Currency Exchange Transparency Request

Currency Exchange Transparency Request

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ariana.9278


I want to ask ANET to show as the chart of how many gems they selling a week or even a month. As I heard when i was buying this game that we will have open market here, and inflation on your market it’s unbelievable high.
If prices go up so much it only mean that people buy less gems.
But you are adding this useless stuff to TP every update and people keep buying them it will mean there are gems that people spend,
So where the GEMS that people buy are really coming from.
Is the number of people buying gems 2 years ago 7000% higher then now ? cos from 20s to 14g that’s a pretty jump.

Currency Exchange Transparency Request

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Donari.5237


As I understand it all gems come from people spending cash on them. Real money. Then they swap the gems for gold which makes them available for people buying gems with gold to buy.

I know that I have bought many gems for cash over the years, though none since the town clothes fiasco. I almost never bought gold with the gems, though, so I wasn’t putting so many into the economy. But it’s no scam, it’s the design. Gems come from players.

Currency Exchange Transparency Request

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rengaru.4730


  • ANet confirmed that they jump-started the gem exchange on release by puting an undisclosed amount of gems into the system. However this pool has been empty for a while now and all gems now come from other players.
  • As time progresses more Gold will enter the economy and especially compared to release there are way more gold generators (champion bags, pvp rewards, better rewards in general) than gold sinks (e.g. the removal of armor repair costs)

Currency Exchange Transparency Request

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

You can always ask for ANet to show up on your thread and detail their finances and how many gems they sell, but the odds are vanishingly small they will do so. Companies simply don’t go onto forums and hand out financial information.