Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aguri.2896


I noticed today that the flame kissed light armor set is no longer available in the gemstore. Why?

I was going to buy one but I couldn’t afford it at the time because I had just bought gems. It was one of the few skins that actually fit an asura perfectly, even better than one of their own cultural armors. It even accounted for the toes! I was very happy to see armor like that finally made available to us ignored races…

I’m only here because sometimes I just like to watch things burn.

(edited by Aguri.2896)

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: dietzero.3514


They removed it because their trial at getting quick bucks from cultural armour blew up in their faces.


Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Liz.5921


I’m glad it’s no longer in there. That was the worst reskin idea ever. Why would you want human light cultural T3 if you aren’t a human? That is beyond me…

Veliya Elyse of [ARES]
Human Elementalist <3
Dragonbrand U.S.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Biggabrudda.3641


Ok I have a few problems with some of the arguments I’ve been seeing about this matter.

First, I somehow find myself doubting NEARLY so many people would have complained if this armor had been, say, a reskin of Asuran Savant armor. The only thing I see behind this trouble is a bunch of players with human characters complaining about “their” cultural skin.

Second, it was already a well done skin that worked on charr and asura that accounted for both body types. All ANet is doing here is making more work for themselves.

Third, need I remind anyone that this particular armor skin is ALREADY in use by an Asuran npc? (Namely Councillor Flax)

Fourth, I would like to make the point that there is another way ANet could have made this matter fair. They could have done similar reskinning on other races’ cultural armor with other themes like frost or energy. I view this as both the player base AND ANet missing out on a perfectly good opportunity.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I’m glad it’s no longer in there. That was the worst reskin idea ever. Why would you want human light cultural T3 if you aren’t a human? That is beyond me…

Because, like in the real world, I don’t give a flip about someone’s labels. I choose what I like because… idk, I like it! It’s called having freedom and choice. A better question is why do you like restricting others and taking things away from them they would like???

I’m for putting all cultural armor on the TP and ending this nonsense.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Electro.4173


Ok I have a few problems with some of the arguments I’ve been seeing about this matter.

First, I somehow find myself doubting NEARLY so many people would have complained if this armor had been, say, a reskin of Asuran Savant armor. The only thing I see behind this trouble is a bunch of players with human characters complaining about “their” cultural skin.

Second, it was already a well done skin that worked on charr and asura that accounted for both body types. All ANet is doing here is making more work for themselves.

Third, need I remind anyone that this particular armor skin is ALREADY in use by an Asuran npc? (Namely Councillor Flax)

Fourth, I would like to make the point that there is another way ANet could have made this matter fair. They could have done similar reskinning on other races’ cultural armor with other themes like frost or energy. I view this as both the player base AND ANet missing out on a perfectly good opportunity.

I do not play a human character. I never will play a human character. I was kitten ed about the choice to make a cultural armor piece into something for all players / races regardless, though. Cultural armor is one of the few things that’s race exclusive in the game, it needs to stay that way. Plus, its a major slap in the face to anyone who spent the extremely high price to get said T3 cultural armor only to turn around and have it offered cheaper to everyone else in the Gem Store (even converting gold). “Making it fair” by doing the same with other cultural armor sets would just mean slapping every other player in the face on top of it. Not a good plan.

I’d heavily argue against it “working” on Charr considering it has the same clipping and stretching issues most armor does. I guess it depends on your definition of “works well”.

NPCs use armor players can’t all the time. They use skills players can’t use. They use weapon combinations players can’t use. Basing anything off of NPCs is a bad idea.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tashiro Kurosawa.7481

Tashiro Kurosawa.7481

Personally, I didn’t mind the flamekissed skin. My sister is actually really disappointed that it got taken out, she was planning on getting it at the end of the week. :\ Sure, so what if it was a reskinned and updated cultural armour? Nobody was twisting any arms to force people to buy it – if you liked it, you could get it. If you didn’t? Don’t buy it.

Seriously, I think some people have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement. The light (and the heavy, actually) were visually stunning, I really liked them. I wasn’t going to get them, since they didn’t suit my ‘theme’, but my sister was all over the light armour, and looking forward to picking it up as somewhat of a Christmas gift for herself. Ah well.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: dietzero.3514


Personally, I didn’t mind the flamekissed skin. My sister is actually really disappointed that it got taken out, she was planning on getting it at the end of the week. :\ Sure, so what if it was a reskinned and updated cultural armour? Nobody was twisting any arms to force people to buy it – if you liked it, you could get it. If you didn’t? Don’t buy it.

Seriously, I think some people have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement. The light (and the heavy, actually) were visually stunning, I really liked them. I wasn’t going to get them, since they didn’t suit my ‘theme’, but my sister was all over the light armour, and looking forward to picking it up as somewhat of a Christmas gift for herself. Ah well.

