DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


Two things which are making the GW2 economy painful for only one-half of the population….


The DR glitching seems to be killing the economic experience for half of the community.

Just down any of the dragons and you’ll see what I mean:
- Half the group links their list of several rares (consistently the SAME half).
- The other half wonders what cheat codes the first half is using.

The first half rakes it in and drives the cost of precursors rapidly toward 500g, while the second half barely covers waypoint costs with their takings.

ANet still does not acknowledge this, but I’ve seen it first-hand. DR seems to be bugged, by basic census, to be permanently on for about 60% of my active guildies (and myself). A full week now with not a single rare weapon or armor item (with +40% magic find), let alone an exotic, and with greens dipping to the rarity of rares… drops are bad enough to barely cover the waypoint costs.


They just seriously nerfed charged lodestone supply with the sparks in malchor’s leap with no announcement of a general correction to the drop rate to compensate. (yes, it was 3.5g before, but darn-it, ANet wants the playerbase to REALLY SUFFER)

So there you have it…

Half the playerbase will become increasingly fed-up ,not want to do much outside of explorable token grinds, and never have a chance in frozen hell at a legendary.

The other half gets to eat higher lodestone costs as well, and wonder where half their friends went.

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: PowerCat.5738


Nothing was changed at the sparks in malchor leap.

I just hunted them for half an hour.

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Iehova.9518


Did you get any good loot?

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: PowerCat.5738


No, but I did get a few charged londestones from CoE last week.

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: PowerCat.5738


Oh, what was changed is an event that people used to bug and spawn unlimited sparks.

Nothing to see here, folks. Just people complaining that their exploit is gone.

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: roostapro.9827


Well, straight after the patch I farmed jormag and was highly annoyed that it got nerfed…..

however, with 33% MF running, I got my first exotic from a mob, no not an ice elemental but from a Moa i aggro’d -.-

(Claw Of The Desert – Dagger)

and a rare (First rare ive ha from the jormag chest)…..

then everything went downhill.
the loot i was getting, if any, was so bad i afk’d in Lions Arch :\

EDIT: also Jormag took 45 minutes, and within those 45 minutes all i got was 6 Loot Bags.



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DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Avan.1540


Yeah, they removed the ability for the mini eles to drop anything, and now that event is a worthless waste of time. I made a suggestion the significantly boost the droprate of rares & exotics (Doesn’t have to be precursors) from the chest based on how much you actually did during the fighting, to actually make it worth people’s while to complete the event, participating in it, instead of tag the dragon and run off to farm other stuff nearby, and end up making a more money (Even assuming a couple rares from the chest, which is optimistic) yet still having the same pathetic chance at a precursor.

20+ Charracters – Charr only player – NA Kaineng
Give Charr armor some more love!
Let us show our spots, stripes, or lack-there-of in style.

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoenixfudge.5290


Yeah, i’ve noticed this specifically with my close friend and I.

We run dungeons together and dragon events. He is consistently getting rares while I get blues. I don’t even remember the last time I got a rare from a dragon chest. While we run dungeons he always links me rares and I get blues. I am really thinking there is a bug.

I know RNG is RNG but it’s never ever been this bad for this long.

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Navi.7142


Since when do you experience this, Phoenixfudge?

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ath.2531


i can confirm sparks remain unaffected. Got 2 in around 45 min today. Not always this lucky but still the same drop rate i think

Commander Athrael ThunderBorn
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoenixfudge.5290


Since when do you experience this, Phoenixfudge?

Generally since the nov 15 patch.

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bartho.7896


I got yesterday 2 Charged Lodestones in CoE, others got alot cores.
They nerfed drop rate on sparks? I dont know but if they did its because this game is not about farming your as§ off.

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Iehova.9518


I dont know but if they did its because this game is not about farming your as§ off.

ANY high-tier exotic or legendary holder laughs at your statement.

350 charged lodes for Mjolnir, not farming your kitten off, pick one.

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bartho.7896


I dont know but if they did its because this game is not about farming your as§ off.

ANY high-tier exotic or legendary holder laughs at your statement.

350 charged lodes for Mjolnir, not farming your kitten off, pick one.

None forces you to go for Mjolnir, these high end skins were not meant to be farmed for, and thats why anet improved the drop from dungeon chests while decreasing drop from massively farmed mobs.
Srsly stop whinning about charged cores/stones they have the same drop rate as glacial. = they drop like candy in specific dungeons

All this whining “boo i cant farm 100charged lodestones in one week”, is rlly hillarious, just think long term -.-.

(edited by Bartho.7896)

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Iehova.9518


You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Good day sir.

