Error Selling in Auction House.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kelman.9451


I keep getting selling errors after I sell X amount of goods in the AH. I have to close the window, then reopen to reset so I can sell again. Really annoying, seems like it happens after selling a certain amount of different items.
I’m not a Gold seller or anything, just a regular player trying to get rid of items for gold.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Koolthulu.9682


I’ve been getting this for a while. Around the fifth item I list, I’ll start getting the error. Have to wait about 20 seconds between each item for it to work. Even closing the TP doesn’t help. Really annoying when I have a lot of mats to put up.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mhur.2904


Is this the new anti-bot/gold selling system?

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lucubration.8361


Lord knows, but it’s really annoying when I’m trying to clear out my miscellaneous crafting materials at the end of the day.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tyler Cole.4210

Tyler Cole.4210


What error do you see? More information will help us track down what’s causing the behavior you’re seeing.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lucubration.8361


Post several sell orders in a row.

Example using 20 stacks of 250 Mithril Ore:
1) Right Click, Sell on Trading Post

  • Window pops up to sell that stack of Mithril Ore

2) If less than 250 appear in the quantity field, click Sell All

  • Quantity field contains 250

3) Match lowest sell price

  • Price now matches lowest sell price

4) Click “Sell” button

  • “Success” dialog pops up

5) Click “Okay” button

  • “Success” dialog closes

6) Select a new stack of ore, repeat Steps 1 through 5.

  • Somewhere after about the fourth stack of ore, you may receive an error dialog after Step 4 instead of a “Success” dialog. The error dialog displays a message something like, ‘encountered an error while trying to sell’.

This seems to be rate limiting or something. If you wait like 20 seconds, you’ll be able to sell one more stack of items, then you’ll experience the error again on a further attempt immediately afterwards and have to wait again. If you wait several minutes you can sell several more stacks of items before encountering the error again.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Logun.5360


This happens to me all the time, I am able to list about 6 items different times back to back, then I have to wait on some stupid internal CD, which seems to be about 15-20secs before I can list anther. It is really annoying since I spend almost all of my time in game at the trading post.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Andykay.5198


Yea it’s frustrating. It’s not a specific error. It literally just says “error trying to sell” or something like that. Once you’ve sold 7-8 items in a small space of time, you can’t sell more. There’s clearly some sort of hard cap. And it doesn’t reset all the way, it resets gradually. If you hit the cap, then wait 20 seconds, you’ll be able to sell a single item more before getting the error again. You have to wait a minute or so for it to reset all the way.

As someone who routinely mystic forges large quantities of items and then sells the result, this is really annoying. It can add 5-10 minutes to my sell time.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: skrymir.1260


I get this all the time as well…after selling x number of items I will starting getting an error has occurred when I try and sell an item. Manually entering the price i.e. iron ore enter 24 (or whatever price you want) manually and then hitting sell seems to work

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

What error do you see? More information will help us track down what’s causing the behavior you’re seeing.

A generic “Error selling”.

Nothing about what is the cause of the problem, or how it can be avoided. No errorcodes either.


Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sin.8174


What error do you see? More information will help us track down what’s causing the behavior you’re seeing.

“Error Selling”

Best way to replicate:

Get about 15-20 different items. Spam sell them on TP. After 10-12, an error will popup.

Usually have to log out to fix it for a short time.

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rabman.8647


I always attributed this to the buy orders you are trying to fill have been filled. Since some items namely tons of rare materials are constantly moving, you are looking at an un-refreshed order that has already been filled, there by returning an error on your attempt to fill it.

I generally tab down to another BLT tab and tab back up to my selling transaction page and try again. This almost never occurs on items that sell or are traded less frequently or slowly.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kaon.7192


I’ve had this problem for quite a long time and it’s one of the most serious issues plaguing the trading post right now. Productivity grinds to a halt when you’re selling more than a few thousand pieces of a commodity because of this issue. I’m really surprised that the devs are apparently not aware of this issue yet?

