Charged Lodestones/cores

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Natural.7013


Over 3gold per lodestone and 1 per core. Time to walk away… Hours upon hours of farming them and 1 lodestone to show for it. Basically it will cost you 250-300 gold just for the lodestones now for a Sunrise legendary. Yada yada supply and demand. Not worth it. Quite literally a precursor is now cheaper then lodestones. Let alone the gold sink elsewhere. Toss in DR, Toss in Bots, Toss in everything else in this game that limits gold making at any pace for the average player and the game is not for me if I want to get the best of something, which for this game is a skin.

In my opinion this is another aspect of the game that doesn’t fit Anet’s manifesto. Huge grind, Huge sink towards gold making, Huge nerf to our ability to make this kinda gold.

(edited by Natural.7013)

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nimraphel.7819


Can only agree; being a master in economics, I can easily appreciate what Anet is trying to do – and that their arguments seem logical from a purely objective perspective. However, they also completely neglect any responsibility towards skewered drop-rates leading to obscene lack of supply and skewering gold prices towards a level where only a select few can participate. That might be fine from an economic perspective, and I am certainly not advocating that legendaries should be strewn left and right, but I think it’s important to remember that this is a game; it’s supposed to be fun, a break from the tedium of everyday-work and ultimate rewarding in some way. As it is right now Charged Lodestone prices make that ‘difficult’. Economically there’s literally thousands of reasons as to why this is not a problem. Economics also rarely concern itself about people’s ‘fun’, as should be paramount for a game; talking from experience here

In short: Increase lodestones and cores’ drop rate, even if only slightly. Possibly guarantee one lodestone for each party member after a CoE explorable.

(edited by Nimraphel.7819)

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tallis.5607


It is simply impossible for a player to obtain a legendary through normal game-play.

Maybe it was possible at the start of the game, I don’t know, but right now the only way to get a legendary is to buy gold, plain and simple.

Tallis – Perpetual newbie – Tarnished Coast.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.

(edited by Tallis.5607)

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kal.9751


You have to get UBER lucky, or farm 5-8 hours a day for the next…..4 months? Yeah im considering giving up on gw2 because of things like this. I want a fun game to play with “obtainable” goals, not a second job >.<

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tallis.5607


Even if you farm 4 hours a day for 4 months… chances are that by that time, the price has went up again…

Tallis – Perpetual newbie – Tarnished Coast.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KlaatuZu.1024


I’m at this stage too, having a hard time finding motivation to do high level content, since after you have exotic gear, there is virtually no reason to keep playing. I like doing dungeons, but apart from tokens, nothing else motivates you to do them. There are several dungeons, and you don’t need that many armour pieces. Some dungeons with uglier armour, just don’t get played, making endgame feel shorter of options.
I’ve levelled alts, cause for me grinding for 1000 gold to make a skin is just too much.
We should have more options to strive for legendaries, otherwise only the ones with access to insane amounts of gold can get them, and that is not mastering every aspect of the game afaik…

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Natural.7013


People that I know that have them right now bought gold from either Anet or gold sellers. I feel a legendary should be a difficult journey not a grind for gold with the enticement of buying gold through gems because the 1k gold needed on top of the DR put in by Anet. I am seriously thinking about going back to my mmo of years. At least that grind has a powerful payoff that doesn’t entice me to spend real world money.

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Liwi.7896


Enable lodestones purchasable via dungeon tokens.

1. Motivates people doing dungeon runs, thus easier to find group.
2. More supply on lodestones, price drops.
3. Healthier end-game content and economy.

Problem solved.

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

^This. Loadstones should cost like 200 or so tokens. That’s basically 1 a day if you do all 3 paths for 60 tokens.

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Natural.7013


Charged lodestones nearing 4 gold each now…

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Syn.3459


legendarys are meant to be a long term goal, as in not getting it within the first 2 months of release, you don’t like it? hop onto another game while this one gets settled in, there is no loss if you were to do so

honestly it’s like you want legendarys to be something that almost every player has a chance to get, which isn’t what they were aiming for

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Liwi.7896


Charged lodestones are not just about legendaries.
What if I only want some humble FoeFire weapon skins?

100 lodestones is almost 400g at current price, let’s say I farm Orr hardcorely 6 hours per day earning 5g each night, it’ll take almost 3 month to make my Gift of Light. And this is only ONE weapon skin, not some fancy lengendaries. Thinking of WoW, 3 months causal raiding is more than enough to get me FULL tier set plus several decent weapons, and you only need to do it once every week.

Other MMO rewards player with gear, Guildwars2 rewards player with skin.
Simply put, it’s not rewarding enough.

