Concerned about this weekend's sale ethics

Concerned about this weekend's sale ethics

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hollywood.2407



Has this been the tactic for the past several sale events?


I am really disappointed that they were A) secretive about what was going to be available, and B ) to take stuff away.

Why not just put the good stuff on sale for the duration and add a few morsels each new day.

The removal of particular items means that (let’s use me as an example) if I was busy yesterday, but had plans to play this weekend and therefore didn’t need to rush home (and get some nice discounts), I may have missed it by mere hours.

A sale is a sale. I have never picked up a newspaper with an ad saying ‘three day sale…’ to then go into the store and find a few items were only sale eligible for one of the ‘three day sale.’

And to add salt to the wound, the character slot(s) I have purchased, I cannot even see or access. Meanwhile some people were buying one slot (on sale) and getting two extra free.

The way things are going, Arena would do well to offer half off slots for the next week and refund the difference for any full price slot purchases from this weekend.

(edited by Hollywood.2407)

Concerned about this weekend's sale ethics

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rainzar.6905


“During each day of the sale, we’ll feature three different items on sale at drastically reduced prices! All sales begin at 12 AM Pacific and last for 24 hours.”

tbh tho i do agree with you, sales are infrequent and mostly dissapointing so it can be annoying to have a busy life and missout. plus “The cuts are so deep you’ll swear I took a greatsword to the prices!” is now and will forever be mocked whenever they discount anything on the TP cos yeh the %’s were low enough to make microsofts efforts on xbox live look impressive.

Concerned about this weekend's sale ethics

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nike.2631


Yes, having a series of one day sales that require you to make a value judgement quickly have been the tactic of previous sales.

Expect them to continue in the future.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Concerned about this weekend's sale ethics

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: diamondgirl.6315


A sale is a sale. I have never picked up a newspaper with an ad saying ‘three day sale…’ to then go into the store and find a few items were only sale eligible for one of the ‘three day sale.’

I don’t even know what to do with this statement. I have seen this at so many thousands of sales in dozens of stores over my 37 years as a shopper that this is like… it’s like someone is complaining that ants showed up at a picnic.

Concerned about this weekend's sale ethics

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NoxInfernus.2361


You snooze, you lose folks.
The advert leading up to the weekend sale was very clear that 3 NEW items would be offered per day.
Oh, and 25% off (average discount) on these digital items is pretty darn good.

Concerned about this weekend's sale ethics

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Medazolam.3058


You snooze, you lose folks.
The advert leading up to the weekend sale was very clear that 3 NEW items would be offered per day.
Oh, and 25% off (average discount) on these digital items is pretty darn good.

I agree, if anything they listened to all the complaints last time there was a sale and put character slots up this time. I would love of they did one day sales every Saturday, like Macy’s.

Concerned about this weekend's sale ethics

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: diamondgirl.6315


Seriously. Weekly one day sales on one item would be so cool.

Concerned about this weekend's sale ethics

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

Are you just mad that you didn’t get the character slots yesterday and are faced with 3 garbage skins today?