Clear precursor price manipulation

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: elderan.2638


I know Anet deems this strategy completely legit, but it’s rather tiresome for people who are trying to save for their legendary, like Kuzdu:

Someone buys all the the precursors and relists them for double the price. I see it happened with Chaos Gun too: (click on All)

Basically means the people trying to get their legendary are “gold farming” for the ultra rich (possibly gold sellers) who are manipulating the market. I have to say that this is very disconcerting.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nike.2631


Hate to say it, but it only works if they are right-pricing.

That those items used to sell for less doesnt’ mean people won’t pay (MUCH) more for them.

If they’ve overplayed their hand, they lose their listing fees. If they are right that someone will -however grudgingly- pay it, then all they have done is helped the market reach a truer equilbium.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dreamslayer.7659


Don’t forget that this also increases the incentive for people to try to create more precursors in the mystic forge.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olba.5376


I know Anet deems this strategy completely legit, but it’s rather tiresome for people who are trying to save for their legendary, like Kuzdu:

Someone buys all the the precursors and relists them for double the price. I see it happened with Chaos Gun too: (click on All)

Basically means the people trying to get their legendary are “gold farming” for the ultra rich (possibly gold sellers) who are manipulating the market. I have to say that this is very disconcerting.

So basically what you want is for ANet to come out and declare, like a proper draconian authority, the proper pricing on items?

Because you can’t just say “Oh well Precursors are too pricy”. If you do it for precursors, you have to do it for all the items. And most likely, that would result in everything going up in price as people put put their prices to match the caps presented by ANet.

And let’s be serious for a moment. We do have Gold sinks, but that doesn’t mean that the Gold isn’t steadily losing its value. Firstly, ANet has no authority to claim that the price of an item is right or wrong, same as you don’t. With that said, the only thing they could really do is put in some kind of hard cap on the prices of items. And if that cap was lower than the current prices, then you would just end up with people simply not selling their stuff at all. If it’s higher than the current prices, the people who own those items will take that as a sign from ANet, telling them that their prices are deemed too low by the official, now draconian, authority.

Secondly, due to the very real inflation that we have, ANet would have to constantly update their “proper prices”. And they would just keep going up. And then you would have people complaining about it again, but this time their anger would be directed at ANet rather than the tradespeople.

And honestly, as long as the prices on the TP are deemed to be lower than what people would be willing to spend on the Mystic Forge to try to get the precursor, the prices will just keep going up.

(edited by Olba.5376)

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


Basically means the people trying to get their legendary are “gold farming” for the ultra rich (possibly gold sellers) who are manipulating the market. I have to say that this is very disconcerting.

Going for a legendary is directly competing with rich players who are there to buy their first, second, or even fifth legendary. Only if you win this direct competition (unlikely) you earn the dubious honor of filling the pockets of the legendary cartel.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chinnaru.4359


I’ve gotten nearly everything else for my legendary,but the precursors has always been out of my reach.for example when kudzu was 60g i had 50g,when it hit 120g a little while later i had 90,now that has happened to the point where some1 bought up or either removed their listings to make the sellers price over 400g now.Personally I dont play the market or gamble but I find this a tad annoying that i cant finish my precursor because of price manipulation or w/e.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: marnick.4305


What I get from that post is simple …. after the price hike, the chaos gun, again, started to drop in price. The correct price is ~100g and eventually it’ll get there again.
I’m just waiting it out, these things will balance out in the end.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LordByron.8369


this is not real world its a game and his players have to be defended fromspeculators that can destroy the game….

How to do that is really easy, like putting a risk in overpricing items…

For ex, many people buy precursors and sells them at ridiculous prices (i was checking zap, the increase was something like 3G per HOUR for a week….and there aren t that many zap to justify it)…

If for example, anet put on a update an NPC selling 1H precursor at 100G and 2H at 200G:

-people getting their precursor legit by RNG still got a huge bonus.
-gold seller AND speculators lose lot of moneys because people won t buy precursor from them

Putting this risk chance makes the market more balanced because buying and reselling to manipulate the market, has a high risk.

