BLTC Quality of life changes

BLTC Quality of life changes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


- armor filter by armor class
- option to display only items usable by current character.
- repeat last order.
- remember last input amount.
- ability to buy/sell larger than 250. say 1000
- buy/sell history graphs with prices and dates.
- outbid notification mails.
- sell posting fee 50% return when removing item from sell listings.
- +10% posting fee if undercutting highest seller by less than 5% of current prize. original idea by Romek.4201 just a bit more expanded

(edited by Latinkuro.9420)

BLTC Quality of life changes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Romek.4201


oh man – i can only say /sign to most pointz (not the last one)

plz make this happen arenanet

would like to add:

+5% fee when undercut something

- crafting
recipe shoppinglist – lets pop out recipes like archievments so i can follow the progress when farm the materials for this recipe

(edited by Romek.4201)

BLTC Quality of life changes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mystic.5934


most of those I can agree with – armor filter by weight / profession (and able to search for back and breather), repeat, remember, higher buy amounts (1,000 isn’t high enough; no limit is the only limit I can see a good reason to have)
some I think should not be added – buy/sell history: you may want to know how well dusk (for example) has sold in the past, but if everyone had better than 20/20 vision, that would be the new norm and you doing research would give you no advantage over anyone. This would only minimize all potentials for profit.
a few I would hate – outbid notification would also necessitate a spam filter in the mail, higher posting fee on some listings is overly complicated

I would add:
- listing and buy price can only have 3 significant digits with as many trailing zeroes as you want. So 3s12c and 3s13c would be fine. 30s12c would get turned into 30s10c. 342g12s99c would get turned into 342g0s0c. I believe this does the same purpose as your complicated last suggestion without any people yelling at their screen about hidden fees and conspiracies.
- when selling an item, have it show the buy and sell listings currently listed (maybe 20 or so) and not just the highest and lowest offers.

Romek: 99.99% of TP listings are undercutting. if someone is selling ectos for 90s, you are undercutting them when you sell for 30s. I’ve had the honor of placing a few non-undercutting listings once in a while. This only happens when there are Zero (with a capital Z) sell listings on that item. What’s the point of adding a tax that is used in all but 0.01% of situations? It would be easier to just add it all the time, as that 0.01% would not be noticeable. It would be like doubling the tax you pay on buying a car (IRR) for everyone except the person that buys the first one of that model that was produced (serial number 000000001)

(edited by Mystic.5934)

BLTC Quality of life changes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


There is nothing wrong with undercutting by <5%

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BLTC Quality of life changes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dreamslayer.7659


Adding a penalty fee for lowering prices is based on the idea that the TP exists for the benefit of the seller, not the benefit of everyone.

You don’t have a right to sell at the price you want, only the right to post for what you want – if someone else is willing to take less money, then they clearly want the sale more than you do and they are providing a better value to the buyer.

Would you impose an additional 5-10% fee on a buyer who “overcut” the highest bidder? Why not? This buyer is raising the price for everyone and should be discouraged for acting against the interests of other buyers – right?

Corporatist tendencies aside, what I would like to see added is the number of unique sellers of an item at a given price point. If there are 10,000 vanilla beans for a single price, I would like to know if that is 2 or 3 sellers or 20-30 sellers. Of course they still remain anonymous…