Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DivineBuddha.1589


After reading alot of the hate The Flamekissed armor got I got to thinking about Anets situation and how they could really make a good change to the game. But first I want everybody to know I understand why your mad at it but at the same time think its a little silly what they should do is remove all the flame armor at the moment and redesign it the Medium and heavy look awful the light was the only good one.Now for the idea I have what if Anet were to start making all the Cultural Armor like that but through the Mystic forge and by that I mean you buy the original Cultural Armor you want then go to The Mystic Forge Then By adding the piece of Armor you want, 5 Ectos, 5 Lode Stones of your choosing, and 50 Thermocatalytic Reagent could change the armor piece to look Fiery,Icy,Electric,Corrupted ,ect and only have that on the Cultural t3 armor for all the races I think this would make the game alot more interesting and people could have a cool look with a little effort. I know this may seem like a big project for ANet but they have put out alot of big projects before and pretty fast at that what do you guys think Id like to hear what you have to say about my Idea and upvote so Anet can see if you like it.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: neytiri.9105


I too would like to infuse the armor with different elemental effects.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: beein.9210


What a great idea.
I would not mind if they added new gem store item as one of ingredient.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


I was thinking along the same lines earlier today. And I wouldn’t mind if a part of that “skin update” was a gem store item either.

(though I might get that heavy armour skin, because I love that armour on my guardian…)

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wanze.8410


After reading alot of the hate The Flamekissed armor got I got to thinking about Anets situation and how they could really make a good change to the game. But first I want everybody to know I understand why your mad at it but at the same time think its a little silly what they should do is remove all the flame armor at the moment and redesign it the Medium and heavy look awful the light was the only good one.Now for the idea I have what if Anet were to start making all the Cultural Armor like that but through the Mystic forge and by that I mean you buy the original Cultural Armor you want then go to The Mystic Forge Then By adding the piece of Armor you want, 5 Ectos, 5 Lode Stones of your choosing, and 50 Thermocatalytic Reagent could change the armor piece to look Fiery,Icy,Electric,Corrupted ,ect and only have that on the Cultural t3 armor for all the races I think this would make the game alot more interesting and people could have a cool look with a little effort. I know this may seem like a big project for ANet but they have put out alot of big projects before and pretty fast at that what do you guys think Id like to hear what you have to say about my Idea and upvote so Anet can see if you like it.

- 5 Races
- 3 armor types
- 6 armor pieces
- 7 different Lodestones

630 different armor pieces need to be designed.

Not gonna happen, without Gems being involved in the aquisition.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: neytiri.9105


Yes, but I agree to use Gems to get these effects.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LordByron.8369


- 5 Races
- 3 armor types
- 6 armor pieces
- 7 different Lodestones

630 different armor pieces need to be designed.

Not gonna happen, without Gems being involved in the aquisition.

Its totally not how it works….
Do you think they designed a character for each race/gender/hairstyle/height etc etc etc….?

Its the same for armor…at most they are 10.

They should offer a gemstop item to add flames to T3 at least….

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ykfox.3825


- 5 Races
- 3 armor types
- 6 armor pieces
- 7 different Lodestones

630 different armor pieces need to be designed.

Not gonna happen, without Gems being involved in the aquisition.

Its totally not how it works….
Do you think they designed a character for each race/gender/hairstyle/height etc etc etc….?

Its the same for armor…at most they are 10.

They should offer a gemstop item to add flames to T3 at least….

Actually, he was entirely correct.

There are 5 races currently, each race has 3 types of armor, (Light, Medium, Heavy), each type of armor has 6 pieces, and if the implementation was such that lodestones were used to change the armor, there are 7 types of Lodestones. (although they could easily release only one set at a time, in theory. IE fire, frost, etc.

So 5 x 3 =15, 15 x 6 = 90, so for each ‘Element’, ie Fire, etc they’d have to do 90 pieces of armor. IF they were changing each piece.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LordByron.8369


I hope you don t believe They work on each singularly ….. ._.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wanze.8410


- 5 Races
- 3 armor types
- 6 armor pieces
- 7 different Lodestones

630 different armor pieces need to be designed.

Not gonna happen, without Gems being involved in the aquisition.

Its totally not how it works….
Do you think they designed a character for each race/gender/hairstyle/height etc etc etc….?

Its the same for armor…at most they are 10.

They should offer a gemstop item to add flames to T3 at least….

Oh, thanks, i forgot gender, so its 1260 new armor pieces.

