GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
Min Sale Offer
3 g 94 s 99 c
Max Buy Offer
3 g 50 c
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35 s 24 c
Straight from
Fow how long will this continue? I’d like to know
probably for a long time, got shut out my last two attempts at farming them.
Right now may be the best time to sell.
I could definitely see arenanet adjusting the supply for lodestones, cause right now it’s ridiculous.
They may include them in the heavy moldy bags, or introduce them as drops for more mobs (maybe vets/champs)
1 hours ago or so me and a random guy grouped to farm some lodestones after we killed Dwayna. He went with some mf on him don’t know how much. But for me I was with 150+ magic find and for 2h and 30min farm all i got was 2 rares and 1 lodestone only. How encouraging to play this game!
98 to go!
Infinite Light now cost more than Sunrise.
Anet, pls.
I feel that at this point a new legendary material should be introduced, which would be specific to some of the legendaries or there should be more sources from which lodestones should drop.
I Just cannot see how it is currently possible for the price to ever go down without adjusting drop rates
i tried to farm them last week with 130% magic find gear, 0 cores dropped, 0 lodestones dropped, 6 hours spent killing sparks.
Repulsive, isn’t it?
Demand is stupidly high for mats that are exceptionally under-supplied. Mats that are over-used in patterns to craft the most desirable stuff in the game.
There is no way, at all, that anyone can realistically farm the lodestones they need for themselves.
A trading system should be a convenience or method of quick acquisition, not the sole viable method of acquiring the things you need to progress in a game.
While I’ve never been in a super-duper-hurry-must-have-sunrise-now mood, I’ve actually made some pretty steady progress. Couple of gifts down, couple of stacks or half stacks of t6 mats. Yes, I still need my precursor so I’m taking the rest of the mats as they come. Lodestones, however, are halting a bit.
The thing is, I can find a spot to reasonably farm every t6 mat, or at least t5 mats in enough quantity to transmute. Farm for an hour, have something to show for it. Lodestones, not so much. In terms out outright spark farming, I’ve gathered maybe 6. None from CoE. For awhile I was getting at least some cores from fractals, about 8 in the first week, but that has dropped off too.
There’s just not enough reward for actually PLAYING the game. Instead of farming mobs for mats, due to droprates we’re encouraged to farm gold through events/tp/whathaveyou and buy the mats we need. That’s still fine for a lot of mats, because there is still enough supply out there. With lodestones, at the current rate I can reasonably see three scenarios:
1) Supply dwindles to the point where demand forces the price up to figures beyond what is reasonable to a majority of the playerbase (some say it’s already there, but I’m thinking more along the lines of 20g per or more). Maybe the power traders would juggle around with them, but I’d wager even “hardcore” players would find them (and the items they are used to make) beyond reach.
2) Supply disappears completely, making even the strategy of “farm gold → buy lodestone” invalid. This takes the average player AND the TP guru out of the equation. Maybe one shows up here or there at a crazy price that gets lowered slowly (maybe or maybe not, given that there’s no time limit for auctions, it might just get left up there at 300g).
3) Lodestones become “black market” items, and gold sellers start selling them for cash much like they have precursors. (This may be already happening. I don’t know, I don’t go to gold seller sites). Bots start farming spark spawns, but instead of at least feeding those items back into the economy for gold and also to curb market prices (the only “upside” to bots, if you will… similar to situations with t6 mats spiking heavily after bot bans), the sparks are being stashed to be sold on gold seller sites for cash. Additional side effect of bots crowding out players at legit farm spots, similar to what has happened at some popular DE locations.
At the end of the day, I just don’t want actually playing the game to feel futile. Even one an hour, while disappointing, is still something. It’s a start anyway. You’d still have to spend 100 hours in game to farm enough for a lot of the items (and in most cases, this only gets you PART of what you need – gift of light for legendaries/foefire weapons), and upwards of 350 hours for others (which I still think is too high, but let’s start somewhere…). That’s 100 hours of NOTHING but farming sparks, which occasionally drop gemstones but don’t even have much of a “consolation” loot table compared to say, humanoids. It’s depressing to write that out on paper and think about it. It’s even more depressing to think that such a scenario would be a marked improvement over the way things are now.
gw2spidy is down but somebody just went and bought up 400+ Onyx Lodestons as well as a majority of Onyx Cores to raise the prices up.
