Error Attempting To Sell

Error Attempting To Sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: bckerr.4798


Error Attempting To SellError Attempting To SellError Attempting To SellError Attempting To SellError Attempting To SellError Attempting To SellError Attempting To SellError Attempting To SellError Attempting To SellError Attempting To SellError Attempting To SellError Attempting To SellError Attempting To SellError Attempting To Sell

Error Attempting To Sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Alyssa.7254


Welcome to Guild Wars 2 Trading since before launch.

Error Attempting To Sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Healix.5819


It was added after launch for performance reasons. By limiting how much people can sell, they ensure that everyone has equal access to the trading post. Prior to the inclusion of the limiter, certain people were buying and selling in quantities of over 100k at a time in a matter of seconds, shifting prices by only 1 or 2 copper, yet still making a 1c profit.

Error Attempting To Sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mystic.5934


I am still able to buy over 100k in a matter of seconds. their solution does not fix that potential problem. no one would ever think “man, I would totally buy those 100,000 iron ore and relist them for 1c higher so I can lose 10c per if only I could list 100,000 iron ore in less than 25 minutes.”
A bot could do the above. however: Their implementation hurts real players more than bots. A bot doesn’t care how long it takes to list 100,000 iron ore. A bot would just be programmed to list it over the course of 30 minutes. It doesn’t even hurt the bot’s performance. On the other hand, there is never a day when I don’t see this error.
I’ve suggested many alternatives that would actually affect bots more than players, I’ll list a couple here: no more than 1 listing every 2 or 3 seconds (and no error if you go faster – it just grey’s out the “sell” button until the time is up), no more than 500 listings per day.

(edited by Mystic.5934)

Error Attempting To Sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


In the last week we’ve seen how wonky the TP can get when it’s DB slips a cog. I will still maintain that this error is not to limit bots but to ease performance and sync issues with the TP. There’s simply more bookkeeping with putting an item up for sale than putting in an order, searching for items or picking up purchases. And it’s not something you want to drop the ball on.

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Error Attempting To Sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

It doesn’t make sense as a bot prevention method, as Mystic says.

If it’s a performance limit, it’s a very shoddy one. Tell us how long we need to wait, otherwise we will just keep hammering sell. Or, better yet, force us to wait but have the transaction still go through.

Error Attempting To Sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

I’ve found two new things about this error:
– Switching to any other part of the trading post (say, the currency exchange) then switching back often stops the error.
– If I click the ok button after listing a sell order, instead of just clicking the next item I want to sell, I don’t see the error. Until I skip clicking the ok button because it’s slow.

That makes me think that this is an error. Not some useless anti-bot method. Not something to ease performance*. Just something broken within the TP that spits out a very unhelpful error message.

*The delay it takes for the ok button to show, that seems like it’s there to control performance.

Error Attempting To Sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mystic.5934


it only stops the error for 1 or 2 sales. Basically, you are limited to something like 8 sales per 30 seconds. If you try to sell a 9th one at the 28 second mark, it won’t work, then you go somewhere else, then come back, and all of a sudden your’re trying to sell something at the 31 second mark and it works. you could of just as easily stared at your screen fuming about having to wait there for 3 seconds.
same goes for clicking ‘ok’ – it just lengthens how long it takes you to sell something, so instead of 1 sale every 2 seconds, it’s 1 sale every 3 seconds.

I guarantee you it’s not an error. It used to be you could repeatedly hit ‘sell’ and when that 30 second limit came up, it would go through. now, every time you hit sell it refreshes the wait time. Basically, they literally made the problem worse in one of the updates about 10 months ago. That’s not an error – that’s intentional.

fun semi-related info: youtube release some results of a study they did that said the longer it takes a movie to load, the more likely people will close and not watch it. It was something pretty steep like 2 seconds = 20% of the people left, 10 seconds = 50% of the people left, 30 seconds = 90% of the people left (for a 2 minute video).

(edited by Mystic.5934)

Error Attempting To Sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zeivu.3615


Compact your inventory and reopen the MP. The MP lists your items alphabetically, instead of the order they are actually in. I think the Sell page gets confused and cross-references the wrong item, resulting in the error.

Error Attempting To Sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Crampz.9120


It would be cool if we can buy the ability to trade faster with gems. Take my money to upgrade your TP servers and let me trade at the speed I want, not the speed of a snail.