Bouquet of Roses: Why only in Town Clothes?

Bouquet of Roses: Why only in Town Clothes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SeasThyDay.7398



I don’t get it. You can throw the bouquet to a person other than yourself and have them hold it without getting changed to town clothes. So why can’t you do it yourself?

I would like this feature, even if all i could do is hold it without swapping back to town clothes.

Bouquet of Roses: Why only in Town Clothes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sharkinu.8096


Bouquet of Roses it’s a toy item. They are equipped when you are wearing your town clothes.

The tossed bouquet it’s a bundle item, like kites, balloons, teleportation gun etc. They are not town clothes items. It’s like asking why Volcanus doesn’t give you the skills from elementalist summoned greatsword.