Confused with pricing on tp
There’s a 10% sales tax from the seller on a successful sale, aside from the initial 5% listing fee. There’s been a lot of clamor asking for the trading post to be more up front about it, but afaik, no actual word from ANet as of yet.
Currently, you can check the article on the wiki about it, the mention of the tax stands out fairly well near the top of the page.
20 silver listing
20*.85=17, so that’s how much you should have gotten from it, not the 18 you say.
Count yourself lucky you got an extra silver from it, I guess?
tpcalc is also a nice page to use, to auto-calculate things.
So I have to pay an additonal tax if I sell an item? Wasn`t the listing fee enough? I never really noticed before becuase I always sold multiple things, filling orders and selling random junk.
Yes, that’s correct.
You pay the 5% of 20s upfront, that’s 1s. After the item has been sold for 20s, you pay another 10% of that 20s, ie. 2s, that’s why you end up with 18s.
5% listing is only enough to discourage people from randomly putting high prices on goods, but not enough of a gold sink. Hence the additional 10% after sales.
Ah, yes. I keep forgetting the original 5% fee is not apparent after the sale either. Your total profit was 17 silver, but only if you remember the original fee.