Buying Armor Satchels... Help!

Buying Armor Satchels... Help!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: AkiLeaves.2613



I remember a couple months back before I took a break, there were issues with people scamming others using the satchels on Black Lion Trader. I safe a few gold if I buy a Berserker’s Exalted Satcher, rather than buying the pieces individually.

Is there any chance of me being scammed if I do so, or am I safe? Thanks!

Buying Armor Satchels... Help!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zerotenshigg.3756


When I got one, I only got boots, legs, chest and mask
I had to buy other pieces
(mask or gloves I can’t remember)

but I did it with a low level set for the skins… but I dunno about exo’s but I’m guessing it’d be the same.

As for the science, it may be negative. However, do not forget
The thing that there is a scientific side in all the one.
The important one is true. Of me the ruler of my fate, and me also the commander of my soul.

Buying Armor Satchels... Help!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


When I got one, I only got boots, legs, chest and mask
I had to buy other pieces
(mask or gloves I can’t remember)

but I did it with a low level set for the skins… but I dunno about exo’s but I’m guessing it’d be the same.

That sounds like you got the lv10 or lv5 version. Lowest level crafted mask is lv15 and lowest level crafted shoulder is lv20.

This shouldn’t be an issue with Exalted since that is only available as a lv80 exotic. The previous issue with some armor boxes/satchels is that they were not giving items from the matching set and in some cases a different rarity. Those should be fixed now, at least I recall mentions of this in the patch notes but I am not 100% sure about all boxes/satchels.

The actual saving is only around 70s. That is 2-2.5 AC runs.

Buying Armor Satchels... Help!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wobels.1679


yea it was fixed earlier in the game. i used a box and got all my items actually i bought 3 boxes of the same thing and sold 2 later cause they jumped in price but i did use one and got every piece.