Can't sell Unidentified Dyes
Can you provide more information? What screen are you on in the Trading Post when you are unable to sell your unidentified dye? Are you seeing an error message?
You must have received it from a PvP chest. Unidentified Dye from these chests are bound (can’t remember if account or soul) therefore you can’t sell it.
Thief – Radderic
Mesmer – Smash Kablooey
Might sound stupid, but make sure it’s not in an invisible bag. I only say that as I had the same thing happen to me and that was why – doh!
Might sound stupid, but make sure it’s not in an invisible bag. I only say that as I had the same thing happen to me and that was why – doh!
Ok… doh! for me too :$
The invisible bag was doing the trick!
Thanks for the info!
Now I just have to figure why dyes’ price sky rocketed…
Please close the thread.
I’ve never had problems selling anything on the TP that was sitting in my Invisible Bags.
Was it the Invisible Pouch/Satchel? The leather one.
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior
Look at your money. You only have 16c when the listing fee is 79c. That’s why you can’t sell it.
Make sure you have the bronze to cover the listing fee. The higher the price to sell, the higher the listing fee.
I’ve never had problems selling anything on the TP that was sitting in my Invisible Bags.
Was it the Invisible Pouch/Satchel? The leather one.
You can’t sell things in invisible bags. Try it again.