Bag Slot Purchases with Gems
The bags are already huge because you can use 10 slots bag cheaply and you have the deposit all colectibles option. Plus if that ain’t enough you can always salvage or put on TP.
Besides 100 or 200 gems is extremely cheap (for gold purchase)
Bag slots cost 400 gems, bank slots cost 600 gems. I don’t have a problem with the cost, I just convert gold to gems and buy it that way.
Bag slots cost 400 gems, bank slots cost 600 gems. I don’t have a problem with the cost, I just convert gold to gems and buy it that way.
Sorry for the price misquote, not in game at the moment. But it should still go across all your characters.
If bag slots were made account wide, I would buy them all in a heart beat. :p
I bought 5 expanded bag slots on my Engineer, and I think I overbought after noticing 20 slot bags.
I also bought 5 expanded bank slots for my account, so I rarely run out of room.
The pricing is fare, hell, in other FTP games I spend 50 dollars on a single account wide weapon (APB).
IMO the pricing is pretty decent, especially considering that gem prices have been falling almost every day since launch. Just save up a few gold and buy your bag slots. Is it really that hard to not be given everything you want for free on day 1?
20 slot bags are not worth it right now.
Its better to convert the gold it costs to make them into gems and buy more bag slots or bank slots :P.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
I’ve never had an issue with bag space. I have not purchased any additional bag slots, but have purchased one bank slot. I carry 10 slot bags, and while questing, I generally have about 3-4 salvage kits, an extra set of harvesting tools, my HoM port and about 5 or 6 different types of food. I don’t think I’ve had my inventory be full. I deposit all collectables after each heart and/or event, salvage all materials and then place in the bank. Then, I sell all junk to a vendor after each “quest.” Perhaps I’m just odd about my bag space. The only time I wish I had more bag space is while trying to discover new cooking recipes (so many ingredients!) lol
I’ve got two 12-slot bags and two 8-slots, and I find it VERY hard to run out of space if I’m paying attention. And that’s with half or more of my backpack full of salvage kits, food, and siege equipment.
Salvage the salvage items (cloth scraps and the like), maybe the whites, and yellows at 70+, hit deposit collectibles every so often, and sell the rest to a vendor whenever you pass by one if it won’t sell for a profit on the TP. Only time I have trouble is when I’m on a killing spree with my guild in WvW.
My original point really wasn’t about space, so to those who posted about that, the point was missed, but just the fact that you have to spend gems to buy the slots, and with that being so, then why not have it go across all your characters instead of just one.. or drop the price some, one of the two.
To those who are saying, well you can buy gems with in game currency, well not everyone has that kind of money in game. Ive been playing since 3 day head start, granted, casually. I have a 42, a 25 and a few lower level toons. I think I have seen 1g+ on one of my chars once. So, really that isn’t an option.
My original point really wasn’t about space, so to those who posted about that, the point was missed, but just the fact that you have to spend gems to buy the slots, and with that being so, then why not have it go across all your characters instead of just one.. or drop the price some, one of the two.
To those who are saying, well you can buy gems with in game currency, well not everyone has that kind of money in game. Ive been playing since 3 day head start, granted, casually. I have a 42, a 25 and a few lower level toons. I think I have seen 1g+ on one of my chars once. So, really that isn’t an option.
Your lack of gold seems to be less an issue of time to play and more an issue of being an altoholic. Not that that’s a bad thing, mind you.
Making bag slots account wide would necessitate bag slots being a lot more expensive because of the multiplicative effect of the total account inventory space being far less expensive than a bank page. Basically, unlocking bag slots account wide would supercede the necessity to ever unlock bank slots. Then you’ve got a game where it’s actually cheaper to manage inventory in the most annoying way possible (rolling a lot of mules) than it is to manage account-wide inventory in a sane fashion (getting more bank space)
Personally I’d rather not have to track a bunch of mules just because it was cheaper to get “bank space” that way.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
Honestly bag slot expansions should never have been a thing, the bank should have just been bigger to begin with.
Honestly bag slot expansions should never have been a thing, the bank should have just been bigger to begin with.
the bank is already bigger than the vault originally in GW1 release.
Originally, the Vault box in GW1 contained only 20 spaces, without even a collectibles storage.
Also, if you look at the cost per space, bag slots with 20-slot bags are the same price as the bank slots.
They could add a GS item that unlocks bags across all characters for a different price. So if your only going to main one or two characters you can save some money, but if your going to alt it up you can get a bag upgrade for all your characters including any characters slots you add later
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
At 600 gems per tab, bank expansions cost 20 gems (600/30) per slot.
Account wide so you only need to buy it once.
At 400 gems per tab, with a 20 slot bag, bag slots also cost 20 slots per gem, but only if you don’t count the cost of the bag itself, which is about 20 times the cost of the slot.
So bag slots are overpriced or bank slots are underpriced depending on how you look at it.
The account wide or character only doesn’t really matter, you should be more focused on how much storage you get for your currency because you can always move items over to another character’s inventory.
Personally, haven’t had a good reason to buy any bag slots yet but got 4 or 5 bank tabs using gems bought with gold.
(edited by Illicit.2749)