Fused Tokens/Perma BLC item recipes

Fused Tokens/Perma BLC item recipes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jasott.7914



Got a couple questions:
1. Will the Fused Tokens disappear from the BLC tomorrow? (5/12/13)
2. Will we ever see Mystic Forge recipes for the permanent BLC items like the Permanent Bank Access Contract, Permanent Merchant Contract, Permanent Trading Post Pick-up Contact, and Permanent Hair Stylist Contract.

Fused Tokens/Perma BLC item recipes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

This is just my best guess because I haven’t seen anything about these specifically but…

1. The fused tokens will more than likely be removed from the BLC when the f/f stuff is removed from the game as most temporary content has.
2. I don’t see this ever happening, I really couldn’t give you a great reason why, my gut instinct just says no. I think they like to keep those things exclusive to keep a longer lasting allure to opening chests.

Fused Tokens/Perma BLC item recipes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rainzar.6905


according to reddit they are still dropping during the epilogue period, after that guess we will have to wait and see.