Lol definitely not trying to raise their prices like Silver Doubloons and Charged Lodestones! It’s just supply and demand right?
They are now slowly being released back into the market at a higher price. When I first realized it, it was at 70 on the market, now there are 127. Highest offer for 2 Onyx right now is 1.90g. Good stuff! (Not really.)
But seriously, playing the TP is cool and all in my book, needed for this TP minigame… the root problem is when a certain item is so hard to obtain that this type of trading becomes a problem.
Though, we’ll see if this actually does anything because Onyx Lodestones are farmed quite a lot.
(edited by ArkisTruefire.1746)
This game has become Trader wars, to the point where they damage the economy far more than the botters did. It is in fact getting out of control. Anet has basically welcomed a form of Wall Street mentality into a Video game where people play to have a good time, and to use the trade post as means to acquire goods. On the contrary, the tradepost is a form where supply and demand has no connection to the playerbase what so ever but other traders instead.
Loot is nerfed to the ground, farming locations have been obliterated, dozen+ constructive player posts have been blatantly ignored regarding this matter and all we got is a generic"we are not deliberately pushing people towards the gem store".
I don’t know how much more data A-Net needs to understand that this is detrimental to the playerbase as a whole.
As a loyal player with almost 700 hours played legitimately, i am so disappointed in the lack of communication from this company regarding this matter that i am seriously considering dropping the ball. I’m giving this game a chance for the winter break.
Maybe i am part of the minority indeed, but Anet has to realize that it is through us that it gets the good and bad press. Loyal players bring friends to the game, form guilds, organize events. Casuals do not. They come and go as they will.
What bothers me the most is that in 20 days they have not addressed the loot nerf issue. Not a single forum post about it.
Well, recent changes basically make (through the gem store) $1.00 (real money) equal to 1g (in game). I for one don’t think this is a coincidence. People with time invested in the game aren’t going to risk hack/ban buying from the gold folks. And, time spent playing the game (grinding) is time not playing another game.
I don’t see Anet addressing this issue at all, and if they do, it’ll be 6 months from now or more. Massive inflation means people have to grind more or cough up ridiculous real money to get gems (to convert to gold, so pushing towards 1000g for some legendaries with the crafting mats needed). As a business model, this probably looked really good on paper.
Well, this is the ‘legendary’ part of the weapons Without the lodestones these weapons would be too easy to acquire.
Item Suggestion: Lodestone Treasure Bag. (500gems)
Description: Upon opening, player receive 1-3 random lodestones.
There you go, perfectly fits Anet’s RNG obsession while earning some extra cash for the company. Steady supply of Glacial Lodestones…I mean Charged Lodestones would make players happy too because no more dealing with broken economy or market manipulation as long as you’re willing to pay with real money.
Let’s hope they’re not smart enough to make this come true :p
Well, this is the ‘legendary’ part of the weapons
Without the lodestones these weapons would be too easy to acquire.
Trying to play a market to make money in an already played market where there is a non-existent supply sure sounds like a legendary skill to me.
Currently at 3.7g… kitten
These should drop more, you can’t even get 1 in 4 hours of farming. Frostgorge lodestone farming you’ll get 2-4 corrupted lodestones every 1 hour and 30 minutes. What the hell’s wrong with the charged lodestones?
Well, this is the ‘legendary’ part of the weapons
Without the lodestones these weapons would be too easy to acquire.
Yes, buying things truly feels legendary.
It’s that unmistakable sense of accomplishment that comes with the trade of money for goods.
Seriously; there’s is nothing legendary about being gated by a player driven clusterkitten of an economy.
I believe the economist said a global market would be less prone to manipulation…Well, that’s true for items with decent drop rates. If the drop rates across all servers weren’t so kittening bad… I also don’t understand why they would ever let anyone buy up several stacks of lodestones or setup several buy order walls of 100 lodestones each. Only reason anyone would bother doing these things is to manipulate the prices for their own benefit.