100% reproducible from the steps below:

1. Have 2000 of any single item in your inventory (8 full stacks).
2. Go to the Sell tab of trading post
3. Choose the item you have 2000 of and list it for selling at a price
4. Sell the rest of them using the add to lowest listing function, clicking the sell button as fast as you can

Actual Results:
4. Depending on how quickly you listed the items, at the 6 or 7th stack (500 or 250 left), you will encounter the error.

This seems to be the effect of some sort of flood control algorithm, as you will be able to post new orders if you wait a while. If this behavior is intentional, there really should be a more informative error message than what we have right now. Having such a flood control system for selling but not buying just doesn’t make sense to me though, so I’d wager this is a bug.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cisza.9540


Ye, it’s really really annoying.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Verone.1063


Yep had exactly the same, at around 6-7 stacks of 250 the error would pop up preventing you from selling for some time, it’s probably 6-7 items which you sell quickly and the TP is trying to process your sell orders.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Darkicon.7950


Doesn’t take large stacks either. If I sell anything too quickly even just small stacks (5-10) of a few items, I get the error after the 5th or 6th one. I am usually able to remedy this by closing and reopening the Trading Post, however, sometimes I end up having to wait 30 seconds or so.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TheBob.9863


This triggers after you do X amount of sell orders within X amount of time, stack size is irrelevant

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cisza.9540


Any update on this?

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Alyssa.7254


Happens to me ALL the time, I sell allot of items after after the 5th or 6th one I get this error, then I just wait x amount of time and go about selling the rest. Somebody told me it was an anti-bot thing so I swallowed my dislike for this error and hoped maybe one day they would be less OMG NO YOU CAN’T SELL THAT SO FAST one day.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cisza.9540


Come on AN, at least tell us you’re working on solving this. It’s been more than 2 months already.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tallis.5607


It is indeed purely time-driven: after half a dozen sell orders, you get the ERROR in red. It happens when I try to sell several stacks of 250 candy or empty my crafting inventory selling several stacks of 4-5-6 items. You got to wait a minute and then you can redo it.

Tallis – Perpetual newbie – Tarnished Coast.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: lunawisp.2378


This has been a real pain in the neck today. I generally dump things I don’t want on the market each time I come across a safe area but even allowing 20+ minutes between sales of a handful of items I’m getting this message constantly. It’s making the TP more or less useless, my inventory is almost full of stuff the game won’t let me sell except to a vendor.

Found pottering around on Desolation (EU).
lunawisp was my peacebringer on City of Heroes – she lives on in memory as my gaming id.

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mika.9815


This ‘Error attempting to sell’ bug was introduced in one of the Halloween updates. I can’t remember which, but looking back on my Skype logs I started complaining about it to my fellow trader friend on October 26th.

It seems to be working like a sell buffer which is getting full. Once running into the error, and it doesn’t take much, you can wait for a few seconds to be able to sell once again. Or you can wait for a short time to be able to sell a few times again in a row. A longer wait is required to ‘clear’ more of the buffer.

You’ll always run into this error now when selling multiple times in a row, it’s guaranteed.

(edited by Mika.9815)

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xadev.6372


Lucubration.8361 describes it well. I also have this problem.

Xaden – Mesmer
Xade Ankles Bane – Dual Dagger Elementalist
[Muffin Makers] Maguuma

Error Selling in Auction House.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

I don’t know whether it’s a bug or intentional.

Seems to be 6-7 listings then you get it.

When I was starting out with the trading post I used to like flipping large amounts of copper ore for small profit on each stack. When it came time to unload 5000+ ore or whatever, I’d keep selling them 250 a time and after 6-7 listings it would say “error selling item” or whatever the message was. From then on, I had to wait 10 seconds or so per extra listing. If I alt tabbed and waited a few minutes, the “internal cooldown” would clear completely and I could list 6-7 things again then I’d get it again.

Alternately I could wait 10 seconds or so, then do one extra listing, then I’d get “error selling” if I tried to do a second one. Wait another 10 seconds, then I coulddo one more listing etc.