Colin Johanson on how arenanet measures success.
(Please no gear treadmills, Colin!)
I’ve read with a mystic kit you get on average .9 ecto per rare salvaged. Is there some similar known number for exotics?
I can unfortuntely only tell you that where rares salvage for 0-3 globs of ectoplasm, exotics salvage for 0-5. If you do find a salvage rate, I’d love to know.
I read the 0-5 because that much was listed on the wiki. Though the .9 is also on the wiki, there is no info at all for exotics, which I find curious.
I’ve never got 4 or 5 ectos from an exotic. I believe that is a rumor someone started a year ago that’s never gone away (or maybe that’s how it was during beta but then it got changed?). I go by 0.9 ectos from MSK for rares and exotics, then 1.25 ectos from BLSK for rares and exotics. What I observe is close enough that I assume it’s most likely the same rates for both (from salvaging thousands of rares and hundreds of exotics with both kits)
I’ve gone through more than a dozen BL kits (received from dailies) salvaging runes off exotics for profit and not once have I gotten 4 or 5 ecto from a single item.
I’ve only salvaged a handful of Exotics myself, but while I’ve gotten 3 Ectos from them on a fairly regular occurrence, I’ve never gotten 4 or 5 Ectos from Exotics either.
Still, Exotics do drop Dark Matter now.
Just to add another vote – I’ve salvaged enough for about 50 dark matter and have never gotten more than 3 ectos. I do not believe that 4-5 is possible.
During the Southsun Cove Update, i salvaged hundreds of exotic settler trinkets every day (they were available for like 40s), and i can confirm that i also got 4-5 ectos from a single salvage. It was very rare though, i guestimate, i got 4 ectos about 5 times every 1k salvages and 5 ectos maybe once every 1k salvages.
some conflicting results here :P I’ll do some salvages tonight and watch every one and let you know if I get any 4’s or 5’s, then provide screenshot if there is.
if there is a 0.5% chance of 4 and 0.1% chance of 5, that would still be approximately the same ecto return for exotic vs. rare:
1.25 + 0.005×4 + 0.001×5 = 1.275 (0.025 more ectos from exotics)
I’ve never got 4 or 5 ectos from an exotic. I believe that is a rumor someone started a year ago that’s never gone away (or maybe that’s how it was during beta but then it got changed?). I go by 0.9 ectos from MSK for rares and exotics, then 1.25 ectos from BLSK for rares and exotics. What I observe is close enough that I assume it’s most likely the same rates for both (from salvaging thousands of rares and hundreds of exotics with both kits)
Its not a rumor, I’ve gotten 5 ectos a couple of times using black lion salvage kit on exotics.
just salvaged 121 exotics with Black Lion Salvage Kits, paying close attention to ectos that came out. not a single 4 or 5. I’ll keep going but will probably post further results tomorrow due to cost. I did get 176 ectos, though, so that’s higher than expected (1.45 instead of 1.25). today was a good day
Its not a rumor, I’ve gotten 5 ectos a couple of times using black lion salvage kit on exotics.
was this recent? it’s definitely something they could of changed.
(edited by Mystic.5934)
just salvaged 121 exotics with Black Lion Salvage Kits, paying close attention to ectos that came out. not a single 4 or 5. I’ll keep going but will probably post further results tomorrow due to cost. I did get 176 ectos, though, so that’s higher than expected (1.45 instead of 1.25). today was a good day
Its not a rumor, I’ve gotten 5 ectos a couple of times using black lion salvage kit on exotics.
was this recent? it’s definitely something they could of changed.
It wasn’t recent. From what i remember last time I got 5 ectos was before the ascended update. But i know for a fact I have gotten 5 ectos before. Maybe they did change it.
for science!
I salvaged 400 exotics with Master Salvage Kits.
1) I got 509 ectos out of them. so you get 1.2725 ectos per exotic with a MSK (it is more than rares!). I’m betting BLSK gives around 1.5 (due to results listed above), but I haven’t tested thoroughly enough yet.
2) The highest ectos I got from a single exotic was 3. not once did I get 4 or 5. could just mean the chance of them is even lower with MSK, or could not be able to get them at all. It’s still up in the air for me (I realize some people claim to have gotten them – I consider that hearsay. sure, you may believe it, but I want more proof)
Thank you Mystic for making the sacrifice for us all!
more science!
I salvaged 400 exotics with Black Lion Salvage Kits:
1) still no 4 or 5 ectos. I checked Every. Single. One. ooph. I’m downgrading the likelihood of that possibility from unlikely to nope. Sorry if you know differently.
2) got 703 ectos, which puts the rate at 1.7575 ectos per exotic. To summarize ecto production:
rare with MSK = 0.9 ecto
rare with BLSK = 1.25 ecto
exotic with MSK = 1.27 ecto
exotic with BLSK = 1.75 ecto
Interesting. Thank you for that info, Mystic.
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