This is entirely how it works, as every new item needs a seperate item code and design.

Race has to be differed as it is cultural, height and hairstyle has nothing to do with it, though.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: shadowblazer.5742


- 5 Races
- 3 armor types
- 6 armor pieces
- 7 different Lodestones

630 different armor pieces need to be designed.

Not gonna happen, without Gems being involved in the aquisition.

Its totally not how it works….
Do you think they designed a character for each race/gender/hairstyle/height etc etc etc….?

Its the same for armor…at most they are 10.

They should offer a gemstop item to add flames to T3 at least….

Oh, thanks, i forgot gender, so its 1260 new armor pieces.

This is entirely how it works, as every new item needs a seperate item code and design.

Race has to be differed as it is cultural, height and hairstyle has nothing to do with it, though.

i like how you people think every race can wear every cultural armor….

i mean have you even played this game? at all? all your numbers are wrong and frankly you just look stupid when you make up these numbers without even knowing anything about it

humans can only wear human cultural

charr only charr

norn only norn

all they have to do it update the models for existing ones to add ice spikes for corrupted ect ect for each one, not “1260 new armor pieces”

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rinbox.2570


After reading alot of the hate The Flamekissed armor got I got to thinking about Anets situation and how they could really make a good change to the game. But first I want everybody to know I understand why your mad at it but at the same time think its a little silly what they should do is remove all the flame armor at the moment and redesign it the Medium and heavy look awful the light was the only good one.Now for the idea I have what if Anet were to start making all the Cultural Armor like that but through the Mystic forge and by that I mean you buy the original Cultural Armor you want then go to The Mystic Forge Then By adding the piece of Armor you want, 5 Ectos, 5 Lode Stones of your choosing, and 50 Thermocatalytic Reagent could change the armor piece to look Fiery,Icy,Electric,Corrupted ,ect and only have that on the Cultural t3 armor for all the races I think this would make the game alot more interesting and people could have a cool look with a little effort. I know this may seem like a big project for ANet but they have put out alot of big projects before and pretty fast at that what do you guys think Id like to hear what you have to say about my Idea and upvote so Anet can see if you like it.

First off i think this idea is great! One thing i miss from other MMO’s is changing the look of your gear to add neat effects like this. However i think your idea of limiting this to cultural armor would be a huge mistake. If they brought something like this out it would need to apply to every single armor set they have. The reason being you would literally see every player in the game wearing cultural armor with a different slew of effects. The point of their skin system is so you can create any look from any variation that you want to make completely unique looking characters. I think that would still need to hold true in this case. It would add a whole new level of customization though which i think would be awesome

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


What a great idea.
I would not mind if they added new gem store item as one of ingredient.

That would be really awesome, would keep people happy and make Anet some money, too!

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DeShadowWolf.6854


Oh, thanks, i forgot gender, so its 1260 new armor pieces.

This is entirely how it works, as every new item needs a seperate item code and design.

Race has to be differed as it is cultural, height and hairstyle has nothing to do with it, though.

Little bit wrong there. Charr and Asura have the same armor for both genders, so it actually comes out to: 1008. A reduction of only 252 pieces, but still, a reduction.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hot Boy.7138

Hot Boy.7138

This is a wonderful idea OP. But there also needs to be a way to change the color of the element on the armor. For example, If you want a fiery armor, you should be able to change the color of the flames. If you want an electrical armor and want red lightning buzzing through your armor then you should have the option to do that.

I bought the Flamekissed set immediately as soon as it came out and I loved it. And after only a few days, I don’t like it so much anymore, because of the flames. I honestly think the original tier 3 is better than the flamekissed because of the flames. I’ve noticed that almost every single person with the flame set, has the EXACT, or almost exact, same color scheme because they need the flames to match the armor. You can’t change the color of the flames, so you have to use dyes to match the flames.

So the armor now looks like a uniform to me, since everyone wearing it, is wearing it the exact same way. Your idea is great and I really hope they begin to implement armor with different elements. I’ve heard people say so many times in the last few days they’re sick of flames on everything. People want to earth armor, lightning, water, wind, shadow, holy, void, etc. Whatever you can think of.

Arenanet, give us more options than un-dyable flames please.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: vonhellsing.2819


One interesting thing is that’s many people said:

“…if arena net will give back your money you don’t lose nothing… "

Yes we’ll lose our skin, we’ll lose confidence in the company, we’ll lose respect from company and with this ARENA NET will lose many people that’s support company every month with MONEY when buy GEMS.