Your post failed the moment you mentioned ‘entitlement’. It has become a buzzword for the ignorant.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Personally, I didn’t mind the flamekissed skin. My sister is actually really disappointed that it got taken out, she was planning on getting it at the end of the week. :\ Sure, so what if it was a reskinned and updated cultural armour? Nobody was twisting any arms to force people to buy it – if you liked it, you could get it. If you didn’t? Don’t buy it.

Seriously, I think some people have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement. The light (and the heavy, actually) were visually stunning, I really liked them. I wasn’t going to get them, since they didn’t suit my ‘theme’, but my sister was all over the light armour, and looking forward to picking it up as somewhat of a Christmas gift for herself. Ah well.

For one how is this over developed sense of entitlement? Entitlement is the fact of having a right to something, people being upset about the Flamekissed armor is not them being entitled to it, they were upset over the fact of it being a T3 cultural item with particle effects that any race and player can achieve with minimal effort and cost.

The players complaining about the removal of the item have a sense of entitlement, since they believe they should have access to it even if tthey do not meet the requirements for it I.e. being Human race, to obtain something Exclusive to being Human.

So before you start spouting of words you do not know the definition to and have no real argument to the fact, I would sit back and actually see why people are mad and consider what made them that way.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Scizzor.8137


Personally, I didn’t mind the flamekissed skin. My sister is actually really disappointed that it got taken out, she was planning on getting it at the end of the week. :\ Sure, so what if it was a reskinned and updated cultural armour? Nobody was twisting any arms to force people to buy it – if you liked it, you could get it. If you didn’t? Don’t buy it.

Seriously, I think some people have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement. The light (and the heavy, actually) were visually stunning, I really liked them. I wasn’t going to get them, since they didn’t suit my ‘theme’, but my sister was all over the light armour, and looking forward to picking it up as somewhat of a Christmas gift for herself. Ah well.

Throwing my 2 cents in.

I completely agree with people who are upset about the light armor. They remade a t3 cultural armor by adding a few special effects. What’s the point of cultural armor if every cultural has access to it? Fail number 1.

T3 isn’t prestige anymore (if it ever was considered as such… since you could just buy it by converting gems to gold). The real kicker is it’s actually much cheaper (if you figure you have to transmute the one in-game and the one from the gemstore you don’t) to purchase from gemstore than the original in-game. To top it all off, the one in the gemstore has special effects added. Nothing like throwing anyone who bought the T3 in the mud. Fail number 2.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mister Stygian.2135

Mister Stygian.2135

The right thing to do would have been thinking for 2 minutes about what they were doing when they added this skin; they did the only thing they could do at this point by removing it. There was no way for them to look good when they released and there is no way to make everyone happy now. Their best bet would be to pull all three, actually make meshes that are unique and update all of these armor sets. Even though I was offended most by the T3, they are all horribly lazy and can only be viewed as quick cash grab. The medium skin has messed up the original version of the armor and your coat is no longer visible between your legs from the front. I don’t know of a heavy problem, but if you are going to make the effort to redo one(hopefully such a good job that you will please the people that bought it) you should make the effort for all three.

Speaking of armor and cultural armor, please fix T2 norn light wich has messed up your arm tattoos and your arm clips through the other sleave, a complaint I made the first month of the game that has never been addressed.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tashiro Kurosawa.7481

Tashiro Kurosawa.7481

I don’t see any cultural armour as protected indefinitely – if the armour suits some plan that they have, sure, why not? It costs 600-800 gems to get, or it costs 100 gold. If ArenaNet wants to use some armour for a new skin, I think they’re fully within their rights to do it, and if I don’t like the reskin, I simply won’t buy it. For example, the medium armour? Not the right style for my character, so I won’t buy it – I haven’t purchased any of the armours in the gem store for my character. (Though I think my sister purchased two for her warrior, and two for her mesmer… she’s like that). It’s only a ‘quick cash grab’ if someone actually buys it – and if they buy it, hey – that’s their decision. Their money.

As for entitlement – yes, I think I used it correctly. Or, to put it a different way – ArenaNet has the right to make whatever decisions they make. We, as players, do NOT have the right to dictate what they can and cannot do with their game. If we don’t like it, we have two choices: 1) Don’t give them money for the choices they’ve made, or 2) Don’t play. Is a suit of clothing worth not playing? I don’t think so. Is it worth not giving them money for it? Certainly. It doesn’t ‘break’ the game in any way, shape, or form. That ArenaNet actually took it out of the store to change speaks volumes about them as a company (in a positive way), but that they felt that had to, in my mind, speaks volumes about certain people who are playing the game (in a negative way).