This without hurting legit players.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: garraeth.3267


I’m a “legit player” (never bought gold with gems, and got everything myself, no mad rng luck, no speculation/flipping) and just got Dusk today. And since I had the other 3 parts, turned it into Twilight two minutes after.

I saved for about a month for Dusk (after I got the first 3 parts). It really taxed my brain to come up with ways of saving gold, but it’s definitely do-able.

And ya, I’m excited and wanted to post just for that ;p It looks AWESOME.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LordByron.8369


Define your legit/non speculative way to save up 500+ G in 1 month….

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rogacz.9865


Firstly, ANet has no authority to claim that the price of an item is right or wrong, same as you don’t.

Wrong on both accounts. We, as both players and [in game] customers, have every right to say something is too expensive. Secondly, Anet has every tight to not only claim a price is wrong, but also adjust it, through various ways. Which they aim to do with Scavenger Hunt. But seriously, they could drop the prices just by multiplying the drop rate by 10.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Protoavis.9107


precursors aren’t that difficult if you have cash available, I’ve created 3 in the forge in the last two weeks and ran a profit on each just by crafting (cheap) exotics and forging them, any of the rarer ($$$) exotics that came out I sold. There aren’t that many exotic level options when using the same type of weapon in the forge. Soon as you get a precursor and sold it you should have the funds to make two unless the forge really hates you.

Let us buy vendor mats (eg spools of thread) in 250 stacks, end the excessive clicking.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Protoavis.9107


Firstly, ANet has no authority to claim that the price of an item is right or wrong, same as you don’t.

Wrong on both accounts. We, as both players and [in game] customers, have every right to say something is too expensive. Secondly, Anet has every tight to not only claim a price is wrong, but also adjust it, through various ways. Which they aim to do with Scavenger Hunt. But seriously, they could drop the prices just by multiplying the drop rate by 10.

Anet say they want to implement a scavenger hunt but from their postings have said NO ONE IS WORKING ON IT so don’t hold you’re breath on it. I’d be more inclined to think anet want the price up to increase gem purchases shrug

Let us buy vendor mats (eg spools of thread) in 250 stacks, end the excessive clicking.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


Define your legit/non speculative way to save up 500+ G in 1 month….

You can grind shelt/pen hardcore for a week and a half and get 500G. You can easily get that in a month.

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[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hendo.4671


Don’t forget that this also increases the incentive for people to try to create more precursors in the mystic forge.

We have a winner. No one can control supply, there fore no one can really completely control the market.

“Right now, if Trahearne were to be ground into mulch in front of me,
I’d offer the one responsible a carafe of balsamic vinaigrette dressing and some croutons.”
— BaireSharque

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rainzar.6905


so what is the point of this thread? everyone knows this by now..

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LordByron.8369


Define your legit/non speculative way to save up 500+ G in 1 month….

You can grind shelt/pen hardcore for a week and a half and get 500G. You can easily get that in a month.

Also farming the same mindless events for a month is not what i call “playing”……
At least farming fotm requires some skill….

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ethics.4519


This isn’t the manipulators fault. This is about %50 of the population’s fault.

Everybody and their mother wants a legendary. Anet never intended everybody to have a legendary. So the game is brand new, the chance of getting a legendary is horridly small which is what is driving the price through the roof. The demand is huge and the supply is ridiculously small.

Anet stand by only a SELECT number of people having a legendary, so they are trying to lower demand by adding ascended gear and letting players focus on that for a little. I don’t play enough to get a legendary so I don’t even try. That allows me to just play the game how I want instead of whining about prices and slaving away at events.

RIP in peace Robert

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dreamslayer.7659


this is not real world its a game and his players have to be defended fromspeculators that can destroy the game….

How to do that is really easy, like putting a risk in overpricing items…

For ex, many people buy precursors and sells them at ridiculous prices (i was checking zap, the increase was something like 3G per HOUR for a week….and there aren t that many zap to justify it)…

If for example, anet put on a update an NPC selling 1H precursor at 100G and 2H at 200G:

-people getting their precursor legit by RNG still got a huge bonus.
-gold seller AND speculators lose lot of moneys because people won t buy precursor from them

Putting this risk chance makes the market more balanced because buying and reselling to manipulate the market, has a high risk.