Item Suggestion: Lodestone Treasure Bag. (500gems)
Description: Upon opening, player receive 1-3 random lodestones.There you go, perfectly fits Anet’s RNG obsession while earning some extra cash for the company. Steady supply of Glacial Lodestones…I mean Charged Lodestones would make players happy too because no more dealing with broken economy or market manipulation as long as you’re willing to pay with real money.
Let’s hope they’re not smart enough to make this come true :p
I sent in a very similar sugestion – a pack you buy with gems. Only my suggested bag always delivered 3 random -cores-. You’d have to promote them to loadstones (pulling more of the loose coin out of the economy).
To me the problem is the amount of coin in the system is steadily rising, while the number of valuables is not. Its even worse since you can buy coin from outside the system (using real money) but doing so doesn’t add any desirable products to the market. They have got to give us a way to introduce some valuable goods via gem-sales to help bring the cycle into balance.
I got 1 in (roughly) half an hour of farming… Then the Temple of Dwayna flipped back and the mobs all left.
I got 2 of them in (precesely known) 40 minutes of farming… Then the Temple of Dwayna flipped back and the mobs all left.
In both cases I was in impromtu 3-man farming groups (we met while farming, then teamed up FOR GREAT JUSTICE!). The others reported their drop rate went up after I joined (because I’m awesome like that) but obviously we were killing faster with three people than any 1 character could hope to. We also obliterated that tedious Veteran Risen Knight event that ping-pongs all over the hunt-path like the stupid vermin he is. Was nice to see him die in seconds. Thats what you get for hanging around a Veteran AIr Elemental spawn point!
The issue in my experience is less the drop rate (which is painful, make no mistake) its that the opportunity to farm at all is limited to 2 hour windows after an 5-15 people 6-stage event in a largely depopulated zone.
Obviously I need more farming time to draw any conclusions, but my intial attemps and some discussion with others met actually on the field doing the work makes me think the drop rate is a bit better than 1:hour if you are grouped.
I’m struggling to get my ussual online buddies to join me on Guild Wars for regularly schduled play. I think a well meshed team of 5 might beable to flip the Temple of Dwayna, in which case I’ll be able to at least try for the hair-ball-icious things at a time of MY choosing (spend 45 minute flipping it, 2 hours farming). But for a solo player like I am now… Ooof. Not appealing.
Personally I think this relates to the Temple of Balthazar and the general lack of sense of permanence and accomplishment – the Temples need to stay flipped (much) longer.
…And that evil-kitty-butt “siege” event at the westernmost camp in Malchor’s Leap needs to die in a fire at the bottom of a well. It’s too long, too irritating, and going on too fluffy OFTEN. When we secure that camp, make the Risen leave it alone for 4 hours, not (seemingly) 10 MINUTES.
(edited by Nike.2631)
Item Suggestion: Lodestone Treasure Bag. (500gems)
Description: Upon opening, player receive 1-3 random lodestones.There you go, perfectly fits Anet’s RNG obsession while earning some extra cash for the company. Steady supply of Glacial Lodestones…I mean Charged Lodestones would make players happy too because no more dealing with broken economy or market manipulation as long as you’re willing to pay with real money.
Let’s hope they’re not smart enough to make this come true :p
I sent in a very similar sugestion – a pack you buy with gems. Only my suggested bag always delivered 3 random -cores-. You’d have to promote them to loadstones (pulling more of the loose coin out of the economy).
To me the problem is the amount of coin in the system is steadily rising, while the number of valuables is not. Its even worse since you can buy coin from outside the system (using real money) but doing so doesn’t add any desirable products to the market. They have got to give us a way to introduce some valuable goods via gem-sales to help bring the cycle into balance.
I’m not sure this idea will solve the problem though, and is still at the mercy of RNG and the player driven economy.
No one trying to get specific lodestones would spend gold for gems to get the packs. No one trying to make consistent money would invest into the ever-increasing gem market.
The reality is that the gem store should never be a way of acquiring base materials; it would be very, very bad.
I made a suggestion a while ago; lodestones are lodestones. Introduce an un-schooled lodestone (i.e. NOT Glacial, Molten, Charged, etc). Make them drop off all level 80 mobs. Low rate, but considerably higher number of mobs that can provide them.
