Chiroptophobia - forecast?
I’m going to assume it’s artificial.
I do want to thank the person/persons putting in all the recent bids on stuff I’ve been hoarding though :P
I too would like to thank that person. I bough one for about 50g and posted right away for 80g determined that that’s how much I was going to profit from it, after a few months sitting on the tp I was surpriced to see it go but a bit regretfull now that it has gone passed 90g.
There like wine, aging and getting more expensive with time. Longer we go the less become availible making it more valuable.
The demand is false. As for pricing just look at what older 5 bltc ticket weapons go for.
I’d say that the price for 5 ticket BL weapons is about 100 – 150g (possibly up to 180 for certain popular weapon skins). There’s one particular weapon I’ve been watching for a while and this seems to be the price range in which it sells. Sclerite weapons are depressed at the moment due to lots of people buying it up during the sale, so it’s not a good marker, but adjust the prices for other BL weapons accordingly.
There like wine, aging and getting more expensive with time. Longer we go the less become availible making it more valuable.
False. This weapon is still available through black lion claim tickets.
Not for long. From 21. of Jan, a new release is coming and wintersday and I assume halloween skins are going off the table. So today is the last chance to obtain the weapon via tix.
Also, checked the demand now and it is back to normal. → 454. I come to think that the skin could possibly climb more, 150g is realistic.
There like wine, aging and getting more expensive with time. Longer we go the less become availible making it more valuable.
False. This weapon is still available through black lion claim tickets.
Even if thats the case, question is, are those tickets easy to get?
Fused/Aetherized skins can be bought by tickets too yet they have ridiculous prices.
That’s because tickets aren’t easy to get. You can only get them from unlocked Black Lion Chests and they are quite rare. Ticket scraps are more frequent but it takes 10 to make a ticket. We are talking 1000s of gems worth of keys for a single ticket.
RIP City of Heroes
It only cost 27 gold to bump the buy order to 270000.
Its a skin that seems almost a legendary….i would expect the proice to skyrocket first or after….
I bought one while he was cheap long ago just in case i need a good GS skin.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
I bought a few. I think the main problem is if people bought too many of it with black lion ticket. I think the staff went up more.
The main reason I bought a bunch of sword rather than the other skin is because my buy order fill so much faster. So there seemed to be more supply of the greatsword.
The skin does look nice though.
Not for long. From 21. of Jan, a new release is coming and wintersday and I assume halloween skins are going off the table. So today is the last chance to obtain the weapon via tix.
Several months ago they added multiple weapon sets to the BL ticket vendors, such as Fused, Sclerite and Wintersday. The Wintersday weapons have been available ever since and there is no reason to assume that any particular weapon set is going to be removed.
In fact since creating the vendors I don’t think any set has been removed, only the prices change.
Market manipulation is exploding right now. Certain items have had their demand increase by 2 million in a half a day. Once the new buy orders are established they retract their botted prices and recoup their costs, thus raising the floor for said items. I hope Anet looks into these botting accounts.
Berserker = Skilled
Never forget –
Market manipulation is exploding right now. Certain items have had their demand increase by 2 million in a half a day. Once the new buy orders are established they retract their botted prices and recoup their costs, thus raising the floor for said items. I hope Anet looks into these botting accounts.
Putting in buy orders for 1c doesnt establish a new highest buy order.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Market manipulation is exploding right now. Certain items have had their demand increase by 2 million in a half a day. Once the new buy orders are established they retract their botted prices and recoup their costs, thus raising the floor for said items. I hope Anet looks into these botting accounts.
Putting in buy orders for 1c doesnt establish a new highest buy order.
I think people should be smart enough to know those buy order are meanless. Because of all the “1c” bid. But apparently many people dont’ realize it.
this botting activity DOES increase the item’s prices.
kinda like how that guy posted on reddit, “I have 10,000 gold and I this is how I make money: … recipe: light of dwayna and recipe: shadow of grenth are good investment opportunities” – then those recipes double in price within hours.
increasing the buy orders to hundreds of thousands / millions puts them on the in-demand list, attracting attention, people buy it, increases price, botters sell theirs at 2x what it was worth. kinda like advertising
makes me want to buy a lot of lightning catcher skins then go on reddit and say “this is awesome, I’ve made 100,000 gold off lightning catcher skins” then watch the price go up 200%.
LOL I had to look it up –
buy listing volume went from 80 to 2 million from 1/12/14 to 1/16/14. price went from 40g on 1/12 to 98g on 1/14
I’d say this is more benign botting (compared to bots that gather materials or kill mobs 24/7), but still upsets trends and such so they are annoying.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
Market manipulation is exploding right now. Certain items have had their demand increase by 2 million in a half a day. Once the new buy orders are established they retract their botted prices and recoup their costs, thus raising the floor for said items. I hope Anet looks into these botting accounts.
Putting in buy orders for 1c doesnt establish a new highest buy order.
I think people should be smart enough to know those buy order are meanless. Because of all the “1c” bid. But apparently many people dont’ realize it.
They are meaningless but the millions, and I do mean millions of buy orders puts them on the top demanded item list. Also, these skins need to have vendor price to them, this would deter the manipulators from posting millions of buy orders.
Berserker = Skilled
Never forget –
So a vendor price of say 1s will make a difference? No. Meaningless demand is meaningless demand. If a player gets caught up in it, thinking it has meaning then too bad. Life lesson.
Same thing with gaps in the sell price. Some one buys up all the low priced ones and suddenly the price jumps to the prices that are way too high. Someone shouts manipulation.
Why are their huge down spikes to near the high bid? Because someone blindly sells their 100 ores to the highest bid who only needed 50. The remaining 50 is now a sell order at the previous high bid price. They sell and the price jumps back up. Someone shouts manipulation.
RIP City of Heroes
Advertisement isn’t meaningless and the player that get’s caught up in it makes it meaningfull because he makes it work.
Just about anything time limited will go up in price over time. How fast depends on how great the supply of the item was and how much demand there is afterwards. It’s a pretty kitten safe investment.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
Just about anything time limited will go up in price over time. How fast depends on how great the supply of the item was and how much demand there is afterwards. It’s a pretty kitten safe investment.
Absolutely right! Unfortunately, the item in question is still available through the weapon specialist.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Just about anything time limited will go up in price over time. How fast depends on how great the supply of the item was and how much demand there is afterwards. It’s a pretty kitten safe investment.
Absolutely right! Unfortunately, the item in question is still available through the weapon specialist.
Yea, but the amount coming out of that will become far lower after the event/sale thing ends.
I still have a few that I bought during Halloween and a few dead stop shields. This event didn’t bother me at all though (despite making the turn around longer). It’s not like I needed the gold that I invested and I would much rather do this sort of thing and wait Vs. actually go farm (ew). If I HAD needed the gold, the price never dropped below 15% more than what I bought it for so it wouldn’t have caused any financial harm.
I’m at far more risk with my spore investment with the next 4 updates, but I doubt they’ll shower us with spores and give us access to those recipes again (fingers crossed) and I don’t see them dropping below 2s (bought them at 1.2-1.3s ea) but the loss in potential profit would suck lol
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
does anyone know how many black lion ticket the skins cost now?
does anyone know how many black lion ticket the skins cost now?
“Aetherized” weapon skins onwards have standardized prices: one ticket during the initial offering period, five tickets afterwards. There are three skins from before that are not standardized prices, Fused (7), Sclerite (3) and Wintersday (5). At this time all other skins are five tickets.