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Quantum.8950


I spent over a month living in Cursed Shore, after losing lots of gold on mystic forge tryng to get a precursor, i decided to spend a huge chunk of gold i farmed into buying the precursor..

Just when i thought i was one step closer, this charged lodestone inflation came =/…. now i simply refuse to farm, manually farming atleast 300g for the 100lodestones sounds legendary-ridiculous.

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Leek.9143


I saved my pennies and only need the lodestones to finish my legendary, lo and behold they all spike up and lo and behold im back to the same deficit I had before I started farming. Im crossing my fingers that they drop down again and this is just a result of holiday speculation.

Regardless of cost the method to obtaining them really needs work. I think the idea of purchasing with dungeon tokens is an excellent one

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mira.4071


right now the only way to get a legendary is to buy gold, plain and simple.

The funny thing is that even if you bought the gold to buy them there’s not enough enough of them on the market to buy. Some recipes need 250 (or more) lodestones. Last time I checked there were about 80 on the TP – worldwide.

As someone who was actually interested in earning a legendary through weeks/months of persistence, I have to say I’m pretty discouraged. Right now the goal seems impossible for anyone who doesn’t have a legion of minions (or bots) to farm for them.

Even if I was Donald Trump and could just swipe my credit card and have every buyable legendary component dropped in my lap, the current worldwide Trading Post doesn’t even have one third of the lodestones required for one legendary!

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Promega.7628


right now the only way to get a legendary is to buy gold, plain and simple.

The funny thing is that even if you bought the gold to buy them there’s not enough enough of them on the market to buy. Some recipes need 250 (or more) lodestones. Last time I checked there were about 80 on the TP – worldwide.

As someone who was actually interested in earning a legendary through weeks/months of persistence, I have to say I’m pretty discouraged. Right now the goal seems impossible for anyone who doesn’t have a legion of minions (or bots) to farm for them.

Even if I was Donald Trump and could just swipe my credit card and have every buyable legendary component dropped in my lap, the current worldwide Trading Post doesn’t even have one third of the lodestones required for one legendary!

If what you say is true, that should be an indicator that it would be worthwhile to start farming charged lodestones as their price is moving towards a new market equilibrium, making your time/reward for farming charged lodestones quite high.

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mira.4071


Charged Lodestones sell between 2 and 3g each. The problem is that farming them takes forever, and they drop off of mobs that are only up if Arah is controlled. 2g for a single drop sounds nice on paper until you realize WHY they are so expensive, and why so few are on the Trading Post. The drop rate is abysmal and you could spend hours farming for them without getting a single one.

Edit: They also rarely come from chests in CoE.

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Promega.7628


I don’t think arah has anything to do with it. You need the temple of dwyna to be uncontested.

Running full magic find guildies and I are making decent profit farming these especially when you consider the value of all the other drops you obtain while farming them.

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ritual.6710


Roughly broken down, I am looking about 500g left to farm for my Legendary now… At best, I can make about 15-20g a day on my days off, that is farming virtually all day (1o+ hours). I have a few things I try and do each day which can net me a couple of gold.

At the current rate, I won’t be seeing my Legendary until middle of next year, which is pretty depressing all things considered.

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mira.4071


A bit off topic — Ritual, what are you farming for 15-20g/day? Only thing that comes to mind is maybe Plinx but I don’t see that kind of money there.

Feel free to PM me if you don’t want it made public.

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wolfgang.6489


Doesn’t just affect legendaries, either. Tons of unique skins only available through the Mystic Forge, which ARE NOT legendaries, require a LOT of lodestones. Hell, some require 250 lodestones and a gift which also requires upwards of 100 lodestones.

For a single item that ISN’T a legendary, that sort of grind is just crazy.

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: WhoaItsJoe.1352


@Mira, it is not too difficult to farm up 1 – 1.5G / hour @ Plinx with decent MF. Ritual did mention that he makes that much in ~10 hours, so Plinx would be my guess. Another possibility could be playing the TP and finding different items to flip, but that could get tedious real quick.

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Azelroth.6801


Mira @ 10+ Hours of farming a day….. with 15-20G output that equates to about 1.5g – 2g per hour which is entirely possible farming plinx. Depends on your luck as well.

Your fingers are going to hurt like hell after 10+ hours and it will feel like one massive grind but it’s achievable (use MF)

Azelroth [MoM] – Methods Of Mayhem
Commander @ Tarnished Coast

Charged Lodestones/cores

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Promega.7628


I did cursed shore grind for 300+ hours netting on average 2 gold per hour. Plinx/cursed/penitent and all the other little events around there during down time. It is a very active play style requiring good map awareness and at the end of a 10 hour day you will be bagged. But, it gets the job done.