In order to make them into Charged or Molten or.. etc, introduce a simple gameplay mechanic. i.e. Double-click a lodestone inside Mount Maelstrom while the Great Destroyer is present to make it a Destroyer Lodestone. Jormag for Glacial, Shatter for Charged, etc etc. When a lodestone becomes attuned to a school it becomes account bound.
In the short term this would balance the costs of specific lodestones, yet providing more chances for individuals to farm their own, and provide a mechanism for players to freely work on the lodestones they need. Anyone who needs specific schools of Lodestone can still buy them instantly from the TP. Anyone playing the longer game can still acquire (either via purchase or farming) non-schooled Lodestones and wait for an opportunity to get them attuned.
i started farming all the ori ores in 5 characters and hope that in a month or so i could get all the 100 charged lodestones(price was 2g 50s back then), but now the price just seems to be increasing, making the option to buy them ridiculous, also it seems to be out of the question to spend more than an hour PLUS the need to re-cap the temple just to be able to farm them, that would take more than 100 hours?… like 1/4 of my total play time in farming one item???…..please
I believe the economist said a global market would be less prone to manipulation…Well, that’s true for items with decent drop rates. If the drop rates across all servers weren’t so kittening bad…
I think he meant less prone to manipulation by anyone outside the creation and perpetuation of the marketplace…
But with starved supply lines from the clearly reduced drop rates, inflated prices due to high demand and low product, traders scrambling over themselves to capitalise, and escalating gem-to-gold conversion rates to compensate for the masses who lack the capital or means to acquire it in the current system, someone is evidently pulling all our strings.
Who profits at the real end of the chain? And I don’t mean monopoly money profit.
You know something that would be fantastic? The combined intellect and economic clout of you Trader-types realising that you can both profit and simultaneously assist the entire player base to be aware of, and more importantly, free of, this underhanded, insidious manipulation.
I don’t doubt it for a second. You guys/girls hold most of the cards at the moment, because you are setting the prices for the desired products that have everyone throwing up their hands and banging their heads on the rather futile brick wall that is the open game world. Faced with the choice of having to abandon the currently desired item that they have been working on for who-knows how long simply because they cannot get the materials anymore, how many people are just turning to the gem store for their gold to just go and buy what they need simply?
I am not remotely blaming you for enjoying any facet of the game that gives you the most satisfaction – that is why we are all here.
But does it not peeve you that you are all being played, and the immediate finger of blame that is leveled at ArenaNet is pointing in the wrong direction?
Charged lodestones will probably be much more common when the crystal desert is opened. If you’re willing to wait a year, they’ll probably be as common as the previous tier.
I always assumed legendaries were supposed to take a year to complete. It’s something you can casually do until then next expansion, which will bring another legendary.
I think a well meshed team of 5 might beable to flip the Temple of Dwayna, in which case I’ll be able to at least try for the hair-ball-icious things at a time of MY choosing (spend 45 minute flipping it, 2 hours farming). But for a solo player like I am now… Ooof. Not appealing.
Charged lodestones will probably be much more common when the crystal desert is opened. If you’re willing to wait a year, they’ll probably be as common as the previous tier.
I always assumed legendaries were supposed to take a year to complete. It’s something you can casually do until then next expansion, which will bring another legendary.
I think a well meshed team of 5 might beable to flip the Temple of Dwayna, in which case I’ll be able to at least try for the hair-ball-icious things at a time of MY choosing (spend 45 minute flipping it, 2 hours farming). But for a solo player like I am now… Ooof. Not appealing.
What’s with this “a year for a legendary” thing in your minds? I bet everything that if it was to take that much time you’d be throwing your PC through the window, ragequit etc..
Sounds like asian grinder to me…
Sorry. Double post.
No one trying to get specific lodestones would spend gold for gems to get the packs.
I would. I would right. this. second.
No one trying to make consistent money would invest into the ever-increasing gem market.
We have an “ever increasing” dye market and it seems to be inflating just fine.
The reality is that the gem store should never be a way of acquiring base materials; it would be very, very bad.