If I had to complain, it would be that pretty much every outfit and every armour to come out of the gem store is humanocentric. I can think of, specifically, one armour that isn’t – it’s norn. I’d love to see sylvari, or asuran, or charr, but it really hasn’t happened yet. However, I also don’t see it as my place to complain profusely to ArenaNet about it, or get angry about it. I figure, they’ll do it when they’ll do it, and I’m willing to wait. This flame set isn’t my thing, and I’m more than willing to just let it go by, and wait for a new set.

I really don’t see the cultural armour as a ‘protected’ class. They may even phase them out some time, and replace them with new ones, who knows? I just really think that the outrage over this was completely unnecessary.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Again entitlement is the fact of having a right to something, people complaining about Arena net taking a item set they said was exclusive to a certain race and making it available to every race is not an example entitlement, an example of entitlement are ppeople saying that since they just play the game and saying they have the right to that exclusive item set on a character that is not the race it is exclusive to.

(edited by BlaqueFyre.5678)

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chrono.6928


They removed it because their trial at getting quick bucks from cultural armour blew up in their faces.


Well now its just made the other side angry too so removing it is blowing up in their face too.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: mXz.4512


They removed it because their trial at getting quick bucks from cultural armour blew up in their faces.


Well now its just made the other side angry too so removing it is blowing up in their face too.

Only they aren’t also ruining the game at the same time and are actively trying to fix/amend things for everyone. So just wait ’n see what they come up with.

Yes I’m a vet, yes I’m salty. Problem?

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Again entitlement is the fact of having a right to something, people complaining about Arena net taking a item set they said was exclusive to a certain race and making it available to every race is not an example entitlement, an example of entitlement are ppeople saying that since they just play the game and saying they have the right to that exclusive item set on a character that is not the race it is exclusive to.

Actually, those that bought the item are entitled to it. Entitlement, despite its use by a certain segment of the political spectrum as such, is not a negative word. What you’re looking for is the phrase a “misplaced sense of entitlement” and that doesn’t apply to people who purchased something and are entitled to have it or entitled to be compensated for it in a way they feel is appropriate, not one dictated to them.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Again entitlement is the fact of having a right to something, people complaining about Arena net taking a item set they said was exclusive to a certain race and making it available to every race is not an example entitlement, an example of entitlement are ppeople saying that since they just play the game and saying they have the right to that exclusive item set on a character that is not the race it is exclusive to.

Actually, those that bought the item are entitled to it. Entitlement, despite its use by a certain segment of the political spectrum as such, is not a negative word. What you’re looking for is the phrase a “misplaced sense of entitlement” and that doesn’t apply to people who purchased something and are entitled to have it or entitled to be compensated for it in a way they feel is appropriate, not one dictated to them.

I was referring to the person’s initial statement, where he was saying misplaced sense of entitlement when referring to the people who were complaining about the release of cultural T3 being available to everyone, and then he tried changing how he was using the term. I’m not referring to the people who have already purchased the gear

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tamara Lain.8047

Tamara Lain.8047

I lamented a long time about getting this armor, because it does look so much like the cultural pieces, only better. I finally decided I would never have enough time to get the cultural pieces, so I got this instead, and became happier with my purchase every time I played that character. It saddens me that I won’t get to keep it, and sours me on the gem store a bit, as this is not the first item I have bought to only later have it changed. (Harvesting Tools anyone?) Personally I think anet should let those that bought the item keep it, and make the new skin available as a choice. Admit their mistake sure, make it better, sure, but don’t punish those that put down their hard earned cash. I bought an item digital or not I should be allowed to keep it. If you bought dress and later the designer said " Oh this looks to much like one of our other dresses" Can they come to your house & take it away? No. Same thing applies here.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I lamented a long time about getting this armor, because it does look so much like the cultural pieces, only better. I finally decided I would never have enough time to get the cultural pieces, so I got this instead, and became happier with my purchase every time I played that character. It saddens me that I won’t get to keep it, and sours me on the gem store a bit, as this is not the first item I have bought to only later have it changed. (Harvesting Tools anyone?) Personally I think anet should let those that bought the item keep it, and make the new skin available as a choice. Admit their mistake sure, make it better, sure, but don’t punish those that put down their hard earned cash. I bought an item digital or not I should be allowed to keep it. If you bought dress and later the designer said " Oh this looks to much like one of our other dresses" Can they come to your house & take it away? No. Same thing applies here.

Why you make a point, another point is coding. Like the harvesting tools, if they re-release something and recode it for “account bound” it’ll make all the older ones “account bound”. Unless they released the new ‘Flamekissed’ set as a brand new armor completely separate from the coding of the current, I don’t see how they could pull it off.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Well I’m particularly upset I won’t get to keep mine, and more upset that just because people started ranting, I now have to lose something I paid actual money for… I like my Flamekissed set the way it is currently. Was it a mistake on the the part of Anet to release an outfit that is a direct redesign of a cultural armor set (and an incredibly popular one at that)? Maybe… Do human player have a right to be angry that this set negates all their hard work getting the actual legit article (though apparently the opinions of those of us that actually like it mean nothing)? Maybe… But is it right that I have to lose something I bought because of either one of these two things? No, no it’s not.