This without hurting legit players.

I don’t agree with the idea that players who make a lot of money through trading or crafting are somehow illegitimate.

I see this quite frequently on the forum and my only conclusion is that some people have personal rules about how the game should be played that are more restrictive than Anet or other players or the TOS.

This may be a distinction in your mind and I don’t want to speculate about what it is based on, but it’s not a distinction in the game or in the minds of everyone else.

Playing the Trading Post, making lots of money and controlling the trading post is just as legitimate as a well organized server shutting another server out of their Borderlands map in WvW.

If it were not, then people would be banned, or mechanisms would be changed.

It’s not like these wealthy players own the patent or control the supply of Precursonium.

Observe, Orient, Decide, Act.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: The Blue Ace.2850

The Blue Ace.2850

This isn’t the manipulators fault. This is about %50 of the population’s fault.

Everybody and their mother wants a legendary. Anet never intended everybody to have a legendary. So the game is brand new, the chance of getting a legendary is horridly small which is what is driving the price through the roof. The demand is huge and the supply is ridiculously small.

Anet stand by only a SELECT number of people having a legendary, so they are trying to lower demand by adding ascended gear and letting players focus on that for a little. I don’t play enough to get a legendary so I don’t even try. That allows me to just play the game how I want instead of whining about prices and slaving away at events.

If thats true why do some players have like 5 of them?

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dreamslayer.7659


This isn’t the manipulators fault. This is about %50 of the population’s fault.

Everybody and their mother wants a legendary. Anet never intended everybody to have a legendary. So the game is brand new, the chance of getting a legendary is horridly small which is what is driving the price through the roof. The demand is huge and the supply is ridiculously small.

Anet stand by only a SELECT number of people having a legendary, so they are trying to lower demand by adding ascended gear and letting players focus on that for a little. I don’t play enough to get a legendary so I don’t even try. That allows me to just play the game how I want instead of whining about prices and slaving away at events.

If thats true why do some players have like 5 of them?

Same reason some players in GW1 had more than one set of Obsidian Armor or more than one Voltaic Spear or whatever.

Because they want it enough to figure out how to get it.

I’ve read a lot of comments from people about Legendary weapons and I’m convinced that a lot of people don’t want them very badly or hope they will be able to make enough money over a year or two to get it eventually.

I made enough money in 3 weeks to buy everything I need for my Legendary. It wasn’t anything secret – and in fact, I told several people what I was doing and how to do it.

However, it was time consuming and most people would have considered it a very boring grind and since a lot of people are opposed to “playing” a game in a way that “isn’t fun”, they don’t do it.

A wealthy man once told me something about the wealthy: “If you did what they did, you would have what they have, but you have what you have because you do what you do.”

Everything we do in life has a result and when most people don’t like their result, they try to change the game instead of changing themselves.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nike.2631


Everybody and their mother wants a legendary. Anet never intended everybody to have a legendary.

Why do people say that? Last I checked every player has a big hollow icon on their log in screen tapping them on the should saying “Get your Legendary yet?”

Well, hollow for every player who hasn’t gotten one yet .

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nike.2631


A wealthy man once told me something about the wealthy: “If you did what they did, you would have what they have, but you have what you have because you do what you do.”

Everything we do in life has a result and when most people don’t like their result, they try to change the game instead of changing themselves.

Yup. I don’t have a legendary because I didn’t buy this game to play the market. I have people do that for me in the real world which is why I have the free time to play this pretty much as much as I want when I feel like it.

On the other hand I have better stats than at least some of those people who have one or more legendaries (tuned exotics + ascended back + 2 ascended rings). I also have the exact shades of dye I want and what I find to be the most pleasing armor skins in the game. So truthfully my efforts have gotten me the thing I want most.

