BLK farming even worth it now?

BLK farming even worth it now?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: nirvana.8245


So I’m new to this. Iv’e known of it but never really tried it for myself until this weekend. I had watched a tonne of video guides and can do a run in 20minutes flat for 1 key and it was easy to get it to this level. So I spent about 7 hours to get 14 keys. The maths on what I got just doesn’t add up. All I got was a bunch of boosters, booster conversion dust things, a few dyes/dye packs and 3 black lion salvage tickets scraps. So I have to do another ~14 hours of farming to just get one BL ticket for around 70g.

My first thought is, I am losing alot of gold doing this. Unless you win the lottery and get a permanant contract your pretty much not going to match any of the most effective farming methods. But at least its something a bit different to break up the monotony. But now they are talking about nerfing this even more? Am I doing something wrong?

BLK farming even worth it now?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Prom previous published scrap drop rates, it typically takes about 50 runs to get 10 scraps. It varies of course. Some may get 10 scraps in much less, others in more. Whether or not the other items you get for doing this are worthwhile or useful depends on how you value them.

BLK farming even worth it now?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


BLK farming is not worth it if you know the “good” farm runs.

The problem is the best farm runs only work well in a group imo, this one can be done solo/duo. That’s why the good runs usually only happen during the primetime (unless you have a guild/group for that) while the key runs work 24/7.

The reason why they nerf it is not the ridiculous amount of gold you can make but rather the fact that it makes buying keys in the gem store obsolete. Why spend gold/real money on gems to buy them when you can farm them in less than 20mins?

I hope this helps.

BLK farming even worth it now?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Because of RNG, it’s something you have to do a LOT of before you see the expected profits. I believe there’s a reddit posts with someone opening 1000 chests and the result was something like 12g/hour in earnings.

Also, skin prices will likely skyrocket once keys are available only at either level 10 or 20 — depending on the rumors you believe.

In any case, it’s almost too late now. If you have fewer than 10 ticket scraps by Sept 9, you’ll have a really hard time getting to 10 after the patch so those ticket scraps will be roughly worthless (unless you buy keys with gems).

BLK farming even worth it now?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: AngelDiscarnate.5489


It is worth it, for the most part.

I’ve been an avid key farmer for the better portion of a year now.
Yeah there’s a lot of useless crap, but there’s occasionally a great drop that makes you go ‘I knew there was a reason I was doing this.’

The un-official official average scrap drop rate is 25 – 30 chests for 10.
Personally, I’ve gotten 10 scraps in as few as 15 chests, and as much as 82, other times.

But every time I get disheartened about my drops, something comes along that brightens my day. Like today, I got a mini Jory, 2 Dye packs and 4 unidentified dyes.

I haven’t gotten any permanent contracts, yet, and with the feature pack threatening key farming’s death, I may never get one. But it’s a great way to pass the time when no one’s around to play with.

I play Fort Aspenwood, I lead the 8 member guild, Sacred Storm [Strm] I am Jason Goes Mental.
I don’t raid, I barely fractal, and I suck beyond words at PvP and WvW.
But I try, and that’s what counts.

(edited by AngelDiscarnate.5489)

BLK farming even worth it now?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

It is generally not worth it, since you could spend the same amount of time doing other things you might like better and using the gold you get from that to just buy the skins from the TP. It’s definitely cheaper than buying keys from the gem shop, so if you really like playing MMO lotto, this is the most economically efficient way to do it.

I’ve stored other people’s data for about 2,300 keys and the average seems to be about three to four full tickets every hundred chests, i.e. about 25-35 runs to get a complete ticket.

However the “variance” seems to be high, meaning don’t be surprised if it takes you 15 or 50 runs.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

BLK farming even worth it now?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


It really isnt worth it. You can farm i cs for fgs for a lot more gold per hour.

People do this run not for farming but for stress release if they get bored zerging stuffs in fgs or cs map

BLK farming even worth it now?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I think someone says they make about 12 gold during the double ticket events. Probably not that much now. You can farm the key first and wait to use the key when there’s a good event coming.

BLK farming even worth it now?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Beldin.5498


Its only worth it if you have at least some fun in doing it. Personally i prefer harvesting
but i know most people also understand that and think its totally boring

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

BLK farming even worth it now?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Best to farm more runs if you have any scraps left to make a ticket and then just sit on it. Eventually a very desirable skin will be released through those chests and you’ll make some gold. Obviously do this within the next week.

BLK farming even worth it now?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

There is an extremely good chance that key running will be nerfed completely on Sept 9th. If it were me and I already had a few scraps then I would run as many as I could to get a full ticket. Possibly also to get as many boosters, merchants, bank accesses, etc.. as possible before then if you value such items.

Other than that, maybe not. There are only a few more days till the next update and if it’s going to end so soon, this is not a good time to starting out with key running.

BLK farming even worth it now?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mystic.5934


It’s worth it if you also want the account-bound stuff (boosters, etc.). Key farming is the best way to get those. If you ignore those, then there are more lucrative gold-producing farms out there you could be doing instead.

BLK farming even worth it now?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Telemin.7380


With the mini price hike, getting keys (and minis within the chests) is now also quite profitable.

Teh Ouchies