BLTC Ate My Gold :/

BLTC Ate My Gold :/

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


Well, the BLTC has been having a lot of issues this past week. Several days ago it went up and then went down only moments later. During that time I submitted at massive order for Large Claws for roughly 2.5 Gold. Personally I had 3.8 Gold on one of my characters which I withdrew from my bank just to make that transaction.

Low and behold, nothing happened. But my Gold remained on the character and the BLTC went down. I figured no harm done and I went on my marry way and decided to play some SPVP for several days.

Now I return and ALL my gold is gone. There is no remainder!! I normally keep an average of 50+ silver on my characters, but ALL of that is gone too! All I have left is mere pennies, just 80c and 22s on my most recent character which normally held 80s. All traces of Gold and Silver on my other characters have been removed entirely and I’m flat broke.

All I can say is.. Where the heck did my 3.8 gold go? Where did my 50s caches on my characters go!? I’m confident my account wasn’t hacked because I didn’t lost any items, bags, or anything like that. Just my bank is empty and my characters have nothing.

I really hate working hard to sustain myself and my characters only to have that effort just vanish into thin air.

Please, please, please help me.

BLTC Ate My Gold :/

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


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And no, you’re not the only one seeing this issue