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bartho.7896


I rlly hope a.net wont listen to whining like this O.o

When i thought Im going for a legendary that requires 100 Onyx lodestones, I went TA 2-3 paths every day and had 9 onyx lodestones after a week, and I didnt think for a second to go whine(“booo onyx stones are 2,5g what will i do mommi”) on forum.

If you have fun playing the game you obtain these items easily than you think, and if you dont have fun, well then dont play it. You will most likely quit after you get your Mjolnir anyway.

EDIT: I rlly think in this game it starts to be common that you whine your way to it, not play your way to it. And you lehova are a great example, dismissing any other arguement as “he has no idea what he is talking about”, when you probably just want sunrise or bolt or something rlly bad and let this cloud your judgment.

(edited by Bartho.7896)

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wolfgang Michael.8217

Wolfgang Michael.8217

I rlly hope a.net wont listen to whining like this O.o

When i thought Im going for a legendary that requires 100 Onyx lodestones, I went TA 2-3 paths every day and had 9 onyx lodestones after a week, and I didnt think for a second to go whine(“booo onyx stones are 2,5g what will i do mommi”) on forum.

If you have fun playing the game you obtain these items easily than you think, and if you dont have fun, well then dont play it. You will most likely quit after you get your Mjolnir anyway.

EDIT: I rlly think in this game it starts to be common that you whine your way to it, not play your way to it. And you lehova are a great example, dismissing any other arguement as “he has no idea what he is talking about”, when you probably just want sunrise or bolt or something rlly bad and let this cloud your judgment.

I’m starting to think that you haven’t yet reached level 80. But then again, you did CoE meaning you are level 80. Which then begs the question as to what you are trying to do in this game currently? My best guess would be that you are farming the CoE dungeon tokens for gear or weapons. If that’s the case, you must understand that many people have already done this a long time ago. What would be their next goal? Exotics or maybe legendaries. When you are trying to get something like that, you would understand their pain. Until then, go do your Dungeon.

(edited by Wolfgang Michael.8217)

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bartho.7896


Not everyone who is working on a legendary is whining about every possible thing on the forum.
I am now working on my second legendary (The Dreamer), which I thought requires onyxes, then i learned it doesnt.
I have no respect for ppl who get their legendary through continuous whining on forum.
If you have to whine about something go whine about something that actually matters, like DC in fractals or the fact that HotW bosses have over a zillion hp.

EDIT: i been screwed over too, I bought the precursor for my first legendary a day before the Karka give-away, i lost like 70g on that, yes i was bitter, complained a bit, was mad at anet, but i didnt go on forum whining how unfair it is.

(edited by Bartho.7896)

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Karpuz.5409


Bartho, my man…Charged Cores/Lodestones seem to have a much smaller drop chance than Glacial or any other for that matter. Molten Cores/Lodestones drop like candy indeed, Corrupted, same, easily farmable, Onyx ones are fairly decent if you do TA or farm earth elementals…But in about 2-3 months of farming Charged Cores and Lodestones (sparks or CoE or fractals lately) i’ve only gotten like 1 Lodestone and 4 Cores. And yes, i’ve used full Magic Find set.

So yes, don’t act all bravehearted. You haven’t really experienced anything so far, you’re just talking out of your shell. Once you’ll be in the same posture, you’ll slowly back off.

Also, indeed, since all the drop rates for preety much everything on everything have been nerfed, farming or fighting for something doesn’t seem viable much longer.

Therefore, the ones that will dominate the game will be the Trading Post flippers and manipulators. kitten, i mean if they can even buy legendary weapons from Trading Post now, it’s clear, this game is all about playing the Market, not about working for something

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bartho.7896


Well i never farmed charged cores. But I do CoE alot, since its my favourite dung, not because I needed soemthing from there, i just salvage the tokens for ectos.
And I do HotW alot, since I have a HotW recipe, now from my observation I get as much glacial cores from chests in HotW as charged cores from chests in CoE. I dont think these two have different drop rates. Yes lodestones are rather rare (like 1 in 15 paths or so), but charged cores do drop alot.
And im not even using MF gear (since it doesnt apply on dungeon chests).
Again I dont know anything about spark farm, and never claimed that, but if anet really decreased the drop, its because they never supported farming/grinding certain mobs.

EDIT: And that you got only 4 cores after farming CoE for 3 months sounds very unlikely, sorry. but Maybe you are really really unlucky :/ . But I get average 2 cores on 3 paths.

(edited by Bartho.7896)

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Youd.1375


Yes, running CoE 300-400 times to get 100 Charged Lodestones seems reasonable. There is no other way to get them, that i know of at least.