100% disagree. I’m buying the benefits of time played. Given a choice, I’d rather do that by buying time played harvesting (time acquiring material) than by time played running a dungeon and vendoring everything (time acquiring money).
I made a suggestion a while ago; lodestones are lodestones. Introduce an un-schooled lodestone (i.e. NOT Glacial, Molten, Charged, etc). Make them drop off all level 80 mobs. Low rate, but considerably higher number of mobs that can provide them.
In order to make them into Charged or Molten or.. etc, introduce a simple gameplay mechanic. i.e. Double-click a lodestone inside Mount Maelstrom while the Great Destroyer is present to make it a Destroyer Lodestone. Jormag for Glacial, Shatter for Charged, etc etc. When a lodestone becomes attuned to a school it becomes account bound.
Its ambitious, but it would be a start at leveling the discrepency between the T6 rare mats and their useability.
I’d settle for when a loadstone is purchased off the TP it becomes account bound. Buy them ‘cause you are gonna use them, not because you’re gonna use your wealth to block another player’s progress.
For a short term solution that’s consistent with the rules of the game at large and far less work to implement, check out…
“I’d settle for when a loadstone is purchased off the TP it becomes account bound. Buy them ‘cause you are gonna use them, not because you’re gonna use your wealth to block another player’s progress.”
They would never do this for a specific item only. What they could do, is allow more ways through which a charged lodestone could be achieved.
I like what Parthis recommended a lot. Going to mount Maelstrom to attune your mats, in some Balthazar like event sounds much more like and adventure and i would graldy dedicate the time and gold to go through an interesting quest to do so.
Generally speaking, Anet has alot to learn in terms of creating legendary item quests from Blizzard. There, i said it. The Cata legendary daggers had a quite interesting story attached to the grind that made it more bearable.
People seem to link Charged Lodestones directly to legendaries. Please, there are tons of exotic recipes requiring Charged Lodestones too. I plan to make a Foefire hammer for my guardian, but it cost as much as Dusk now. If Anet wants to set an one-year-per-legendary barrier, fine, do it with precursors. Leave lodestones attainable for us as mid-term goals.
People seem to link Charged Lodestones directly to legendaries. Please, there are tons of exotic recipes requiring Charged Lodestones too. I plan to make a Foefire hammer for my guardian, but it cost as much as Dusk now. If Anet wants to set an one-year-per-legendary barrier, fine, do it with precursors. Leave lodestones attainable for us as mid-term goals.
I’m right there with you dude, been working on Foefire’s Essence for ~2 months now, and I’m all set except for about 70 charged lodestones
This game has become Trader wars, to the point where they damage the economy far more than the botters did. It is in fact getting out of control. Anet has basically welcomed a form of Wall Street mentality into a Video game where people play to have a good time, and to use the trade post as means to acquire goods. On the contrary, the tradepost is a form where supply and demand has no connection to the playerbase what so ever but other traders instead.
You do realize market speculation exist in literally every MMO out there right? As long as there is a market it will be there. This game is actually one of the harder ones to turn a profit for a couple reasons.
1. Global market instead of server makes it hard to manipulate due to larger supply/more transactions.
2. Steep list and sell tax. 15% is high for most MMO’s makes traders have to really find niche markets or have the money to move things.
3. There are probably more but I having a brain fart right now.
So arguably the traders have less of an impact on this game then many others. In server wide markets it is very easy to control an entire product and set the price because it takes much less capital to buy it out and control it.
The only thing effecting prices of items like lodestones long term is ANet messing with loot/drops to get the economy where they want it. This game hasn’t been out long so they are still trying to tweak the economy to get things where they want them. One small change here greatly impacts something over there.
Mjolnir.. 350 charged lodestones.. kitten
We need account bound lodestones availble for 5k Karma each…PLEASE.
We need account bound lodestones availble for 5k Karma each…PLEASE.
I support this IDEA, got my 1m karma and 60g rofl
We need account bound lodestones availble for 5k Karma each…PLEASE.
Yes please. Would finally give something to use the huge amounts of karma on for those who are more interested in the non-legendary skins than the legendary ones
I guess someone REALLY wants those lodestones willing to pay 35 silver above average price. cough Buy order wall cough.
