Gem Store Styles one use only

Gem Store Styles one use only

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: black.3627


Styles bought from the Gem Store, there should be a special slot on the character sheet to put styles so they can be permanent, like the town outfit IMO. Most other MMO’s that have costumes are done this way.

The way its implemented atm means there a one off waste of money.

I know you can use transmution kits but this is all a bit long winded.

KoS EU Guild

(edited by black.3627)

Gem Store Styles one use only

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lancaeron.1524


I also do not like how the Gem Store styles are one-use only. I think, that once purchased, all characters, on an account, should receive the item in the in-game mail system. Meaning, the styles should have infinite uses, once purchased, and can be retreived by any and all characters, since that style is now yours to keep. I think that these styles should be in a special place, on the character sheet as well, as to avoid mishaps, such as selling armor skins, like in my case with me having accidently sold my Profane light armor skin, to a merchant NPC, after having applied the skin to its respective armor pieces. It shouldn’t have to cost another 500 gems, to get the armor skin back.

Gem Store Styles one use only

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shaman.8532


If they were permanent, they would be much more expensive. 500 gems for a whole awesome set is a good deal, and like you said, you have the option of using transmutation stones.

Not saying that I agree with the current implementation or that I’ll ever buy a set, but I don’t think it’s so bad as you make it sound.

Gem Store Styles one use only

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: illgot.1056


I am not sure if this is a bug but someone posted they could only transmute their gear once with the gemstore set. They tried to transmute it again and couldn’t transfer the look on to a second set.

Gem Store Styles one use only

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Styles bought from the Gem Store, there should be a special slot on the character sheet to put styles so they can be permanent, like the town outfit IMO. Most other MMO’s that have costumes are done this way.

The way its implemented atm means there a one off waste of money.

I completely concur, there should be style SLOTS for each armor choice, and an overall slot for an entire skin if one chooses. As it is now there are some armor bits in game that are common I would like my character to appear as wearing, but I can not and won’t buy transmute stones for that.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Gem Store Styles one use only

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Elle.8064


I am not sure if this is a bug but someone posted they could only transmute their gear once with the gemstore set. They tried to transmute it again and couldn’t transfer the look on to a second set.

If you are unable to transmute new armor with the transmuted/gem store skin more than once, then it’s a bug and should be reported. You can transmute new armor with the stones you get from map completions.

They wouldn’t be able to have each armor piece go to each character because I think each armor type has one armor costume to wear (light, medium, heavy). I wouldn’t be opposed to having a costume area though without having to transmute, but the current system isn’t horrible.

Gem Store Styles one use only

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Coooturtle.3291


You can always transmute them over to a new set. It would be unfair if you bought the set, and had awesome armor for all your characters.

Gem Store Styles one use only

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kaden.3162


i wouldnt call it a waste of money, they are prettykittencheap as well to get and transmutes are super easy to get as well.

no problems with the current system.
if they implemented a costume that let you reuse it say 25 times and increased the price by 10 times, would that be better or would ppl then complain about the price.

Gem Store Styles one use only

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sehson.2930


I will preface this with a simple fact I have not purchased gems so I do not know the GEM=$$$ rate.

But I would say that similar to GW1 the skins or costumes, should be account bound and have a “Vendor” that they can be picked up from at any time (AKA reusable and available to all chars). I mean for those of use With GWEoN, and HoM rewards we have a skin vendor that we can port to and pick them up on any character.

So the mechanics already exist in game.

As for the price I would say that it should be similar to the GW1 price of costumes however that works out in Gems.

Gem Store Styles one use only

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: wolonggong.3469


Its the same reason why next to nobody is running around with Guild Armor…who the heck is going to pay 1,3 or 5 gold for a one time use item that is just going to be replaced…Anet doesnt make much sense with their shop, or some of the game implimnetations…so much potential being missed, so much more money they could be making right now with a better shop and a costume slot/slots…even a costume over armor slot.

Gem Store Styles one use only

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: prenavo.3926


Gotta give ‘em some time. Bug stomping/overall class and content fixing….then work on the the store. I haven’t yet, but fully plan on buying some diamonds with rl cash sometime in the near future. It’s the least I can do to help support an awesome game and help keep the great Anet team pumping out new stuff.

Gem Store Styles one use only

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: urtv.8791


considering anet is owned by ncsoft,one time use costumes arent surprising.look at all the crap they put in the aion store