Controlled Salvage Results

Controlled Salvage Results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ursan.7846


Hey guys,

So I call this topic “Controlled” because I used the same rare for everything. I just spent 6000 CoF tokens to buy 200 of the lvl 70 rare helm with no upgrade, and tested out the salvage rates with Master Salvage Kits. Just thought I’d share the data.

So out of the 200 salvages, I got
202 Ectos (1.01 Ecto/salvage)
250 Mithril (1.25 Mithril/salvage)
22 Orichalcum (0.11 Ori/salvage)

A breakdown of how many salvages got what:
0 Ecto: 64 (32%)
1 Ecto: 93 (46.5%)
2 Ectos: 20 (10%)
3 Ectos: 23 (11.5%)

0 Mithril: 14 (7%)
1 Mithril: 130 (65%)
2 Mithril: 48 (24%)
3 MIthril 8 (4%)

0 Ori: 187 (93.5%)
1 Ori: 6 (3%)
2 Ori: 5 (2.5%)
3 Ori: 2 (1%)

This is kinda interesting to me, since I seem to have gotten really lucky with the 3 ectos (since I got more of that vs 2 ectos, and that feels intuitively…wrong). I’m not sure what to think really. Assuming I’m not just really lucky, perhaps lower level/no upgrade rares salvage for more? Just some theories.

Controlled Salvage Results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Cool data :o! thanks for the hard work. This also seems to confirm to me that anything above level 68 which gives an ecto will have the same chance regardless of level.

Controlled Salvage Results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Siam.1278


That’s a lot of tokens. O_O

Controlled Salvage Results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Syeria.4812


While the rate of 3 ectos being higher than 2 ectos may seem intuitively wrong, my dataset has the exact same result (for both master and black lion) and off the top of my head I can’t think of a single data set I’ve seen that doesn’t share that feature.

Controlled Salvage Results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mourningcry.9428


Nice. Thanks for this.

Quick question, do you remeber if Mithril/Ori were exclusive? Or did you notice that some salvages yielded both?

Edit: I can see from the data that it is likely they were exclusive, but just wanted to confirm.

Controlled Salvage Results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ubi.4136


I would be interested as to day of week and time of day this was done.
I have been testing (and only recently starting keeping stats) and finding that weekend salvages net almost no ecto, where as weekday evening salvages net above average amounts.

Lost in the Maguuma [TC]
Te Nosce [TC]

Controlled Salvage Results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hero Battles Forever.8302

Hero Battles Forever.8302

Great feedback thank you.

Controlled Salvage Results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sandra Martino.3870

Sandra Martino.3870

I would be interested as to day of week and time of day this was done.
I have been testing (and only recently starting keeping stats) and finding that weekend salvages net almost no ecto, where as weekday evening salvages net above average amounts.

This is quite alarming yes, while i have no sheet where i put my results on it does seem to happen a fair bit.

Would be minor tough, however in the end it can make up a great difference.

Still Feeling Lucky [PunK] – Gunnars Hold
Recruiting necros & guardians. Whisper ingame.

Controlled Salvage Results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ursan.7846


Nice. Thanks for this.

Quick question, do you remeber if Mithril/Ori were exclusive? Or did you notice that some salvages yielded both?

Edit: I can see from the data that it is likely they were exclusive, but just wanted to confirm.

Mithril/Ori is exclusive. I also have one salvage which just yielded 3 ectos and no Mithril/Ori, interestingly enough.

I would be interested as to day of week and time of day this was done.
I have been testing (and only recently starting keeping stats) and finding that weekend salvages net almost no ecto, where as weekday evening salvages net above average amounts.

This was done around midnight on Sunday, PST. Around 12 hours ago?

Controlled Salvage Results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mourningcry.9428


Mithril/Ori is exclusive. I also have one salvage which just yielded 3 ectos and no Mithril/Ori, interestingly enough.

Great. Thanks for the confirmation.

Controlled Salvage Results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mourningcry.9428


Just out of curiousity…

From your observations, can you agree that Ecto salvages are an independent event from the Mithril → Ori substiution?

Controlled Salvage Results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ursan.7846


Just out of curiousity…

From your observations, can you agree that Ecto salvages are an independent event from the Mithril -> Ori substiution?

Out of the 13 salvages in which I got Ori,

2 salvages had 0 ectos
1 salvage had 2 ectos
10 had 1 ectos

So 12 ectos from 13 salvages.

Hard to to conclude anything from this small a sample size really, but it does seem the case.

Controlled Salvage Results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mourningcry.9428


Hard to to conclude anything from this small a sample size really, but it does seem the case.

Well, I think you need to run a few hundred more COF P1s in order to get a more reliable sampling.

How dare you come here with such inconclusive nonsense….


Controlled Salvage Results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LFk.1408


I’d say you came out ahead of the curve

I’ve stated before that my overall rate is 0.9 ectos / rare for Master’s level kits (0.896, specifically). This is over 6 months, and tens of thousands of repetitions. Enough to make me wish there was a “salvage box” item, which just salvages everything in your inventory with no need for additional clicking :P

There are many things I greatly appreciate about your data, though:

- Use of consistent, identical rares.
(I tracked any rares from 70-78, of all types.)
- Tracking individual instances of salvages, i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3.
(I salvaged my items in batches of 20, and just took the total)
- Tracking crafting mats
(I never did do that)
- Use of the same salvage kit
(I used Mystic and Master’s interchangeably)

This set of 200 is as neat and scientifically sound as I’ve seen posted, and here’s whats fascinating: Throwing sample size consideration aside for the moment and assuming your rate of 1.01 can be taken as true, what accounts for the extra 0.11, or 11%?

Could it be that lower level rares are actually better? Could it be that dungeon based rares produce slightly higher ectoplasm rates? Could the helmet salvage at a different rate than other pieces? Does armor and jewelry salvage at different rates?

Probably not. But you never really know

(edited by LFk.1408)

Controlled Salvage Results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ursan.7846


This set of 200 is as neat and scientifically sound as I’ve seen posted, and here’s whats fascinating: Throwing sample size consideration aside for the moment and assuming your rate of 1.01 can be taken as true, what accounts for the extra 0.11, or 11%?

Could it be that lower level rares are actually better? Could it be that dungeon based rares produce slightly higher ectoplasm rates? Could the helmet salvage at a different rate than other pieces? Does armor and jewelry salvage at different rates?

Probably not. But you never really know

If I ever get 6000 tokens again, my next batch of test will try the shoulder piece. Also 30 tokens, we’ll see if it’s any different…

Though how soon that’ll happen, who knows.