So I guess since I’m literally being forced to accept this new outfit redesign, it better be good. I should still be granted the choice on rather I want to swap it over to the new look or not, though.


Why you make a point, another point is coding. Like the harvesting tools, if they re-release something and recode it for “account bound” it’ll make all the older ones “account bound”. Unless they released the new ‘Flamekissed’ set as a brand new armor completely separate from the coding of the current, I don’t see how they could pull it off.

Not to derail this thread or anything, but fyi, the old unlimited gathering tools set DID NOT update with the release of the newer models. See pic provided.


Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Thought they did. My bad. Never got them so I just heard the complaints from sidelines. At least they are willing to refund the gems if you don’t like it <_>

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Donari.5237


The tools did update. You just have to move them to inventory and visit an NPC to swap them out.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KStudios.2850


The tools did update. You just have to move them to inventory and visit an NPC to swap them out.

PM me details please? =P

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KStudios.2850


I actually do have an idea/suggestion for this… and hear me out here. Why not just bring back elementalist Elite Sunspear armor from Guild Wars? Reasons why, as follows:

1. Was the number one armor purchased/worn by elementalists in GW. You literally were not considered an elementalist of any real worth at all unless you had this. So it was popular, and easily could be again if tweaked and added here.
2. It’s not inherently so different from the current Flamekissed design, yet different enough that the T3 human cultural lovers should have few qualms with it.
3. Nostalgia of epic proportions… Nuff said.
4. It’s not necessarily lore breaking in that Sunspears likely fled to Kryta during Palawa Joko’s seizing of power in Elona. If anything, we should actually being seeing far more cultural diversity within the armors already in the game. Considering that Many Canthans fled to Kryta as well, and thus the rich mixture of cultural diversity within Kryta’s various peoples.

These four reasons, and the fact that for one, they’d sell like hotcakes. All the more reason for Anet to support this.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tamara Lain.8047

Tamara Lain.8047

Well I’m particularly upset I won’t get to keep mine, and more upset that just because people started ranting, I now have to lose something I paid actual money for… I like my Flamekissed set the way it is currently. Was it a mistake on the the part of Anet to release an outfit that is a direct redesign of a cultural armor set (and an incredibly popular one at that)? Maybe… Do human player have a right to be angry that this set negates all their hard work getting the actual legit article (though apparently the opinions of those of us that actually like it mean nothing)? Maybe… But is it right that I have to lose something I bought because of either one of these two things? No, no it’s not.

So I guess since I’m literally being forced to accept this new outfit redesign, it better be good. I should still be granted the choice on rather I want to swap it over to the new look or not, though.


Why you make a point, another point is coding. Like the harvesting tools, if they re-release something and recode it for “account bound” it’ll make all the older ones “account bound”. Unless they released the new ‘Flamekissed’ set as a brand new armor completely separate from the coding of the current, I don’t see how they could pull it off.

Not to derail this thread or anything, but fyi, the old unlimited gathering tools set DID NOT update with the release of the newer models. See pic provided.

I couldn’t agree more & with the one addition. It’s gem store purchases that provide a revenue stream from players that already own the game. By taking away something already purchased Anet risk (particularly in my case) whether these users will want to gamble their money on an aesthetic they find pleasing, knowing that anet may at any moment decide to redesign it, without asking their approval. At least with the harvesting tools I could keep my set with the animations I liked or trade them for account bound set with animations I did not like so much. I chose to buy a second set for my other characters and keep my original set for my main, thus Anet got another hunk of cash out of me. but I am really beginning to wonder if I should continue to make gem store purchases. I want to support the game I love, but I feel ripped off.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Donari.5237


A slight aside, what made you think you’d lose the tool animations? I have at least one of every tool and they all swapped to account bound with ease. You just need them in inventory when you talk to a Black Lion Weapon Specialist and boom, they get swapped in a quick dialogue. The animations remain the same.

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tamara Lain.8047

Tamara Lain.8047

A slight aside, what made you think you’d lose the tool animations? I have at least one of every tool and they all swapped to account bound with ease. You just need them in inventory when you talk to a Black Lion Weapon Specialist and boom, they get swapped in a quick dialogue. The animations remain the same.

Everyone I saw with the new tool set had the new animations. I didn’t see anything that said I would retain the old animations, only that I could swap them for the new tool set. That is unfortunate because I now have 2 sets. I believe this is still a failure on Anets part to properly communicate what I would receive in exchange.