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ArkisTruefire.1746


I’ve been doing CoE for a little over a week now keeping track of the chests opened. 75 chests opened (24 paths), I have gotten 4 cores, 1 Lodestone. The rate is most likely the same as the other dungeons, however the difficulty and time it takes to get to those chests are not the same. But hey, I admit this is not too big of a sample size. I will keep running it because I would rather do that than farm Sparks.

If you’ve done that many runs Bartho, you should know that HoTW Path 1 and Path 3 usually take less time than CoE Path 1 or Path 2. You also need to couple this with the fact that it would seem that nothing in CoE drops Charged Cores/Lodestones on their own from what I can see (please correct me if I am incorrect). Whereas in HoTW you get a lot of Corrupted creatues attacking you. I have had 2 Corrupted Lodestones drop through Icebrood creatures whereas I have not experienced a Charged Lodestone drop from any creature in CoE (and I run that a lot). Add that to the fact that even with gw2lfg.com it’s still hard to find a group for CoE than most other dungeons. With all three points above you have then a Lodestone that is much harder to obtain than the other Lodestones.

If you average 2 cores on 3 paths on average then kudos to you, because I must be unlucky as Karpuz. Seriously run CoE repeatedly because you’ll get rich with the amount Cores/Lodestones currently are.

Edit: I’ve also noticed that I get a ton of more Molten Cores than any other core. I wasn’t keep track of Molten Cores because CoF is a quick 40 minute run (sometimes faster), but the past week alone has yielded 8 Cores… at least the ones I see in my sell record history. So it could very well be different rates in different dungeons but it could also be RNG. I should probably start keeping track. But it also explains why Molten are at such a low price: easy dungeon to farm, a lot of people running the dungeon, perhaps increased rate at which it drops, and not as many recipes as charged.

(edited by ArkisTruefire.1746)

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bartho.7896


Yeah so far I know charged dont drop from mobs in CoE, you can however get corrupted lodestones from mobs in CoE pretty much like in HotW.
Indeed its rather hard to find group for CoE, fortunatelly i always get some friends or guildies to join and then we have to take only 1-2 pugs and as long as pugs are the minority its rather a smooth run. Sometimes we get pricky pugs that complain that they use to do this and this differently but when they see how fast it works that way they mostly stop complaining :p.
HotW p1 is definitelly the fastest path from these two dugneons. However I disagree with you on HotW p3, the 3 bosses there have several zillions HP, and I think a good group can do CoE p1 or 2 faster than HotW p3.

(edited by Bartho.7896)

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Booler.6598


I am now working on my second legendary (The Dreamer), which I thought requires onyxes, then i learned it doesnt.
I have no respect for ppl who get their legendary through continuous whining on forum.
If you have

And I have no respect for ppl who name drop.their legendaries on the forums . Your to cool mate. What is the difference between complaining about the amount of HP a boss has and the price of a section of item ppl have been working on for months? In a way your saying don’t complain you have to buy your legendary @ x2 the cost I did , is that fair?

The lodestone drop have been reduced but only because they are rare quality so they are in the same drop field as most yellows , since Nov 15th

I was rocking over 100% mf while my friend was wearing pure berserker
He was netting many more rares than me after a week of farming baracuda it was obvious something was wrong with mf or my account.

I was rather mad and i proceeded to salvage my gear for non mf gear, after.another couple of days at frostgorge he was still netting more rares than I was.
I searched the forums and found endless posts like this. I’m not basing it purly on the above iv had many many more instances following this pattern.

This is my rant in support of your glitchy Dr claims.I’d like to add mf also seems to have some relationship with this (in a bad way) or perhaps just broken

Always in all ways

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bartho.7896


What is the difference between complaining about the amount of HP a boss has and the price of a section of item ppl have been working on

How can you even ask something that naively. One hinders the gameplay severely while the other is just a skin that you don’t need at all, and that was never meant to be obtained easily. Thats the difference.

(edited by Bartho.7896)

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

Regarding charged cores, I don’t want to say that I’ve been rolling in them or anything like they’re super common, but I do get them reasonably often during fractal runs from the boss chests.

DR glitches and Lodestone Nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

My experience with DR is that when I would do a Tixx event in the evening, if I did a Tixx the following morning, it would give me almost no foe drops and only sweaters and sprockets in the chest. I repeated this 3 days in a row. When I did the evening run (even though it was the same as my morning run), I’d get plenty of foe drops and semi-decent loot in the chests.

I read that DR resets at 5pm PST (I’m in the same time zone as ArenaNET), which would corroborate with this.

Has anyone else noticed time related changes in drop rates, such as this? Originally, I was under the impression that DR was a time-amount based penalty, along the lines of “stay out of this area for 20 minutes and you can have loot again.” Now, I see that it is not…