I’m creeping towards a Legendary because I want to fill the little medal on the log in screen, and my prgress directly reflects how much I care about that: some.

I’m glad there is some sign ANet wants to tie precurrsor acquisition to non-TP effort and less pure extreme luck, but I’m in no crippling rush to see it manifest. I anticipate as the Ascended grade spreads to more and more slots, we’ll see the stat gap widen between those who buy their gear, and those who then take that array of oranges and leverage it to acquire reds in some form of adventuring.

Then it will be the trader’s whining that their preffered playstyle doesn’t carry the best rewards and the wheel turns on and on .

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dreamslayer.7659


I’m glad there is some sign ANet wants to tie precurrsor acquisition to non-TP effort and less pure extreme luck, but I’m in no crippling rush to see it manifest. I anticipate as the Ascended grade spreads to more and more slots, we’ll see the stat gap widen between those who buy their gear, and those who then take that array of oranges and leverage it to acquire reds in some form of adventuring.

Then it will be the trader’s whining that their preffered playstyle doesn’t carry the best rewards and the wheel turns on and on .

I’m sure there are some players who prefer a white collar career in GW2 above all else, but there is no evidence to support the idea that skill at wealth acquisition corresponds to a skill deficit in the rest of the game.

Many of the wealthy are highly pragmatic players who study all aspects of the game to find the most effective means to a desired end.

I don’t know if it’s an exclusively American troupe to imagine that the football jock is always dim witted or the banker is cowardly and frail but in the real world, many talented people are quite flexible and adaptable – the single talent savant is actually pretty rare.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: garraeth.3267


Define your legit/non speculative way to save up 500+ G in 1 month….

Lot of obvious things as a base foundation:

  • My favorite place to “grind” was Grenth. Pen/Shelter was “ok”. Plinx was also “ok”. Arah was “meh”. Melandru was “bad”.
  • Off-hours I’d “grind” for my loadstones or T5/T6 mats elsewhere – mostly solo.
  • I’ve seen a lot of posts where people say basically “crafting is worthless” and they couldn’t be more wrong.
  • I didn’t spend money on anything but required items (picks/axes, waypoints, MF find food).
  • I always vendor blues/whites/greens. Salvaged yellows. TP’d oranges.

Other things I’ll let you figure out. That’s actually part of the fun.

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ath.2531


Define your legit/non speculative way to save up 500+ G in 1 month….

You can grind shelt/pen hardcore for a week and a half and get 500G. You can easily get that in a month.

I farm those events with guildies and each of us net around 2.5 – 3g an hour, with almost maxed MF gear and guild banners/buffs on. That’s as good as it gets.

To get 500g in a week and a half you have to farm for 6.94 days straight(500g/3g/h)

Are you really telling me that you farm for 7 days out of a week and a half to get 500g?

500g in a month is realistic. In a week and a half, if you really do that then i really feel sorry for you for the sole reason that you actually risk getting a heart attack/stroke.

What i do think is that you are exaggerating beyond belief

Commander Athrael ThunderBorn
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nike.2631


I’m sure there are some players who prefer a white collar career in GW2 above all else, but there is no evidence to support the idea that skill at wealth acquisition corresponds to a skill deficit in the rest of the game.

I never suggested they the two were mutually exclusive. A trader is a person who spends his time trading. An adventure is a person who spends their time swinging a sword. I would expect most people mix activities to avoid mind numbing boredom. But while a person is trading, they cannot be making progress getting an Ascended item (beyond gathering a set of orange gear to facilitate later adventuring), and while a person is adventuring they are making only second class citizen progress gathering money. I’m glad the game has added some things that favor adventuring as a focus of activity, since up to that point, trading was a more effective way of going about pursuing vitually every long term game the goal has to offer.

I don’t know if it’s an exclusively American troupe to imagine that the football jock is always dim witted or the banker is cowardly and frail but in the real world, many talented people are quite flexible and adaptable – the single talent savant is actually pretty rare.

Heh, I think there’s a similar trope aboout seeing what you want to see in a post so you can make light of it .

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.