I fully expect orders to come in above 3.41g and slowly rise up as well as orders around 3.40g coming in!
Seems Charged Cores are getting similar treatment. I expect them to be up at 1.50g tomorrow. But hey, what goes up must come down eventually… right? lol…
I got mail from a gold seller today stating they are selling legendaries now. It made me wonder whether they were part of the reason for these massive buyouts of lodestones and buy order wall spikes.
If the lodestone prices aren’t dealt with this coming week with the wintersday patch, I wouldn’t expect the prices to come down anytime soon. Prices will most likely rise even more with people running the wintersday stuff over fractals, dungeons, or farming.
Well, this is the ‘legendary’ part of the weapons
Without the lodestones these weapons would be too easy to acquire.
Updates straight from
Sell Price: 4 g 25 s
Buy Price: 3 g 42 s 11 c
Supply: 338
Demand: 3263
The only thing legendary about this situation is one’s cash wallet, because as of now, we are talking about a price 400% of the one in early september.
Just look at the sheer manipulation of the lodestone market as the supply has halved within one day while supply remained steady.
Tell me about the legendary part again, please.
well if you dont want to heavily grind it, you can just play the game.
By playing the game you earn Karma, Skill Points and Mystic Coins. You can transfer these directly to T6 mats / Lodestone if you use the Mystic Clover recipe.
it costs 21k Karma, 6 Skill Points, 10 Ectos and 10 Mystic Coins for one 10x mystic clover attempt. If the attempt fails you get anywhere from 10 to 50 T6 Mats / 10 Lodestones / 10 Mystic Clovers. If it fails, gratz you got a huge junk of what you need anyway, if it succeeds, gratz you got Clovers which you need anyway.
This method will take you a looooong time but it involves no grind at all, because all you have to do is play the game. (Events, WvW, Dungeons, etc. etc.) The only “grind” you could call doing this would be the Ectos and the Coins (coins r dirst cheap). Ectos you will get also by just playing the game, and at the time you get the karma and the skill points you will definetly get the required ectos aswell.
People complaining here want a legendary as fast as possible, in which way you either have to play the TP (fastest method, ive made a fortune playing the tp), buy gold (i was wrong THIS is the fastest method) or by heavily grind Orr, Dungeons, whatever.
well if you dont want to heavily grind it, you can just play the game.
By playing the game you earn Karma, Skill Points and Mystic Coins. You can transfer these directly to T6 mats / Lodestone if you use the Mystic Clover recipe.
it costs 21k Karma, 6 Skill Points, 10 Ectos and 10 Mystic Coins for one 10x mystic clover attempt. If the attempt fails you get anywhere from 10 to 50 T6 Mats / 10 Lodestones / 10 Mystic Clovers. If it fails, gratz you got a huge junk of what you need anyway, if it succeeds, gratz you got Clovers which you need anyway.
This method will take you a looooong time but it involves no grind at all, because all you have to do is play the game. (Events, WvW, Dungeons, etc. etc.) The only “grind” you could call doing this would be the Ectos and the Coins (coins r dirst cheap). Ectos you will get also by just playing the game, and at the time you get the karma and the skill points you will definetly get the required ectos aswell.
People complaining here want a legendary as fast as possible, in which way you either have to play the TP (fastest method, ive made a fortune playing the tp), buy gold (i was wrong THIS is the fastest method) or by heavily grind Orr, Dungeons, whatever.
I used the 1x recipe over 250 times and got a total of 7 lodestones out of it, none of them charged, 4 destroyer, 1 corrupted, 2 crystal. So its not suggested to gamble that much on the 10x recipe. You might very well go through 250 attempts (2500 ecto,2500 shards) with zero charged lodestones to show for it.
well if you dont want to heavily grind it, you can just play the game.
By playing the game you earn Karma, Skill Points and Mystic Coins. You can transfer these directly to T6 mats / Lodestone if you use the Mystic Clover recipe.
it costs 21k Karma, 6 Skill Points, 10 Ectos and 10 Mystic Coins for one 10x mystic clover attempt. If the attempt fails you get anywhere from 10 to 50 T6 Mats / 10 Lodestones / 10 Mystic Clovers. If it fails, gratz you got a huge junk of what you need anyway, if it succeeds, gratz you got Clovers which you need anyway.
