Bots are back :(
I ran across a good ol’ fashioned bot train in Southsun Cove today. They have been at the skelk farm for a while now, but I was more surprised to find a huge group of them UNDERWATER! They were using some sort of teleport glitch or something, cause they weren’t just running (swimming) like normal, it was like they would appear for a second and then quickly disappear and then re-appear further ahead, almost like they were shadow stepping (they weren’t, it was your classic ranger/bear bot train). They would hold still long enough to kill a mob and then they would continue their tele-swim train. Sad to see this happening again.
And yes, I have noticed that prices are considerably lower as well. Powerful Bloods were almost around 30s and today they were down to 20s. Wish I hadn’t just blown all of my $ on my sexy new quiver… That’s not true, it looks good on my thief! But still, bots are no bueno.
(edited by Dietere.3476)
Can we start deleting the ‘bots are back’ posts… They’re completely redundant and unnecessary. You cannot remove all the bots, it’s a for-profit business model that works in all MMO type games with player trade and naive players.
Can we start deleting the ‘bots are back’ posts… They’re completely redundant and unnecessary. You cannot remove all the bots, it’s a for-profit business model that works in all MMO type games with player trade and naive players.
…and trolls too, while we are at it? Let the man post about what he wants, I say! Why not also remove all of the ectos/thiefOP/MF/qqascended/gemprices posts as well? The OP noticed a problem that many people were hoping was solved, or was at least slightly more under control than before, only to realize that it is back to annoy us once again.
While you are correct about the inevitability of bots, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue reporting them and doing what little we can to try to stop them. Same thing with drug dealers and human traffickers. They’re not going away if there’s a profit to be made, but it doesn’t mean we will sit idly by at let them have at it. Maybe that’s a bit extreme, but I think you get my point.
I miss the bots they kept matts cheap I hope they come back for the holidays
I’ve been saying it for a while. Supply of T5 materials have quadrupled across the board and vastly exceeds demand now. The last few bastions are about to fall; supply just spiked way above demand for potent poison in the last few hours and continues to rise. If action isn’t taken soon the economy is going to get depressed again by shedloads of cheap materials (The only silver lining to this being the opportunity that present for investment… but thats only worth it is arenanet actually kills the bots one day)
I’ve got good business models now for both bot depressed and normal environments but it’s bloody annoying having to keep restructuring my business strategy every few weeks as the bots appear and are removed.
Arenanet needs to be more pro-active with bots, especially now people have realised that the post-bot inflation period is rather painful; people are literally not reporting bots anymore because they don’t want more gold for T5 and T6 mats – it’s like telling a kid to take some disgusting medicine. It’s good for them but they arn’t going to take it willingly.
Garnished Toast
(edited by Ryuujin.8236)
Hi everyone,
If you see someone engaging in botting please report them unsing the in game tool.
Also, please refrain from opening threads like this as they do not help the issue at all.
Thanks for your understanding. This thread is closed