Easy money making trick revealed!!

Easy money making trick revealed!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: skotie.2614


I’m just concerned for you guys, after all players found ways to use the mystic forge before to make money and apparently that, wasn’t intended and got the ban hammer. Watch out now, the ban hammer just might be coming your way is all I’m saying.

Easy money making trick revealed!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: PowerCat.5738


They got banned because they bought exotic items for 21 karma instead of 21000 karma. They bought hundreds of them and forged them.

However Arenanet decided to unban them in the end.

Easy money making trick revealed!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


Did this last night with about 300 pebbles. I receieved 3 silver doubloons, 10 copper, a bunch of talismans, nuggets, and some more pebbles in return. Wasn’t profitable for me, but maybe others have better luck.

Oh, I did discover that talismans may have a chance at awarding doubloons, but I didn’t have a large enough sample size to figure out a rate of return.

Tarnished Coast [TC]