This method will take you a looooong time but it involves no grind at all, because all you have to do is play the game. (Events, WvW, Dungeons, etc. etc.) The only “grind” you could call doing this would be the Ectos and the Coins (coins r dirst cheap). Ectos you will get also by just playing the game, and at the time you get the karma and the skill points you will definetly get the required ectos aswell.
People complaining here want a legendary as fast as possible, in which way you either have to play the TP (fastest method, ive made a fortune playing the tp), buy gold (i was wrong THIS is the fastest method) or by heavily grind Orr, Dungeons, whatever.
I used the 1x recipe over 250 times and got a total of 7 lodestones out of it, none of them charged, 4 destroyer, 1 corrupted, 2 crystal. So its not suggested to gamble that much on the 10x recipe. You might very well go through 250 attempts (2500 ecto,2500 shards) with zero charged lodestones to show for it.
Ok lodestones might be very rare from the recipe. I know ive gotten 10 destroyer when i crafted the clovers needed for my 2 legendarys. I didnt know the chance would be that low. Anyway, like i said, this method will take a long long long LONG time but it involves no grind. It involves just playing the game however way you want.
We’re complaining because the prices keep spiking due to manipulation. We realize we can get this stuff by “playing the game”. If a specific item spike 1g in less than a month, there’s a problem. Because now we have to “play the game” twice as long to get something on the TP or be forced to play the game in a specific manner. Whether it’s grinding Sparks in Malchors, CoE, or gambling as you just pointed out.
For the record, I need 76 charged lodestones left to finish Sunrise all of which I have farmed on my own. I have 120g in gold, 340g total if I sold my investments, but there’s no way in hell I’d pay a single gold for Charged Lodestones at this ridiculous price that keeps rising 5-10 silver a day due to both supply and demand as well as “buy order wall” manipulation. What’s not fair is I am having to farm twice the amount to get one Lodestone than what it was 2 weeks ago.
The problem isn’t even legendaries. People ALWAYS associate this product to legendaries… the two that are popular. No, there are 8 NON-LEGENDARY POPULAR recipes, two of which require much more than any legendary (Mjolnir + Infinite Light). What does not make sense is your medium-casual player should be able to obtain these in a reasonable amount of time playing 2-3 hours a day if that.
But due to the lack of any reasonable drop rates coupled by the blatant price spiking the goal moves more and more forward. Meanwhile other Lodestones are plentiful whether it’s because there’s mobs for it or the dungeon associated with it is much more popular or there aren’t 8 billion awesome recipes using it.
(edited by ArkisTruefire.1746)
We’re complaining because the prices keep spiking due to manipulation. We realize we can get this stuff by “playing the game”. If a specific item spike 1g in less than a month, there’s a problem.
For the record, I need 76 charged lodestones left to finish Sunrise all of which I have farmed on my own. I have 120g in gold, 340g total if I sold my investments, but there’s no way in hell I’d pay a single gold for Lodestones at this ridiculous price that keeps rising 5-10 silver a day due to both supply and demand as well as “buy order wall” manipulation. What’s not fair is I am having to farm twice the amount to get one Lodestone than what it was 2 weeks ago.
The problem isn’t even legendaries. People ALWAYS associate this product to legendaries… the two that are popular. No, there are 8 NON-LEGENDARY POPULAR recipes, two of which require much more than any legendary (Mjolnir + Infinite Light). What does not make sense is your medium-casual player should be able to obtain these in a reasonable amount of time playing 2-3 hours a day if that.
But due to the lack of any reasonable drop rates coupled by the blatant price spiking the goal moves more and more forward. Meanwhile other Lodestones are plentiful whether it’s because there’s mobs for it or the dungeon associated with it is much more popular or there aren’t 8 billion awesome recipes using it.
I definetly agree that charged lodestones are way out of proportion right now. When Ifinite Light costs more than Bolt to make there is definetly a problem.