This game is a business, were some people buy a game key a just play, other’s buy a game key and gems every month (this user increase company profit), and know that’s Arena net make a “big mistake” this customer that’s support company every month with our money will be punished.

I believe that’s arena net needs offer other’s solutions to us that’s bought gems to bought FLAME KISSED ARMOR SKIN, than gems back or other changed skin design armor, once we don’t want this.

It’s more fair remove skin and give us a 10k in gold game coin to each user that’s bought armor, why thus amount ? To try give back confidence in game, in company and to remember all staff members that’s they need THINK BEFORE MAKE A MESS with us CUSTOMERS that’s all month put REAL MONEY in this company.

it’s not fair punish us that’s don’t did nothing wrong.

(edited by vonhellsing.2819)

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: vonhellsing.2819


and of course once Armor are modeled by Old Sayid we want a formal apology’s letter from Old Sayid to all users who’s purchased and will lose their armor and to all users of T3.

(edited by vonhellsing.2819)

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: vonhellsing.2819


i opened a ticket on support about this and NOTHING, they don’t give any feedback to ticket or give us any attention.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aly Cat.9415

Aly Cat.9415

i opened a ticket on support about this and NOTHING, they don’t give any feedback to ticket or give us any attention.

That’s a misuse of support. Support is for fixing actual problems that effect playability, not for feedback. It also delays them addressing real support requests. And obviously they pay attention or else they wouldn’t be changing the armor in the first place (even though I don’t agree with the solution) but they don’t have time to respond to everyone individually.

And people wonder why it takes so long to fix bugs when support has to weed through things that aren’t even related to bugs…

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: CrashTestAuto.9108


I had a similar idea, but it included dungeon tokens. Each dungeon giving a different effect:

AC: Blue ghostly.
CM: Golden.
TA: Leaves
SE: Red electric.
CoF: Fkitteneen.
HoW: Frost.
CoE: Electric.
Arah: Dark smoke.

All just light particle effects, as we saw. No major changes between types, but a cool way to “upgrade” and customise your armour through gameplay.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: neytiri.9105


I had a similar idea, but it included dungeon tokens. Each dungeon giving a different effect:

AC: Blue ghostly.
CM: Golden.
TA: Leaves
SE: Red electric.
CoF: Fkitteneen.
HoW: Frost.
CoE: Electric.
Arah: Dark smoke.

All just light particle effects, as we saw. No major changes between types, but a cool way to “upgrade” and customise your armour through gameplay.

Great idea! But as it was said above, too many changes t oarmor set, thus gem store MUST be used in this case

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: CrashTestAuto.9108


I had a similar idea, but it included dungeon tokens. Each dungeon giving a different effect:

AC: Blue ghostly.
CM: Golden.
TA: Leaves
SE: Red electric.
CoF: Fkitteneen.
HoW: Frost.
CoE: Electric.
Arah: Dark smoke.

All just light particle effects, as we saw. No major changes between types, but a cool way to “upgrade” and customise your armour through gameplay.

Great idea! But as it was said above, too many changes t oarmor set, thus gem store MUST be used in this case

Yeah, as I said in another thread. They could maybe have a gem store unlock for the system. So you pay for the unlock, and then that character/account can customise with tokens as many times as they want. Some kind of forge ingredient would also work, but I think the gem store has enough of that with transmutation stones etc.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: vonhellsing.2819


one gm in a ticket said: “…Hello,
Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.
As we stated previously we cannot undo the change that has been made to your skin. We reserve the rights to make changes to the game or it’s skins.
For any further issue we will be glad to assist.
Its clear that’s some users are more important than others in AN, and we that’s expend money in gems to support this game and this company we do not have any importance.
They lesson who’s don’t like new armor, but they don’t want lesson us.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DivineBuddha.1589


Thank you all for the replies guys while I understand 7 different lode stones is alot I was just thinking of Glacial Charged and Molten for the effect but this Idea on Auras that we could make for ourselves sounds fantastic and wouldnt be half as big of a project for Anet and we could get alot more effects around us instead of on the armor

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Grimlock.4102


Oh my,

Having an icy effect on my armor would be amazing. It would fit my blueish color scheme of my characters hair an armor. I think it’s a good idea.

Flamekissed Armor and Anets Unique Situation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I love the idea. It can even be tied to some gem components like mystic stones, but they HAVE TO BE available FOR ALL RACES!