a legendary villain.
I don’t regard legendaries that way. I look at a legendary in the same way I look at a diamond ring. A shiney, useless and expensive rock which you can aquire at your local jeweler.
One legendary? No. Everyone and their mother seems to be roaming Lion’s Arch with one. TWO legendaries? I’d say that’s impressive.
I think many folks find that less impressive – because now there is absolutely no questions that at least one of them was in large part bought.
I got three, I guess I bought em all off the TP?
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Legendary = Remarkable enough to be famous; very well known. Celebrated or described in legend: a legendary hero.
What is Legendary about the steps that is required to obtain this item exactly? Do you think that people will be amazed at these accomplishments? I personally don’t think Arenanet understands the meaning of the word Legendary.
In spite of your citation of the definition, it’s apparent that it is you, not ANet, with confusion over the meaning of the word.
Legendary weapons are “remarkable enough to be famous; very well known” (from an in-universe perspective), regardless of your or anyone else’s scorn towards them. They are widely recognizable and, to most players, need no identification.
Legends don’t have to be positively regarded. Mordred (of Arthurian legend) is a legendary villain.
I don’t regard legendaries that way. I look at a legendary in the same way I look at a diamond ring. A shiney, useless and expensive rock which you can aquire at your local jeweler.
Okay, but then you’re delving into the area of opinion, not definition, which is a far cry from your original argument.
Legendary = Remarkable enough to be famous; very well known. Celebrated or described in legend: a legendary hero.
What is Legendary about the steps that is required to obtain this item exactly? Do you think that people will be amazed at these accomplishments? I personally don’t think Arenanet understands the meaning of the word Legendary.
In spite of your citation of the definition, it’s apparent that it is you, not ANet, with confusion over the meaning of the word.
Legendary weapons are “remarkable enough to be famous; very well known” (from an in-universe perspective), regardless of your or anyone else’s scorn towards them. They are widely recognizable and, to most players, need no identification.
Legends don’t have to be positively regarded. Mordred (of Arthurian legend) is a legendary villain.
I don’t regard legendaries that way. I look at a legendary in the same way I look at a diamond ring. A shiney, useless and expensive rock which you can aquire at your local jeweler.
Okay, but then you’re delving into the area of opinion, not definition, which is a far cry from your original argument.
Would you like to enlighten us on how much of an achievement and accomplishment it is to purchase a shiney object from your local corner store?
post in the suggestions subforum for a filter to toggle on and off legendary skins. it will change their skin to the base model so you won’t have to avert your eyes or party with anyone who(heaven forbid) happens to be both skillful and dedicated enough to have a legendary or three.
if it’s a shiney useless item, why are you bothering to post here about it? it shouldn’t affect your gameplay at all whether or not someone within viewing distance has a legendary. anytime you feel like this topic is getting on your nerves i suspect you should exit the gw2 client and start up tetris. problem solved, no?
One legendary? No. Everyone and their mother seems to be roaming Lion’s Arch with one. TWO legendaries? I’d say that’s impressive.
I think many folks find that less impressive – because now there is absolutely no questions that at least one of them was in large part bought.
I got three, I guess I bought em all off the TP?
You know that’s not what I’ve said.
But if you haven’t bought one wholesale (and my estimation of you from posts is that you are far too capable of a Trade Post user to fall for that sucker’s bet ) by definition you’ve bought the mystic coins to make make the clovers and from my own experience harvesting the t6s off the landscape you’ve bought at least the majority of the 3rd round of Might and Magic.
The funny thing is from you post history I do respect your contributions to the game both in exploring and optimizing your use of the trading post and being a rationalist about what goes on there, along with being one of the guys that took the hit for science to test out mystic binding agents. But knowing that, I also firmly believe you’ve spotted some of the weak points in the Legendary acquisition scheme and have beat them with a solid gold stick. Trust me, I apprciate that you have three – but only as open mockery of the Dev’s design goals for the things.
So, if mystic coins had been acount bound, could you estitimate how may you’ve generated by doing dailies, and consequntly how many legendaries you’d have right now?
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Okay, but then you’re delving into the area of opinion, not definition, which is a far cry from your original argument.
Would you like to enlighten us on how much of an achievement and accomplishment it is to purchase a shiney object from your local corner store?
I don’t have to.
I look at a legendary in the same way I look at a diamond ring.
Just because you interpret the legendary as a “shiney object” to be purchased from the “local corner store” doesn’t mean that it’s the universal interpretation of them. Many people who’ve posted in this thread feel differently from you.
Your personal opinion did not and will never shape ANet’s design philosophy, nor will any other single opinion.
Furthermore, why bring up the dictionary definition in the first place if you’re just going to proceed to disregard it? Legendary weapons are famous/well known, regardless of whether they’re crafted or purchased.
(edited by Blueshield.6291)
if it’s a shiney useless item, why are you bothering to post here about it? it shouldn’t affect your gameplay at all whether or not someone within viewing distance has a legendary.