I saw a lot of posts in this thread talking about how legendarys are boring, impossible, etc. etc. to get when all you have to do is play the game. Plain and simple. It will take forever but its possible without any grinding. Just have to play and save SK Points / Ectos / Karma / Coins. Thats all. (not counting the precursor here but i figure they will be easier to get once the scavanger hunt gets implemented)
Want it to be epic? Go do Meta-Events (Fire Shaman, Harahti Hinterlands, you name them) ! They all contribute to your Legendary because you get Karma and Exp ! You also finish ur daily doing these which gives even more Karma / Exp / Coins ! And you will also get Rares ! Which means this also grants Ectos ! All of this just by doing Event chains that are fun, because that is GW2 PvE. If you dont like that, then you will never have fun making a legendary no matter which way.
(edited by Sizzle Hint.1820)
Yup! I definitely agree with that mentality. I should be able to do the aforementioned activities/events and get 2-3 gold and get 1-2 Lodestones just by doing that on a night when I don’t feel like making a ton of gold and just want to have fun. Maybe even do this on an alt or two.
What bothers me even more is that Infinite Light, which costs more to make than Ascended items (or even Legendaries), has only Exotic stats.
There’s something wrong here.
I’d probably be burnt out with the game after obtaining 250 Charged Lodestones.
(edited by Yozoh.8179)
Using the mystic clover recipe at 10x I’ve gotten 10x lodestones at least twice. Destroyer and Molten, I believe. I’m at 54 clovers now, just waiting for the monthly to keep going. I hope that eventually they put in other uses for Mystic clovers because, quite honestly, it’s been one of the most profitable ventures for me even with the kittenty ancient bones (up to 257… yay i guess).
As long as Anet doesn’t do anything about blatant market manipulation like this, it will happen more and more often that people do this and raise prices for everyone.
These traders (I suspect they also feed gold-selling sites) have alot of money, they can spend 1,000g if they make 200g out of it.
So far, Anet doesn’t stop this market manipulation, sometimes even denying that market manipulation exists. Maybe this is because Anet makes money from high prices too: insane high prices makes more people pay $$$ for gems (to turn into gold), which is Anet’s income.
As long as Anet doesn’t do anything about blatant market manipulation like this, it will happen more and more often that people do this and raise prices for everyone.
These traders (I suspect they also feed gold-selling sites) have alot of money, they can spend 1,000g if they make 200g out of it.
So far, Anet doesn’t stop this market manipulation, sometimes even denying that market manipulation exists. Maybe this is because Anet makes money from high prices too: insane high prices makes more people pay $$$ for gems (to turn into gold), which is Anet’s income.
Please, stop with these sensationalist conspiracy theories.
As long as Anet doesn’t do anything about blatant market manipulation like this, it will happen more and more often that people do this and raise prices for everyone.
These traders (I suspect they also feed gold-selling sites) have alot of money, they can spend 1,000g if they make 200g out of it.
So far, Anet doesn’t stop this market manipulation, sometimes even denying that market manipulation exists. Maybe this is because Anet makes money from high prices too: insane high prices makes more people pay $$$ for gems (to turn into gold), which is Anet’s income.
Please, stop with these sensationalist conspiracy theories.
When you know people who control and set new prices on inarguably some of the most expensive items on the TP, this goes on for months and nothing is done about it – I would be more on the position to say Anet neither stands to necessarily gain more or lose more by it. However, it is alarming that they have acknowledged the problem yet have taken no action.
Market manipulation has been happening for a long time and it’s crept its way into lucrative and high priced items.
I’m not proud of it myself, but I destroyed the market for Iron dyes initially. A new market price for that item has emerged and now people are ultimately paying a higher price for an extremely common item. There are no signs or signals currently that the price will ever go back to what it was before I made my fortune off of it. One can say, that because of free-trade there will always be people willing to pay the price of a certain item and call the trade good. This is true, but when market manipulation moves onto items that are not readily available – by extremely low & narrow means of obtainment, it becomes disastrous for the health of that particular item both in short and long term. More so when it’s altered and ultimately controlled by a slim group of people.
If anything, the bots did more good for the BLTC than Anet could ever do. The average GW2 player does not make their money from selling crafted items or materials on the AH. Even in this inflated market, the poorer players are by no stretch better off with the bots gone. Quite the contrary.
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