Fastest gold making tip

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Horheristo.3607


That is the only way to quickly cash out in this game.

Xmas comes? examine every option, every new item, every loophole in an event to make the quickest gold. It proved to work so far, so work your mind a bit.
The opportunities will keep coming with any new content that comes.

Proven every single time.

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


A good example of this was candy corn, for the first week a holiday commodity will be valuable (just like candy corn) but after the first week the rate of exchange will most likely dip.

It could happen sooner then a week but generally speaking it won’t bar some circumstance like holiday items being ugly, useless or otherwise undesirable.

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tallis.5607


One word and one word only: gems.

Tallis – Perpetual newbie – Tarnished Coast.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jiro.6589


gems? you pay 5gold for 300 atm, and if you sell those 300 you get 3g70s back…how is that fast money? you’d have to hang on to it for a few weeks and then maybe if the value of gems is doubled you can return them for a slight profit.

here’s a real tip involving gems;
You could right now buy a blacklion kit for 300gems, and salvage eagle/dolyak/divinity gear…you’ll break even on the rune if you use buyorders, and all the ectoplasms you salvage, which are often 2 or 3, are profit. Easily 50 silver per salvage. 25 charges on kit means you earn 12g50s and spend 5g on the kit, so 25 salvages give you 7g50 profit.

(edited by Jiro.6589)

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KICKZEN.1327


The most important thing about making fast gold on the TP is not to tell anyone how exactly you do it.

It’s simple as that. Take the post above me as an example – within 2 minutes this method will be gone.

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: somsom.5201


The most important thing about making fast gold on the TP is not to tell anyone how exactly you do it.

It’s simple as that. Take the post above me as an example – within 2 minutes this method will be gone.

True in some cases, however, not in the case above as you pointed to. The only way that method would tank is if gems went even higher in price/rares-ectos went way WAY low in price (aka not happening anytime soon).

That method has been around for AGES and outside of a few occasions, has ALWAYS worked(although differing levels of profit).

Another method that has worked for AGES is to salvage cheap dungeon rares(75-80). Go do HoTW (which also rewards well with drops), take the 180+ tokens you get an pick up the 30 token rares; salvage them and you usually end up with a couple gold profit from ectos.

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jiro.6589


let me share another method to make 5-7 silver per itemsale.

Rares have a sellorder for about 35s average now while the buyorders are around 25s. So there’s a 10 silver difference. Huge gap if you ask me.

You put 2 buyorders per rare on as many different rares as possible with 1 copper above the previous highest buyorder. Since you are (hopefully) doing this on 50 items you’ll have about 50×2=100 rares in 30 minutes.
You sell these in the next 30 minutes for a sellorder of 34s99c:) you’ll have 100 × 10silver=10gold – 15% = 8.5 gold profit in 30 minutes.

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KICKZEN.1327


The most important thing about making fast gold on the TP is not to tell anyone how exactly you do it.

It’s simple as that. Take the post above me as an example – within 2 minutes this method will be gone.

True in some cases, however, not in the case above as you pointed to. The only way that method would tank is if gems went even higher in price/rares-ectos went way WAY low in price (aka not happening anytime soon).

Actually it’ll tank because there aren’t that many items with those runes available, so the prices of those will rise and the profit will be gone.

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: somsom.5201


The most important thing about making fast gold on the TP is not to tell anyone how exactly you do it.

It’s simple as that. Take the post above me as an example – within 2 minutes this method will be gone.

True in some cases, however, not in the case above as you pointed to. The only way that method would tank is if gems went even higher in price/rares-ectos went way WAY low in price (aka not happening anytime soon).

Actually it’ll tank because there aren’t that many items with those runes available, so the prices of those will rise and the profit will be gone.

I was talking about salvaging rares in general. Sure, if you are going only after specific runes, then yes, they will tank.

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Flyfunner.2093


let me share another method to make 5-7 silver per itemsale.

Rares have a sellorder for about 35s average now while the buyorders are around 25s. So there’s a 10 silver difference. Huge gap if you ask me.

You put 2 buyorders per rare on as many different rares as possible with 1 copper above the previous highest buyorder. Since you are (hopefully) doing this on 50 items you’ll have about 50×2=100 rares in 30 minutes.
You sell these in the next 30 minutes for a sellorder of 34s99c:) you’ll have 100 × 10silver=10gold – 15% = 8.5 gold profit in 30 minutes.

How does this work though, half the time your buy orders are void right away because someone else posts a buy order higher by 1c or something. Then even when you do get the rares, when you list them, half of them get undercut by 1c right away (sometimes 1s by idiots). So half your money is just sitting in tp doing nothing. Then, you have to remove your rares that were undercut, and re-list them, which means you loose that listing fee too.

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jiro.6589


You’re right, it won’t work flawlessly, but it will rake in the money, just keep ontop of the buyorders and remove your old orders if someone goes over yours. Selling…1 at a time, and if someone undercuts, just wait, if prices continue to drop then you will retrieve it and list it for a lower amount, perhaps significantly (1s) lower so you can get rid of it fast.

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: majorkong.9073



It’s 35 × 0.85 – 25 = 4.75s per sale, not 8.5s per sale.

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jiro.6589


oops you are right

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Flyfunner.2093


But the tp is such a bad ui, everytime you check your sell orders, you have to go back to the transaction tab from the item

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


oops you are right

I expect this is the single biggest problem with the TP. When you have a million people all competing to be l33t trad0r d00dz, there’s a high probability a few of them will “oops” and then you end up with items being listed below crafting cost; and you just can’t compete with that :p

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Flyfunner.2093


oops you are right

I expect this is the single biggest problem with the TP. When you have a million people all competing to be l33t trad0r d00dz, there’s a high probability a few of them will “oops” and then you end up with items being listed below crafting cost; and you just can’t compete with that :p

You especially can’t compete with the many people who have around 500g and up too, they can and probably do flip exotics and legendaries

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: majorkong.9073


oops you are right

I expect this is the single biggest problem with the TP. When you have a million people all competing to be l33t trad0r d00dz, there’s a high probability a few of them will “oops” and then you end up with items being listed below crafting cost; and you just can’t compete with that :p

You especially can’t compete with the many people who have around 500g and up too, they can and probably do flip exotics and legendaries

It’s a lot easier to make a high ROI on your bankroll with a small amount of gold than with a large amount. When you have a lot of gold you start running into various barriers.

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: majorkong.9073


But the tp is such a bad ui, everytime you check your sell orders, you have to go back to the transaction tab from the item

One of the barriers.

I’d be surprised if anyone could make even 1g (let alone 8.5g) in 30 minutes starting from 25g flipping 68+ rares.

Having said that, it’s profitable no doubt.

Fastest gold making tip

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tallis.5607


The most important thing about making fast gold on the TP is not to tell anyone how exactly you do it.

It’s simple as that. Take the post above me as an example – within 2 minutes this method will be gone.

I agree that any method fails if it is explained here.

But not the gem one. There is no way that this will fail, even if all 1,100 people that read this post do it.

People will have more and more money in this game. And these people will buy gem-store items that they want (like vault slots and inventory slots), alot of them with gold-bought gems, even at higher gems prices. It is a 100% safe investement (unless Anet suddenly disides to lower gems prices, but that would be against their own interests).

It takes time to make money with gems, because gem prices have to rise 30% before you profit, but it is a safe way.

Tallis – Perpetual newbie – Tarnished Coast.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.