[Feedback] Selling at the new trading post
- Please fix the bug where it eats 231 of my stack of 250 silver that I want to sell
- Where are all the old items I was selling? i.e. at least 2 pages of thick leather sections – I don’t see them in my current transactions.
- Please put the “Match your current selling price” option back
There are lots and lots of things wrong with the new trading post buy/sell procedures.
The default is not to buy something, but to place an order for something. I wonder how many people actually want to place an order when they click “Buy” in the trading post, compared to the number of people that actually want to…..well, buy something. When I’m in a hurry and need food in WvW, I open the trading post, click “Buy Items,” select the food, click the button…and place an order. Not good.
When I DO click the top item in “current sellers,” I cannot buy more than the top seller is selling without increasing the amount that I want to pay manually. “Increase your price to purchase more?” Why? Why do I manually have to enter what I want to pay for items, when I can see that they are for sale at a price, and I want to buy them at that price? Why can’t I just scroll my quantity up to how many I want, see what I have to pay, and click buy? Instead, I have to tell the trading post what I WILL pay first?
“Increase your quantity to buy at this price?” Buy at what price? The total price? No. The max. price? No. What exactly does “increase your quantity to buy at this price” mean? And why would I want to buy at a certain price? Why can’t I increase the quantity to what I want, and then see what the price is? You don’t go into a grocery store saying, “I want to buy garlic, but I’m not going to pay more than xxx for it.” You especially don’t go into the grocery store saying, “I want to buy 200 cloves of garlic, and I don’t want to pay more than 89 cents per clove, so that’s….$178. Yeah, I’m not going to pay more than $178 for 200 cloves of garlic.”
No, you look for the price of garlic, and then decide how many you’d like to buy. What is “max price?” Why do I have to set the maximum amount that I will pay for all of the items I want to buy BEFORE I select them to buy? Who wants to calculate that anyway? I’m sure everyone is scrolling max price up to something ridiculous, just so they can select the quantity they want, and then see if they want to pay the “Total Price.”
After I buy something, I get a big yellow box that tells me that I can pick up my item at a Black Lion merchant. That is very useful information….the first 100 times. After buying 50,000 items, I know where to pick it up. A big yellow box, covering up everything, to tell me something that I already know, that I have to click through, isn’t very useful.
Incidentally, on that big yellow box, there is a “CLOSE” and “OK” button. The OK button takes me back to the same buying window, where I can buy more if…..what? If I bought the wrong amount? I’d just wind up closing that window, which is what the close button does.
It is possible to see a list of items that are contained in a backpack, without that backpack being highlighted. This is confusing.
Usually I’m selling one of something. The only things I care about are: 1) What is the highest price that I can get for it right now, and 2) what is the lowest price that it’s being sold for? I can place a price somewhere in that spread if I want to, or I can just get rid of it instantly. I don’t need to know that if 13,456 of them are sold, then I can get 2 more copper for it. I don’t need to know the lowest price that the first ten thousand of them are being sold for, and then the price that the next ten thousand are being sold for, ad infinitum. Just let me scroll up the quantity, see what I can get for it, see what price I have to beat to get rid of it first, and sell. Every buyer and seller of every quantity at every price is just a waste of screen real estate and is confusing.
I used to be able to sell an item, then click another item and click to sell it, then click another item and click to sell it. Now I have to open a open a backpack, click to sell, click a button on a big yellow box, open another backpack, click to sell, click on a button on a big yellow box, etc.
The backpack selection feature isn’t a good one. If the Black Lion layout was identical to the inventory layout, maybe. But it’s a vertical list that you have to compare to a horizontal list, so trying to break things down by backpack isn’t really useful. I’d rather just have a long, alphabetized list of things in my inventory that I can scroll through. I know, I can turn the backpack filter off and then click to alphabetize the list, but that’s a bit cumbersome.
There are quite a few other things that are just plain confusing or not useful at all (“ordering 1, 0 others?” a check box next to “buying 2/2” and a minus sign next to “buying 3 of 1075?”)
Maybe I’ll get used to it. But maybe, just maybe, it could be a lot better. In the meantime, I’m getting tired of placing orders when I expect to buy.
This is really long, but it’s correct. My biggest beef is having the “wrong” choice selected when buying and selling (ie, I want to match lowest seller when selling, but buy instantly when buying)
I’d like to be able to adjust the settings for the Buy and Sell sections of the new version of the BLT. Specifically, I am not seeing all of the offers listed. I know I am selling items for a price that are not shown on the “Sell” list. I prefer to see the full range on both the Sell and Buy lists so I can gauge what price I want to sell and what price I want to offer on a purchase.
The logic behind the original settings of the new TP was to raise the high bid and lower the low sell price and at the same time make and save more coin for the player. If you could have sold something for 50s but instead you sell it immediately for 40s, that’s 10s (well 8.5s after fees and taxes) that you are chucking and conversely if you are buying something for 50s that you could have bought for 40s that’s 10s you are throwing away. The only cost is to be patient.
Now they’ve changed selling to default to high bidder from low seller because of the outcry.
Filtering quantity by price first is another change, mainly to protect a buyer from times where the price suddenly increases. That’s why max price is there. It won’t let you buy quantity X unless X is less than your max price limit.
So what we need are settings on the TP which include the follow, please add in any others you think is necessary.
Default Sell price – high bid or low sell
Default Buy Price – high bid or low sell
Order Priority – Price or Quantity
Auto Bid Generation – Yes/No – This means if you sell more to high bid than high bid wants, you get an sell order for the remainder at that price. Right now I think you can only sell the quantity the high bid wants. It doesn’t generate a sale order or continue to sell to the next highest bid until the quantity you are selling is gone.
RIP City of Heroes
- Please fix the bug where it eats 231 of my stack of 250 silver that I want to sell
- Where are all the old items I was selling? i.e. at least 2 pages of thick leather sections – I don’t see them in my current transactions.
- Please put the “Match your current selling price” option back
I really miss “Match your current selling price”(Match your current listing) option too. Currently we have to find our older listing and match its price manually. It may not look that important, but lowers ease of usage of the TP dramatically. The new TP needs the old TP’s iconic features. It needs to add to the old one.
And I agree with you guys, saveable preferences would be good. I always sell high priced ones or rares first from my inventory. So when I try to sell, I always have to click price button 2 times to set it to “order by price, decreasing” setting. But as mentioned above, we have to set more things manually now, which lowers ease of use.
Matching lowest seller/Highest bidder by default can be an option at preferences menu. For example I always match lowest seller and sell at maximum quantity.
I need to set them manually everytime.
At least “Match lowest seller” and “Match your current listing” buttons were good for fast listing. Especially in situations I described in my first post.
(edited by Umut.5471)
I can’t see any of the stuff I was selling on the trading post before 9 days ago.
Did my items all magically disappear?
Has this beautiful new Trading Post (thanks for that, but…) been a massive item/gold sink or do my items still exist somewhere?