Error when attempting to sell

Error when attempting to sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dench.5968


Please provide evidence it’s an anti-bot measure.

I wish I could. There is very little information about the trade post that I can find from official sources. When I ask you to cite your claim, I am not doing so disrespectfully. I am genuinely looking for .dev/official information in regards to more trade post information.

Working in IT and occasionally around monster databases, I suspect that it’s not a hardware limitation (and if it was I would cringe, the power is there and it’s not at the cost as it used to be). It could be though, we simply don’t know since Arena Net is not exactly responsive to most questions.

So lets pose the question to the .dev team again: why does the trade post show an error when attempting to sell many items quickly? anti bot? hard ware limitations? other? combinations of several things?

Error when attempting to sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Seregmir.6375


Another day, another bug.
For the second time I have a pleasure to have this lovely bug. Last time it last for about 20 hours. Nothing helped: relogging, character swapping, game restarting, system rebooting, auto-repair. And now I have it again.
If TP shouldn’t work, then block it and leave only vendors, if it should, allow me to sell my items I looted. Do I looted too many so I can’t sell it? Do I sell it too often? Does god hate me?
Who cares if bots can sell items or not if normal players can’t.
Best thing is that we have no respond, nor long term bug fix. It just happens and YOU can be next!

Error when attempting to sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ozman.9860


PLEASE Fix this! I am new to the game and I like to farm stuff. This is VERY annoying. Enough to make me not want to play. I hate that it takes forever to sell everything I collected because I have to wait on this stupid error.

Error when attempting to sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Alice.1864


problem for me as well, i try to seel 3 items and on the fourth I start see the error, if I close the TP window and then start again, I can sell one item then get the error. To me it looks like a connection handling issue,. It may just need some retries or something, since I can do it by closing the window and re-opening, I means to sell 30 items takes about 30 mins, which is kinda annoying, makes the finding treasure and picking things up kinda pointless.

Error when attempting to sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Oldskool.1520


This problem still exist. Started to get it, tried to restart game & etc… And anyway it happens, probably sell service is down or lagy…

- zero patience, rage only!

Error when attempting to sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: WillyWanka.1782


I keep getting this when selling items. just cleared out my collection and got the error like 20-30 times b4 i was done. Wish they would fix this. The bug has had an anniversary.

Error when attempting to sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mystic.5934


btw: this error is not caused by any problem. there is no cure. re-installing the game won’t help, relogging won’t help. praying to Cthulhu won’t help. It happens when you sell things too quickly (like 7 things in under 30 seconds) and is the worst implementation of whatever-it-is-trying-to-do I have ever seen.
a couple months ago, when asked about this error, a developer said “yeah, we finally found that bug, it will be fixed soon.” haven’t heard anything more about it than that.