Because ultimately this thread is about reviewing what has happened in the trenches vs. what the Devs have clearly stated they set out to do. And there are a lot of forms of discontent in the tenches. There is evidence the Devs are not happy with the situation either. In fact they said they were not happy with the situation when the gold costs to side step the legendary task of getting a precurssor was half to a quarter what it is now. They’ve succeeded in making a system where people are so AFRAID of trying to create a legendary via the Mystic Forge that they are forking over huge sums of gold literally 10 times a day per precurrsor (on an ordinary Monday…). Its hard to see the heroism in an economy of fear.
We have the vision statment for Legendaries. In my opion the implementation doesn’t come even close. Its my hope that when the term Legendary expands to include other slots, the process is completely revamped. I’m not looking at a rebuild of the weapon legendaries (beyond the scavenger hunt which they inded to do) – that horse has left the barn. But I hope there are lesons learned that are applied to any future waves.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
One legendary? No. Everyone and their mother seems to be roaming Lion’s Arch with one. TWO legendaries? I’d say that’s impressive.
I think many folks find that less impressive – because now there is absolutely no questions that at least one of them was in large part bought.
I got three, I guess I bought em all off the TP?
You know that’s not what I’ve said.
But if you haven’t bought one wholesale (and my estimation of you from posts is that you are far too capable of a Trade Post user to fall for that sucker’s bet
) by definition you’ve bought the mystic coins to make make the clovers and from my own experience harvesting the t6s off the landscape you’ve bought at least the majority of the 3rd round of Might and Magic.
The funny thing is from you post history I do respect your contributions to the game both in exploring and optimizing your use of the trading post and being a rationalist about what goes on there, along with being one of the guys that took the hit for science to test out mystic binding agents. But knowing that, I also firmly believe you’ve spotted some of the weak points in the Legendary acquisition scheme and have beat them with a solid gold stick. Trust me, I apprciate that you have three – but only as open mockery of the Dev’s design goals for the things.
So, if mystic coins had been acount bound, could you estitimate how may you’ve generated by doing dailies, and consequntly how many legendaries you’d have right now?
You are correct – most of the items are bought off the TP (through gold that was earned elsewhere). If I were to harvest every single T6 and glob, I would only have one legendary. Though for all the legendaries, I bought gems to finish them off – about $40 worth or 40g (most of the time to finish off those Icy Runestones). All the gold I earned was from drops and farming shelt/pen/anchorage. If coins were account bound, I’d have over 150 coins, which would be enough for one legendary (the 10 clover recipe seems to give clovers at a better rate)
I can honestly say that I wish that legendaries were harder to acquire. As it is right now, it’s quite easy for the hardcore players. There are no exploits or vulnerabilities in the system. The dungeon token requirement is too easy (500 is nothing, they should increase it to 1000 or 1500). The WvW badges is easy – and note, I did not farm JP religiously. I can earn 500 badges from dedicating my time to WvW Friday through Sunday. The only obstacle is gold, and at these t6 prices, it’s very easy to acquire.
And if I had made better investment choices, I would have enough to afford a 4th right now. I invested about 120g in armored scales after the bot ban in November and it was the one t6 that investment that did not spike as much. If I had invested in bloods or totems, I would have made at least 100% profit on the investment.
I’m sure there are numerous others out there who made a good chunk of their money through investing.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
When I see a Legendary I should also see a Legend. A back story. Something that explains why it’s legendary.
Suppose you had to rally your entire server to take down a summoned demon as part of your journey to aquire that legendary. If you fail, that demon rampages throughout the world and would require a war effort from the entire server in order to nutralize. When it’s all over, that tale alone will make people remember that weapon. The weapon itself is legendary because it is backed by a legend that many people will remember. There would be conversations in cities of people talking about it.
“Hey, you see that cool looking sword over there? Let me tell you a story…”
When I see people running around in orr without the map completion icon but do have a legendary I look down on them. Like when I see people in wvw with food boosts, I automatically think they are bad. I really shouldnt think like that but I do.
When I see people running around in orr without the map completion icon but do have a legendary I look down on them. Like when I see people in wvw with food boosts, I automatically think they are bad. I really shouldnt think like that but I do.
Off topic but why do you think people with food boosts are bad at wvw?
On topic
Legendary from epic long drawn out multipart adventure ala eq awesome
Legendary from being a bright boy at the market meh
I believe they ran out of time. They didn’t have enough time to do what they initially wanted with Legendaries and just threw a couple of ingrediants together and voila. Theres your Legendary. Took them 6 minutes.
From my perspective it seems so obvious and easy to link the Achievement system to the Legendary weapon requirements instead of drops. It makes me cry when I think about it. ><
I despise TP farmers.
But don’t come and complain that easy gold is any worse than regular farming.
Both ways achieve the same goal, one is faster.
Farming cursed shore or CoF1 1000 times isn’t more legendary either.
Again, not supporting Flippers, but at least don’t be hypocrites.
A legendary should not be something that money alone can buy.
That is how I feel. Feel free to disagree.